Authors Note: hey guys I'm writing this story while my other one is being postponed due to lack of organization by me. So yea...this one is another NaruSaku but no harem just strictly NaruSaku so please enjoy and review for grammar problems or things like that. Thanks :D


I do not own nor gain any prophet (besides reviews) from Naruto. All charters owned by Mr. Kishimoto

Chapter 1: The moment to change everything

"So Naruto do I look more womanly now?" asked a slightly blushing Sakura.

"Of course you do Sakura-Chan, I'm not saying you weren't beautiful before but you're a lot more beautifuler now," said Naruto with his trade mark fox grin.

This caught Sakura completely off guard and caused her to blush a bit deeper. "You idiot Naruto beautifuler isn't a word," said Sakura trying to hide her blush

She was expecting something like 'Sakura-Chan you haven't changed at all' or something like that.

The old Naruto wouldn't have said anything like that,' thought Sakura.

And as for a certain white haired, perverted sannin's thoughts…well they were on the lines of were on the lines of 'Yep I taught him well. I'm glad that I actually taught him some good elemental jutsu as well as how to get the ladies.'

Naruto on the other hand was thinking 'Man I hope she liked me saying that and just drops the subject of her for a bit because I really want to go to Ichiraku's so I can get some ramen.'

"Umm…Sakura I don't mean to be rude or anything but I wanna go to Ichiraku for some ramen so I'll talk to you later," he said before waving everyone else off but just then a puff of smoke came and a naked lady with white smoke covering her private parts appeared out of nowhere saying "Sexy Jutsu," and just as sudden as the girl came a boy about the age of 12 or 13 appeared.

"That was a good one huh Big bro?" asked the boy

Naruto then started to chuckle at the boys antics and said

"Heheh I'm not a kid anymore Konohamaru and I don't use those kind of jutsu anymore and you shouldn't either, it's beneath you."

After saying this there was an awkward silence around Naruto. Everyone was thinking along the same lines (except for Jiriya) and that thought was 'what happened to the old Naruto. This one is so much more mature.' And cause of this Sakura's blush was got deeper still.

Then Naruto got into a pumped up stance with fire in his eyes and screamed out at Konohamaru

"Is that all you got! I mean c'mon that move is too weak! Wait until you see my new pervy ninjutsu!"

Jiriya, Kakashi and Konohamaru all perked up at this statement with gleam in their eyes and waited for their pervy genius's new master piece. Sakura though lost all her previous feelings for Naruto and but kept the red on her face though she was only red with anger. But just as she was about to punch the living daylights out of Naruto he said "But I'll show it to you another time cause I wanna go to get some Ramen and with that Naruto disappeared in a swirl of red and black flames.

Everyone (except Jiriya) once again was stunned. 'When did Naruto learn how to do shun-shin,' and also once again Sakura was in a deep blush because Naruto didn't do a stupid thing like do a pervy jutsu in front of a lady. Even though she heard him say that he said he left because of ramen she had a strong suspicion that it had something to do with her as well.

"Ok everyone I suggest we get back to work seeing as that I can\t explain what is to happen right now because Naruto left to get his precious ramen so I will call you when Naruto drop by my office. You are all dismissed," said Tsunade and with that everyone started going their own ways.

At Ichiraku a certain blonde ninja was happily slurping away his ramen.

"So Naruto, now that you are finally back what are you going to do?" said Teuchi the shop owner.

"Well after I go here I'm going to go to granny Tsunade and have a chat then I'm going to buy a better apartment or at least buy it off the original owner," said Naruto

"Looks like your all set"

"I am"

Then Naruto went back to happily slurping his ramen.

"As if forehead!" stated an annoyed Ino

"I'm not kidding Ino! He's so much more mature! Its as if he's a completely different person its amazing," stated Sakura as she leaned over the counter of the Yamanaka's flower shops counter.

"Well I never believe anything until I see so-OH MY GOD! Is that the fourth Hokage?" blurted out Ino as she looked out the window and pointed to a blonde ninja in proper ninja attire. Sakura turned around and smiled at who it was.

"What are you talking about Ino that's Naruto," stated Sakura. Then Ino noticed the whisker marks on the blondes face.

"I'll be damned it really is him," said Ino slightly shocked.

"C'mon Ino lets go say hi," said Sakura as she grabbed Ino's hand and pulled her around the counter to the street.

"Naruto!" called out Sakura waving while practically dragging Ino. Naruto turned around to see Sakura and Ino running towards him.

"Oh hello Sakura-Chan and hello Ino what are you two up to?" he asked politely.

"Oh nothing," replied Sakura


"So Naruto where are you headed?" asked Ino

"Oh, I am going to the Hokage tower I except baa-Chan would like to talk to me,"

"Oh! If you're going now I better go with you," said Sakura "I was told by lady Hokage that when you go to her she would summon us so I might as well go with you right?"

"Sure," Naruto agreed. "And you Ino?"

"Oh me I have to get back to the shop so I'll catch up with you later. Oh and if you're wondering Shikamaru and Choji are in the village so search around you should be able to find them," and with that Ino waved goodbye and walked back to her shop.

"So Sakura-Chan read to go?" Naruto asked.

"Yep, let's go," said Sakura and she started waking to the Hokage tower but was soon swept from her feat and found her self on Naruto's shoulders.

"NARUTO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" yelled a blushing Sakura.

"Sorry Sakura-Chan walking will take forever and I have to do some other things so I want this conversation done as quickly as possible. So we're going to shun shin there," said Naruto, so Naruto made a single hand sign and next they fond themselves in the Hokage's office.

Naruto helped Sakura off his shoulders and placed her gently on the floor.

"Ah. Naruto you're here now. Good. Now we can begin," said the Hokage.

"A hello is always good but I am in a hurry so yeah I suppose we should begin."

Just then Kakashi appeared in a puff of smoke and Jiriya jumped in through the window.

"Well that saves me the trouble of having to summon all of you. Ok we are here to discuss Naruto's future status and team placing."

A/N: Well there you guys have it! the first chapter. Did you enjoy it? if you did review if didn' anyway XD