[Choi Seunghyun]

"Choi Seunghyun!" Bom squeals, running excitedly through the airport. She doesn't care if people stare at her; all she cares is about her man standing a few feet away from her with open arms. Bom jumps into Seunghyun's arms, feeling that warm she's missed during Christmas.

"Park Bom-ah. Oh how I missed you so much." Seunghyun whispers deeply into her ear. Bom shudders, but covers it up with her infectious giggle. Seunghyun laughs; he missed hearing her laugh.

Bom presses her lips to his, hungrily. Seunghyun responded just as strong. He was completely content right now. He had Bom right back where she belongs, in his arms. He held her tightly. He missed squeezing the living daylights out of her.

People around them watch the couple with envy and happiness. But the couple themselves didn't pay any attention to their surroundings as they cheerfully walk out of the airport and into Seunghyun's car.

Once on the highways, Seunghyun says, "So, it's a new year. And we didn't get to spend Christmas together, but we now have another whole year together." He kisses her hand joyfully. "Should we go out?"

At the corner of his eyes he sees Bom smirk mischievously. "You're right about the whole year and Christmas thing. But I was kind of hoping we could just stay in for the rest of the day…"

Seunghyun's eyes widen as he looks at his girlfriend. "What have you learned during your time in America?"

Bom smiles sexily. "You know you want to~" She coos, making him shudder.

But Seunghyun fights back. He gives her his lazy, heart-melting smile. Bom feels her whole body tingle.

"I think it's a great idea." He steps on the gas, easing through cars to get back home faster. "You really do have a brilliant mind."


[Kwon Jiyong]

"Jiyongie," Dara sings, making Jiyong twitch. "My parents are coming over."

"What?" Jiyong exclaims.

Dara calmly sits on her husband's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "They called unexpectedly. They're on their way now."

"B-but…I," Jiyong stutters, at a loss for words.

Dara's father still hasn't approved of Jiyong or their marriage. But being the stubborn couple they are, they snuck out and married anyway. Dara's father was furious when he spotted the expensive diamond ring on his daughter's finger a day after. But what's done was done. They couldn't have taken it back, and the couple didn't want to. Dara's mother and Jiyong's parents have already bonded, making Dara's father even more furious.

Ding Dong!

Dara untangles herself from Jiyong and answers the door. Her parents come in the house, Dara's mother hugging her daughter fiercely. Jiyong bows deeply to his wife's father. The older man grunts in acknowledgement. Dara's mother then takes her son-in-law into a big, tight hug.

Soon after, they gather in the living room, Dara's parents sitting across from Dara and Jiyong. Jiyong weaves his fingers through Dara's as silence unfolds. The older man's eyes dart towards their entwined hands.

"So, how've you two been holding up?" Dara's mother asks, breaking the awkward silence.

"Really good." Dara smiles, sharing a loving look with Jiyong.

"Really? No arguments between you two?" Dara's father asks. He suddenly coughs as the mother elbows him in the ribs. "Jesus, you hit hard, woman." The older man mutters.

"We stopped by to tell you something…" Dara's mother starts, but her eyes glance over to her husband. "Well, he has something to tell you."

The mother elbows her husband again when the man didn't speak. Jiyong and Dara watch the two silently, confused with what's going on. The father sighs and clears his throat.

"I just stopped by to say…" He coughs awkwardly. "I'll accept you and your marriage with my daughter now." He quickly spills out.

"Appa!" Dara jumps up and tackles her father with a bear hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you~" The father chuckles at his daughter's foolishness, but hugs her back. Jiyong stands up and bows as Dara pulls away from her father.

"Thank you so much, sir. You don't know how much this means to me." Jiyong says, extending his hand out for a handshake.

The older man clears his throat again and reluctantly shakes the younger boy's hand. "Don't assume too much already, boy. I'm still keeping my eyes on you."

"Don't worry, sir. I'm taking good care of Dara." Jiyong smiles.

"So, when are you going to give me grandchildren?" Dara's mother abruptly bursts out, squealing.


[Dong YoungBae]

YoungBae smiles warmly at the handwritten letter. He re-reads it over again and places it in between his favorite book. He tucks the book into the pocket of the jacket Gyuri bought for him a year before she died.

"I still miss you, Gyuri-ah. But your letter made me feel better." He whispers, touching the tombstone. YoungBae was kneeling on the grass, looking down at Gyuri's tombstone.

Ever since YoungBae found the letter in Christmas, he's completely gotten better. He didn't seem so bitter anymore; He didn't seem so depressed. He loves the warmth his heart has been receiving ever since he's read that letter. Actually, he was ecstatic.

"You miss me, too, right?" He chuckles. "You should. I'm still pouring my whole heart for you." He jokes.

It's a new year and YoungBae wishes to change. He's starts everything off with visiting her again with a new light shining over him. He closes his eyes and does another silent prayer, being the religious man he is. The wind softly blows, making YoungBae feel more at peace.

After a short while, he slowly opens his eyes. His eyes instantly catch something on top of the tombstone. YoungBae's eyes rim red and start to water. With a shaky hand, he touches the object, to see if he's actually not hallucinating. A happy sob escapes his lips and a breath-taking smile shows up on his soft face.

"Gyuri-ah, you really are looking over me." He murmurs, as he touches the object once more.

The object… the object that made Dong YoungBae feel his love's warmth again was none other than Park Gyuri herself. Don't be fooled, though. Right on top of the tombstone, next to the girl's name, was a picture of YoungBae and Gyuri with their arms tightly wrapped around each other out in the falling snow.

YoungBae picks up the picture, joyful tears streaking down his cheeks. He never noticed this until now, but in the picture, the girl had the same kind of look the boy next to her had. Their eyes were filled with love and their smiles filled with happiness. He turns the card over. Another little message in a familiar scrawl was written on the back:

Bet you didn't notice this either, huh?

I snuck this into your jacket without you noticing.

This picture is just us and only for us.

Treasure it for me.

Love you.


P.S. I'm always with you.


[Kang Daesung]

"Please!" Jiyoung pleads, clinging onto her best friend's muscular arm.

"Aish, why do I have to go? I already went with you last time." Daesung whines, looking down at Jiyoung.

Daesung never failed to notice how Jiyoung would always love to hang onto his arm. Yes, it did give him that warm he first experience that Christmas night, but it annoys the hell out of him how much she could just touch him and he'll give in too fast.

"But that was a different party. You have to come to this one. It's important." She pouts.

"You said that last time!" Daesung exaggeratedly yells.

Jiyoung rolls her eyes. "Please, for me?"

"Fine." Daesung grumbles. Yes, he's very easy when it come to her.

Jiyoung smiles as they make their way to their destination. It was another party all right. Ever since that Christmas night, Jiyoung and Daesung started bonding. And they soon became the best of friends, but what they don't know is that they both have feelings for each other. Plus, Jiyoung was able to take away the boring side of Daesung. Well, only for a little bit.

Daesung has been more social thanks to Jiyoung. And to everyone's surprise, Daesung is one hell of a club banger. Jiyoung absolutely loved seeing him like that. She would take advantage of it sometimes, too. Don't even dare ask her what she does…

The two arrive at the party, the music already to its climax. Jiyoung holds onto Daesung's arm as they weave through the dancing crowd. Daesung suddenly chuckles when they sit down at an available chair.

"What?" Jiyoung asks.

"Reminds me of the first time we met." He smiles, taking her breath away.

Jiyoung laughs, a beautiful sight to his eyes. "I remember you freaking out because we woke up on the floor, tangled in each other's arms."

Daesung slightly blushes, remembering that embarrassing moment. "Well, you were just as freaked out." He replies.

"I got scared because you screamed like a girl." Jiyoung remarks, making Daesung blush madly this time. She laughs. "I also remember your mother."

Daesung twitches, remembering the time when Daesung went to check on his mother before he walked Jiyoung home from the hotel. As expected, his mother jumped on both of them, already asking questions if they did anything special during their night together.

Daesung quickly ran out of his house with Jiyoung running after him once he heard one particular question about babies. That moment with his mother was more mortifying than the hotel room incident.

"Aigoo." He groans. "Don't bring that up."

Jiyoung bursts out laughing, loving the sight of his insane expression. "Don't worry. I like your mom."

"Oh God, that makes it worse." Daesung jokes.

Jiyoung slings an arm around his shoulders lazily. She doesn't say anything, but smiles. Goo Hara, one of Jiyoung's friends, comes by and hands the two a drink.

"Stop hiding out in a corner and come out to the dance floor. Well, not unless," Hara drifts off, smiling. "Not unless you guys are going to do something and you want to be alone…" She giggles.

Jiyoung throws her a pillow. "Aish, stop being so dirty. Are you drunk?"

Hara giggles once more. "Maybe." She sings.

"Go away, unnie." Jiyoung rolls her eyes.

"I won't go until you guys join me." Hara refuses and sits on between Jiyoung and Daesung. Jiyoung mouths an apology to Daesung over Hara's shoulder. Daesung abruptly stands up and takes Jiyoung's hand, leaving Hara falling over on the sofa.

"Sorry, Hara-shi, but Jiyoung and I really do need to be alone." Daesung says, not really sure if Hara can understand.

Hara giggles. "Okay, you can go to one of the spare rooms upstairs. Have fun." Hara waves as Daesung pulls Jiyoung up to one of the empty rooms.

"What are we going to do here?" Jiyoung giggles, putting her alcoholic drink on the desk.

"Don't think so naughty." Daesung rolls his eyes, sitting on the bed. "I just wanted to get away from the noise."

"I thought you were used to the music and chatter." Jiyoung replies, sitting close to Daesung.

He shrugs. "We haven't actually hung out together, besides going to parties, you know."

"There's nothing else to go." She replies.

Daesung turns to her. "Yes, it's a big world."

"But there's so little time. I mean, you're always busy with your part-time job." She bows her head. "There's no time to hang out until it's late at night at a party full of other people."

"That's why we should go out." Daesung blurts out.

"Eh?" Jiyoung snaps her head up. Did he just say what she wishes to hear? "Go out? As in?" Jiyoung was suddenly waiting for his answer, hoping it's the answer she's been longing to hear.

"Y-you know, go out t-to eat at a restaurant and such." He stutters. Man, what a terrible liar he was. Daesung feels like slapping himself silly. He basically just asked her out. He wonders if Jiyoung fell for Daesung's awkward lie.

Jiyoung smiles, making Daesung wonder if she knows that he likes her. He suddenly becomes nervous.

"Kang Daesung." Jiyoung murmurs in a voice that makes Daesung shiver. Jiyoung leans toward him, just like that first night they met. As if reenacting that whole night over again, Daesung leans away just as she moves forward.

But this time, Jiyoung catches his face in between her hands.

"Are you asking me out?" She smiles, half-jokingly, half-serious.

Daesung's eyes widen, something that looks impossible because of his tiny eye-smiles. He tries to stutter a reply, but before he could utter a word out, she pulls his face toward her. And their lips touch.

Jiyoung pulls away after a moment. She stares into Daesung's eyes happily. "Because if you were, I would definitely say yes."

Daesung laughs and crushes his lips back down on hers, suddenly hungry for her kisses. He felt warm all over; his lips were on fire. They battle with their lips, their happiness and love taking over them.

A loud knock breaks them apart. They look towards the door. Hara was swaying back and forth at the doorframe. She smiles.

"Finally." She rolls her eyes. Daesung and Jiyoung blush at the same time. "Now, go drink some alcohol and make some noise tonight."

"Unnie!" Jiyoung shouts, throwing another pillow at her.


[Lee Seunghyun]

With a somewhat brave smile, Seungri knocks on his girlfriend's door. Chae Rin jumps into Seungri's arms in an instant once the door was open. Chae Rin pecks Seungri on the lips quickly, making Seungri stumble back in surprise.

"I really do love it when you're aggressive, but don't do it in surprise." He chuckles, kissing her on the lips once more.

"Ahem." Someone clears his throat loudly.

Chae Rin quickly pulls away from Seungri and bows toward the man standing in the doorway. "Appa, this is Lee Seunghyun." Chae Rin gestures toward the terrified boy next to her.

"I thought his name was Seungri." Chae Rin's father says, making Seungri twitch nervously at the sound of the gruff voice.

"That's what I call him." Chae Rin softly says.

Her father grunts and walks over to the couple, standing right in front of Seungri. Seungri stares wide eyed at the broad and muscular chest in front of him. He gulps and looks up.

Seungri bows. "Hello, sir."

"Hello." The girl's father replies roughly. "Now, let's get this out of the way." Chae Rin's father starts.

Seungri's eyes widen even more. He knew there was going to be some sort of rules. He becomes terrified, and he starts to tremble. Chae Rin's father holds up one finger in front of Seungri's face. Chae Rin watches silently as she encourages Seungri by holding onto to his hand.

"One: you take care of my daughter good or else you're going to get hurt in every single place in your body."

Seungri nods, and the father continues, "Two: I don't ever want to see her cry about something you did or something you said. I will break you. Three—"

Chae Rin's father's face suddenly breaks into a smile. Her father throws his head back and let's out a hearty laugh. He points at Seungri, his smile never faltering.

"My God, Chae Rin. You know how to pick boys." Her father says in between laughs. "Did you see his face? He looked like a scared panda!"

"Appa! You said you wouldn't tease him!" Chae Rin hisses.

The man wipes off the tears that formed, and smiles at a confused and scared Seungri. The father pats Seungri on the back, making the latter flinch instinctively. "Don't worry, boy. I won't hurt you. I'm playing around with you. I just love teasing people, especially my daughter's boyfriends."

"So…" Seungri trails off shakily.

"I like you. Just remember to follow what I said." Her father says.

Seungri lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thank you, sir. I'll take good care of her."

"Good. Now, you can go wherever you guys are planning to go to. Just don't rent a room in a hotel and get knocked up."

"Appa!" Chae Rin punches her father's arm.

Her father laughs. He opens his mouth to make another remark. Before he could get a word out, the couple was already running far away down the road, his daughter practically dragging her boyfriend on the concrete.

"Good luck handling her, Seungri." The man mumbles, chuckling.

"Always be next to me, my love.

Don't let go of my hand.

Don't leave; don't disappoint this love.

If you trust for your whole lifetime.

You can go on living.

Even if you broke up with me.

My heart will never change.

If it's with you, I will go anywhere.

I'll love forever with you."

A/N: Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you have a great day with your loved ones :)