A/N: hey people!

Yes. Another story, with more than one chapters.

Sigh. I'm not even going to say anything on this one.


Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Hey." Alfred said turning to his adopted parents Arthur and Francis suddenly. "Who are my and Matt's real parents?"

Arthur froze with his cup of tea halfway to his mouth, Francis dropped his newspaper, and Matthew choked on the food he was eating.

Alfred rolled his eyes and pounded his coughing brother on the back.

"Well? Who are they?"

Arthur and Francis shared a look. Francis carefully straightened the newspaper in front of him until it was wrinkle free and asked carefully. "What brought this on Alfred?"

Alfred shrugged. "Don't know. Just time to know I guess."

By the look in Arthur's eyes he was going over every book he had read about adopting children in his mind.

He cleared his throat before saying slowly. "If you want to know so badly then I guess we can call the agency we adopted you and your brother from."

Alfred brightened. "Great!"

"Why do you want to know all of a sudden?" Matthew asked later that night.

Alfred sighed as he looked up from his computer. "You mean you never thought about it?"

Matthew shrugged. Even though they were twins some differences went deep. The shade of their eyes, the tones of their voices, and most of all their accents.

Matthew had a French accent that he had learned from Francis. Alfred had a British accent he had learned from Arthur.

Matthew sighed as he held a pillow in his arms tightly. "I mean they gave us up and everything. I don't think they are that good of people."

Alfred shrugged. "You won't know until you try Matt."

Matthew bit his lip. "Maybe…I don't want to try."

Alfred sat on his bed with his physics textbook in hand. He gave a sigh and threw it to the side. He knew all this stuff already. Besides Matt he was the smartest kid in the school.

There was a knock at his bedroom door suddenly. He looked up surprised.

"Come in." he called.

His parents entered the room. Arthur took a seat on the end of Alfred's bed and Francis took a seat at his desk.

"We called the agency." Francis said carefully.

Alfred sat up. "And?"

Arthur hesitated before holding out a folded sheet of paper. "They were able to give us a name and an address. The bad news though…"

Alfred took the paper and scanned the address. It was in America.

They lived in England.

"As you can see it is too far away for you to simply go for a visit." Arthur said. Was that a hint of smugness Alfred heard in his voice?

Francis stood up and petted Alfred on the head like he had done when he was a child.

"We'll leave you alone for a while." he said pulling Arthur out of the room.

Alfred continued to stare at the piece of paper that held his real mothers name and her address.

In America.


Francis sighed as he closed the door behind him and followed his husband to their own bedroom.

"You could at least try to keep the happiness out of your voice." Francis said.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Francis do you honestly want our son to go to the other side of the world? America of all places! You and I both hate that place."

"I don't hate it." Francis said carefully. "I simply do not enjoy my time there."

"That's the same thing as hate you old frog."

Francis sighed again. "You knew this day would come either way."

"I was hoping it wouldn't."

"But it did. And it is." Francis said. "And its not going to leave like either one of us want it to."

Arthur lay back in their bed. "Regardless. We are not letting him go overseas just to see someone who gave him up."

Alfred zombied through his school the next day. It was one of those boarding schools that their father loved so much with their uniforms and rules.

Without realizing where he was going he was in the library and heading towards the atlases.

He opened one of them and turned the page to the United States of America. His fingers stroked the pages. He pulled the piece of paper out again and looked at the state. The state of Virginia.

His eyes absorbed the page for another moment before closing it and putting the book away.

A place ticket to America cost a lot.

But not if someone was going to a college there. The school would pay for some of it.

And the rest…he could get a job to help pay for it.

Mind decided he started to his to his guidance counselor's office to have a talk about colleges.

Francis looked at the clock once more, his leg was shaking. He glanced again at the clock. Arthur was pacing the room and cursing under his breathes each more creative than the other.

Finally to their relief the door opened and their son Alfred entered the home.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Arthur exclaimed.

Alfred looked up at his father surprised. "Hello to you too."

"Answer the question Alfred. Where did you go?" he demanded.

Alfred rolled his eyes. "If you must know, I got a part time job."

Francis blinked in surprise. "A part time job? Why?"

Alfred shrugged. "Been having a lot of free time lately. And besides I'm saving it for something good."

Arthur started to smile. "Something good huh? Like your college fund?"

"Something like that."

Arthur smiled and nodded. "That's my boy, working for his future."

Francis frowned. "Alfred. We set up a college fund for you and Matthew when we adopted you. There's no need for that."

Alfred nodded. "I know. But I want to do this."

Arthur was practically glowing with pride. "I'm glad to hear that son. Just next time, call us so we don't spend the next hours worrying about you and wondering where you are."

"Will do dad."

Alfred sat at his desk and searched for colleges in Virginia. Almost on a whim he opened a link to one of the colleges.

'Washington and Lee University.'

He opened a small biography on the school and skimmed it.

The school was named after two men from American history. The second name was from Robert E. Lee.

The other was George Washington.

George Washington was called the father of America. He was one of the men who helped create the nation and more importantly he was the one who led the Americans in their revolutionary war against England.

Something his father tended to rant and rave about whenever he got drunk. About those 'thankless Americans who left a perfectly good home.'

His other father on the other hand would wrinkle his nose in his own way at the mention of America. Something he believed was a 'cultureless country filled with obesity and barbarians.'

He used to agree with Arthur on the topic of America. In his history class he was one of the people who hissed when the teacher would talk about how the ungrateful Americans left the empire.

He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. He took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

I was originally going to write this entire story as an oneshot but then I decided to make this more than one chapter.

How many I don't know though.

Yeah in this story Alfred has a British accent. This story is in a way a different take on Hetalia Alfred leaving. He starts to get interested in different views. And then he slowly goes there.

I also hope you guys liked the Washington thing I put there.

Anyway I think that's everything.

Questions? Comments? Leave them in a review.

Until next time.

This is Phoenix-Fire Power over and out.