Recap: The girls and their parents got into a fight and heard claking sound in there computers and ipod.

Kami's P.O.V.
I was waken up by a voice, "Good Morning Kami, its 7:00am, Welcome to Tower Prep" I got up and looked around the room.
A girl was at the foot of my bed and she was pretty. She was kinda asian looking nice thin brown hair, and in a inform! EWWW, i cant do informs.
"Umm, who are you and where im i?" I asked "Im Suki, and your in a school called Tower Prep" She said nicely "Umm, yea one question, do i have to wear informs like that?" I asked "Yea" She said laughing.

Kamila P.O.V.
"Good Morning Kamila its 7:00am, Welcome to Tower Prep." A voice said. I got look and saw i wasnt at home, i was at some type of school.
"Where the hell im i?" I said to a girl was looking at me, she had long brown hair brown eyes. She laughed " Your at Tower Prep, Im Cj" She said "Ok,how did i get here?" She didnt answer my question she just turned around.
"Hey, yea, twoshoes! ANSWER MY QUESTION!" I said grabbing her arm. I could see her memories, her in this school, and three other people.
I let go, "Sorry," I said.
"Its ok, but are you ok?" She asked "Im fine just alittle litheaded is all." I said sitting on the bed.
"Ok, well you need to head to class, your schedule this there and school map, youll need to wear the inform, or youll be sent to headmaster." She said "Whatever!" I said looking at the inform in my closet. "Ewww, this is gross!" I said looking at it. She laughed. I got up and put the inform on, and put my hair down and ready for school. "Hey, Cj,"
"My name is Kamila by the way, and wheres my sister?" I asked her.

Kami's P.O.V.
"So,Suki right?" I said as we were walking to the cafeteria.
"I forgot to tell you my name its Kami"
"Nice too meet you" I said shaking her hand. I was her memories, she was at home and i saw her parents fighting and she was watching tv and then buzzing sounds.
"Are you ok Kami?" She asked me "Yea, im fine, i just did something i thought i couldnt." I said "Well, thats what this school is about." She said I looked at her and smiled.
We walked over to the mirowaves on the side of a wall and a voice said "2 sunny side up eggs and a glass of orange juice." "WOW, how does it know my favorite breakfast?" I asked Suki "Just does, you see this school is different from all the other schools." Suki said "Forreal." As we sat down at the table a guy came up to me, he had long black hair and green eyes.
"Hey, im Ray." I smiled "Im Kami" "Hey, you new here cause i never saw you before?"
"Yea." I said "Well maybe ill give a tour later?"
"In your dreams hot shot!" I said rolling my eyes.
Suki laughed. "Hey Ray." "Hey suki" He said He kept looking at me.
Then i heard a voice "Kami?" I turned around "Kamila?" I ran up to her and hugged her.
"Im so glad to see you!" Kamila said "You know her?" The girls next to her said "Yea this is my sister, we are twins." She said "Kami, this is Cj, Cj is this Kami" I Shoke her hand.
I saw her memories too, her in Tower Prep, and Suki was were and 2 other guys.
"Kami, you ok?" Kamila asked "Yea, im fine."
Suki came up to us and i intrducced her to Kamila.
"Suki Kamila, Kamila Suki." They waved at each other.

Two guys came up to us and they were really cute.
"Hey im Ian." We said me as i shoke his hand.
I saw his memories like, him on his computer, an avator talking to him and buzzing sounds.
"You ok?" He asked "Im fine."
"Ian this is Kami and Kamila, they are twins." Suki said "Cool." Ian said looking at me.
"Im Gabe" The other guy said.
"Hey." Both me and Kamila said.
Cj kept looking at me, studying me, so glad she isnt my roomate.
"Ok, ready for class?" Ian said.
I smiled and maybe blush alittle.