Hi all,

Okay I usually just write twilight, but I really wanted to have a go at a harry potter fiction, and I have become obsessed with the Hermione/Viktor coupling… Viktor, if my heart didn't belong to Jasper, we would surely be together.

Anyway, this will be set in fifth year (just so Hermione will be sixteen) and Viktor will be eighteen, voldemort was defeated in second year (he died in the chamber.) will be bits of pureblood against muggleborn

And the Slytherins being nice =0 what is the world coming to?

Oh and minor Ron bashing (just because he annoys me) and maybe a little bit of Harry bashing too.

For those of you who have not read any of my fics before, I write the men in it as being very possessive and slightly dominant so get used to it!

I don't own harry potter, I just borrow it


"Personally I think the idea is completely and utterly ridiculous" I huff, throwing my bag down as I sit opposite Harry and Ron "I mean what on earth is Dumbledore thinking allowing those… boys to come and stay at the castle" I rant.

"Hermione, you're not thinking about the bigger picture, there are going to be some big strapping Bulgarian men around, I think the idea is awesome" Ginny says from beside me, and I groan.

"I don't need or want a man Ginny, much less one of those uneducated fools" I mumble, hurriedly piling some chicken and mash potato's onto my plate, the truth is I do want a boyfriend, but no guy is going to look at me, I'm not beautiful, all I have is my intellect, and boy's don't like smart girls.

"She's right you no Ginny, neither of you will be getting with anyone" Ron says, as I look up at him, I notice his face has turned bright red, what the hell is he angry about now?

"Mhmm because my love life has anything to do with you" she mutters, and I can see his temper grow, I have to direct it away from Ginny!

"Honestly Ronald she's right, and mine? well that has even less to do with you than Ginny's does!" I exclaim.

"You know what Hermione your right, I don't know why I loved you in the first place, you're nothing but a filthy little mud blood" he hisses, spitting out the last word, suddenly the great hall goes very silent, and I feel the tears start to prickle in my eyes, how can he say such things.

Several shocked gasps can be heard from around the room, I stand up, turning away and suddenly I feel myself being pulled into a strong set of arms, I don't bother looking to see who it is, I just bury my head against their chest, sobbing quietly.

"You shouldn't say that word, you know how much trouble it caused" someone says, and I gasp softly, tilting my head up and coming face to face with Malfoy, and he is actually sticking up for me!

"Malfoy?" I question silently, and he looks down at me, his grey eyes meeting my own, and he smiles, actually smiles.

"It's alright Granger" he says, with a roll of his eyes, as if he hadn't completely lost it. "Apologize to her Weasly" he demands, and I turn around to see a spluttering TRon.

"And if I don't?" he questions. I feel myself being pushed to the side, into another pair of arms, and I don't even bother to see who it is this time, I am too focused on Malfoy and Ron.

"Outside now" he says, briskly walking towards the exit, I see Ron gulp and follow him, I have to wonder why the professors are not stopping it, Malfoy could easily take Ron on, he doesn't stand a chance.

"Zabini take her back to the common room" he yells back, oh merlin, so it was Blaise frickin Zabini's arms that were around my waist? Immediately coming to my senses, I pull away from him, wiping away the last few tears from my cheeks, I turn, walking out of the great hall, there is no way I am staying out of this one, I am going to find out what is going on between the boys.

I hear heavy footsteps behind me, glancing back over my shoulder, I see Blaise and another Slytherin that I don't recall, walking after me. Sighing, I spin around to glare at them "why are you following me? Look I don't know what you dunderheads are up to, but I for one want no part in it" I state.

"Hermione, why would you accuse us of such things? Just because I'm in Slytherin it doesn't mean we don't care" he says, while grinning at me.

"That's exactly what it means" I say with a grimace, looking towards the doors that lead outside, I really should go check up on them, who knows what kind of trouble those boys will have got themselves into.

"They'll be fine, now are you going to come willingly, or am I going to have to force you?" he asks, and by the look on his face, I can tell he is not joking around.

"Fine, but just so you know I don't like this one bit" I mumble softly, if only I hadn't left my wand in my bedroom, as I walk over to him, I can't help but glance up at the other Slytherin curiously.

"Theodore Nott" is all he says, before he starts walking away, ahead of me and Blaise.

"What's got his wand in a knot" I wonder out loud, as I start to follow him towards the common room; the Slytherin common room.

As we reach the dungeons, I see the portrait still swinging open, allowing us access, I step inside cautiously, looking around the room, and seriously all this green is making me slightly queasy. "This is all very…suiting" I say, causing Blaise to laugh.

"So your telling me, if I walked into the Gryffindor common room it wouldn't be bright red?" he asks me, and I suppose he does have a point.

"Well I guess you'll never know" I say with a smirk.

"Oww Hermione, I'm wounded" he says holding his hand up to his chest, causing me to giggle.

"Well seeing as though I'm being held captive here…"

"Honestly Hermione you are free to leave at any time, no one's stopping you" he says, cutting me off, causing my temper to rise, then Merlin, why did they make me come down here?

"Then why on earth did you make me come down here?" I ask, glaring up at him.

"You know what, you're right I am forcing you to stay down here" he tells me, and I groan, I have a feeling Blaise Zabini is going to become very annoying.

"Well now that's sorted out, we had better get back up to the great hall" a voice drawls from the doorway "the Durmstrang pupils will be arriving in half an hour" he adds, and I look at him in confusion, when did he get so responsible.

"Malfoy" I greet "where is Ronald?"

"Granger, don't you think it is time we started referring to each other on a first names basis, hmm?" he questions "and as for you little friend, I took care of him" he says, and quite honestly, I can't bring it in myself to care what happened to Ron, he was out of order, I just don't know what's gotten into him lately.

"Hey.. Thank you… Draco" I call after him, smiling softly as he turns around and grins at me.

"It was my pleasure Hermione" he says, linking his arm in my own and escorting me up to the great hall. As we reach the doors, I can't help but notice all the students staring at us, no doubt wondering what we are doing together.

I sigh, pulling free from him "Well I'll see you around Draco" I say, looking towards the Gryffindor table, but I am once again pulled away, toward their table "you know I am really getting tired of being pulled around like this" I mutter, but all he does is smirk at me, so I allow myself to be pulled down, in between Draco and Blaise.

"You'll get used to it" Blaise whispers in my ear, chuckling softly, and I just ignore him, he makes it sound like I'm going to be around for a while though, it's nice.

"Girls and boys may I have your attention please?" Dumbledore announces, and I immediately turn to face him "as I am sure you are aware we are lucky enough to have some new wizards joining us, so without further ado may I introduce the wizards of Durmstrang!"

The doors of the great hall burst in, and a group of tall men storm inside, I can't help but look at them, they are all so handsome, and perfect. They march up to the front, where the sorting hat is and professor Snape is stood, looking rather unhappy that he got the job of reading the boy's names out.

"Pedro Falaski" He calls out, I watch as the man goes up sitting on the stool, and places the hat on his head.

"Hmm interesting, very loyal, yet smart, now where to put you" the crazy old hat ponders "I think it will have to be Hufflepuff" the hat states, causing the entire Hufflepuff table to burst out into cheer.

"Aleksandar Kranda"

"Slytherin" the hat announces before it even touches his head, and I roll my eyes, obviously he is a pureblood.

"Viktor Krum" Snape says, causing me to look up at the famous seeker, as soon as I do his eyes lock onto mine, and he winks, giving me a half smile as the hat is placed on his head, hmmm maybe Ginny was right, A man is just what I need!

"Slytherin" the hat yells, as Viktor runs over to join our table sitting opposite me, he looks down slowly, and I see him raise his eyebrows, probably at the fact I am wearing a Gryffindor uniform.

Suddenly food pops up on the table and I realise just how much of the sorting I have missed. I quickly pile some chips onto my plate, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Hullo, I'm Viktor Krum" A deep voice says, as a large hand takes my own, and he leans forwards kissing it. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing after all!

Loved it? Hated it? Leave me a review and let me know :D

Forever yours will be updated soon, and this soon as well, god I love Viktor!