Ice and Dark

By: mi-chan27

Summary: "Please, promise me that you will never choose death for the one you love. Promise me that you'll live. You'll live to protect them. Please?" – Sakura Mikan.

Disclaimer: you know it already.

Warning: watch out for OOCs, wrong grammars, wrong spellings, missing words and missing letters, ne? -^^-

Introduction of characters

Hyuuga Natsume – the Natsume we know… tsk… arrogant but kind… Has crimson eyes and raven hair. He has always emotionless face.

Nogi Ruka – the kind and shy boy of the group, bestfriend of Natsume, has blonde hair and azure eyes.

Sakura Mikan – the idiot, clumsy girl of the group, loud-mouthed… mou, you name it, has brunette hair and hazel eyes. the most energetic and cheerful in the group.

Imai Hotaru – the girl with stoic face, bestfriend of Mikan, has raven hair and amethyst eyes.

Koizumi Luna – the antagonist… she has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes… she only befriend Mikan to be close to Natsume.

XD I didn't introduce them do much because we all know them already, right? The others will appear but not the story will revolve around the five, ne? so… Let's start now! Please enjoy my newest story!

Ice and Dark


Once upon a time… in a peaceful village… there were five ten-year old childhood friends, two boys and three girls.



The once peaceful village is now NOT in peace anymore.

Baka Baka Baka – were heard after… (haha, I pity the VILLAGE)

"Urusai," two raven haired children, one boy and a girl, said at the same time, with the same emotionless voice. The boy's name is Hyuuga Natsume and the girl is Imai Hotaru.

"But… But… But.. Hotaru… it was his fault," a brunette girl cried. Well, as we all know it IS Sakura Mikan. "MOU! MEANIE! LUNA-CHAN HELP ME!"

Baka! – another shot was heard.

"Mikan-chan, gomen," a strawberry blonde haired girl said. Her name is Koizumi Luna. Suddenly, she squealed. "NATSUME-KUN!"

Well, what can you say? She's already a stupid fan of Natsume at that age. Eew. I hate her. Anyways, on with the story.

Luna clung herself to Natsume's arm. "Let go, BITCH!" Natsume hissed. (OMG! They were only 10 years old and he's using such language? Tch. Bad Natsume.)

"Bitch? What is a bitch?" Mikan asked them cluelessly.

"M-Mi-Mikan-chan, you don't know what is a bitch?" a blonde boy with a bunny in his arms asked. He is Nogi Ruka.

"No," Mikan answered innocently. "Is it an adjective?"

Baka – another shot. But this shot didn't hit Mikan. It was… Natsume.

"Hyuuga, watch out on your languages in front of this idiot," Hotaru said monotonously. "That kind of languages is not for her, understand?"

Natsume just grunted and nodded, he didn't want another shot, did he? ^^

Meanwhile, Luna was so furious. They are ignoring her and Natsume called her bitch.

"Mou… Natsume-kun," Luna called trying to get their attention. Well, she succeeded, though not the way she wanted. Natsume, Hotaru AND RUKA (OOC!) glared at her while Mikan just look at her innocently. "Ah, hehe," Luna laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head, "Anyways, Ruka-kun…" and now… she flirted on Ruka, grr, such a bitch.

Baka baka baka – Hotaru can't take it anymore so she shot Luna.

Actually, the three didn't want nor liked Luna from the start. They only allowed her to join in their group because of our dear Mikan. But they know that they need to protect Mikan from her because they think that she's the type of person you shouldn't trust. And guess what? They're right. Haha.

"Whatever," Natsume said.

"WHO WANTS SOME ICE CREAM AND HOWALONS?" Mikan shouted. "ME!" she answered to herself. "LET'S GO BUY SOMEEE!" she screamed on top of her lungs and run.

"Baka," the four said to themselves.

"Let's go and follow that idiot," Natsume said.

"Yeah, Mikan-chan might get lost," Ruka agreed.

"What are you saying? You guys lived here since birth so why would she get lost in here?" Luna asked with irritated voice.

"Shut up," Hotaru hissed. "Get lost. We never wanted you in here anyways."

"HOTARU! NATSUME-KUN! RUKA-PYON! HELP!" a voice called, I mean SHOUTED… in panic.

The three sighed. As expected, Mikan got lost. Luckily, her genius friend put some tracking device on her clothes.

The three went to where the tracking device pointing. There they found her in the woods. (How the hell did she end in there? Haha. –sweatdrop-) She was there. Crying. The three can't do anything but sigh.

Mikan noticed them and smiled a bright smile.

"Hotaru! Natsume! Ruka! You found me! Thank goodness," she cheered and ran to them and hugged the three. "I thought… I thought… I thought that… I will die in here and will never ever have the chance to see you guys again… arigato… arigato…" she cried. A vein popped out of Natsume and Hotaru's head while Ruka only sigh.




"That will never happen, Polka," Natsume said.

"Thank you guys," Mikan thanked them. Again.

"Whatever baka, let's go and buy what you wanted," Hotaru said.

"Yeah, they're right so stop crying, ne, Mikan?" Ruka said.

"Yeah!" Mikan beamed.

Sigh. The three only sighed. Don't you think they always sigh? Hehe. Want to know why?

Well, who wouldn't?

Imagine that it always happen every day. Mikan will shout about Natsume being a pervert. Hotaru will shoot her. Mikan will get lost. They'll find her and she'll thank the three because they found her.

Same time, same situation, every day. And what's worse?

Same lines. Haha

But what they didn't know is that one person is watching them behind a tree not that far from them with jealous emotion filled in her eyes.

- end of chapter –

And that's it! Hehe~~

Thank you for reading! I hope that you did enjoy reading it…

Please leave a review ne? PLEASE? PLEASE?

For those who left reviews and added the story 'of love letters and best friends' in their favorites, THANK YOU! I'm so happy.

And also, for those who's waiting for the next chapter of 'perfect girl', don't worry, I'll update it. I'm just thinking on how to make the next chapter… I have so many ideas that I'm confused on how should I start the next chapter. Haha.

And the last one, this story is only for fun. I wrote it for Christmas so I'll complete this before or on Christmas, ne? anyways, my idea in this story was from the story 'ice and dark' (well, you can see on the title) of DN Angel, so it might be familiar for you. But don't worry, I promise you that this story only have the twist.

Add me on Facebook! My account name is Michan Sakura.

That's all.

Thank you, once again.

- michan27