"I wonder if I've been changed in the night?

Let me think.

Was I the same when I got up this morning?

I almost think I can remember feeling a little different.

But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?'

Ah, that's the great puzzle!"

He stood in front of the house, staring at what could possibly be the greatest thing that could happen to him or it could possibly be the most embarrassing moment of his existence. What if he was wrong? What if he was basing his entire decision on a dream that most likely wasn't even real? He shook his head at the thought. He had to at least try, after all. He sighed heavily and glanced down at the flowers he held in his hand. He hoped they were suitable since he had never brought flowers to anyone before.

He walked up the front walk, glancing at his watch to see that it was in fact a suitable time to knock. He wanted this to be done properly by not slipping in the window. As he approached the door he grew nervous. What if he was wrong? What if the dream wasn't real? What if she laughed at him? Before he could talk himself out of it he knocked swiftly, listening for the sound of movement. He heard dainty footfalls coming down the hallway and he was happy it was her coming towards him.

"Damon?" The door was open before he could blink her questioning gaze upon him. She was beautiful in her morning clothes, a long skirt and simple shirt. He had expected pajamas, not this radiance. Her hair was combed, swept back off her bare shoulders. They stood there for a few moments before he offered the flowers. "Oh they're lovely! Are they for me?"

"I wouldn't bring flowers for just anyone Elena."

"They're beautiful. No one's ever brought me flowers before. Come in and I'll just put them in water." She turned to begin moving towards the interior of the house but his hand stopped her.

"Wait! I want to give you your Christmas present." She turned, clearly confused, by his words. She laid the flowers down on the end table before holding out her hand. He pulled her forward suddenly, placing his hand over her eyes.

"Damon! What are you doing?"

"Shh...I'm giving you your present." He led her gently, aiding her down the front walk. She moved calmly as she neared the gift he had prepared on such short notice. "I hope you'll like it."

"Mmhmm." He could see the smile on her face as they neared the curb. "Is it in your car?"

"Nope." He popped the "p" while leaning in to her ear. He could feel the shudder that ran through her body. "Now I'm going to remove my hand." He waited a few seconds before pulling his hand off of her eyes. He watched as her eyes registered utter surprise, followed quickly by delight.

"Oh Damon! It's amazing!" He moved her closer to her present and helped her up. In a split second decision, he decided that she would enjoy a carriage ride through the streets. He would normally have chosen a sleigh but there was no snow on the ground so a carriage seemed like a better choice. He tucked her in under the blankets before sidling in beside her. She looked at him with a healthy glow in her cheeks, a smile on her face, and sparkles in her eyes before wrapping the blanket around his legs. "Where are we going?"

"Someplace special." He said nothing more as they took off. The horses trotted at a leisurely place and he noted with glee that she rested against him, her head on his shoulder. She traced designs on his arms and he remained quiet, guiding the horses but reveling in her closeness.

The reached the park soon enough, luckily empty due to the holiday. He was happy that no one was around to see him during this difficult time. He glanced down, noticing her eyes were closed and her breathing evening out. She was sleeping! He sighed but remembered what he had heard the night before; she hadn't been sleeping.

He guided the horses to a standstill, moving out of the carriage to disconnect them for awhile. There was a small enclosure to the left where they often had small petting zoos during the summer months. He led the horses into the enclosure before locking the gate. He turned and watched Elena sleep for a few moments before climbing into the carriage once more. She snuggled into his embrace as she rested; all lines of worry were erased from her face. She was the picture of happiness while she slept with him.


"Mmm..." He listened to her as she began to awaken, her face nuzzling his chest like a small kitten. She had wormed her way completely into his embrace after only a minute or so. She had remained there as comfortable as could be as if she had always been there.

"Damon? What are we...oh!" She shot up quickly but he held her against him. He wasn't so ready to let her go just yet. If this didn't work then they may be the last time he saw her.

He brushed her hair from her face, watching as she grew more confused by their actions. He was infinitely gently with her, treating her like the finest glass. The tips of his fingers traced her features pausing under the eyes, along the seam of her lips, tracing the curve of her ears. He had never been so careful with anything before, never so loving.

"I was going to leave today." Her eyes which had drifted closed at his tender gestures shot open.

"For how long?"

"For good." She flinched at those words but he quieted her with his fingers, seeking out pleasurable or soothing spots for her.

"Are you leaving?"

"I don't think so...maybe."

"What changed your mind?" He sighed but knew an answer would have to be given.

"I had an experience last night. It changed my outlook on things a little bit. I need to be honest with myself a bit as well as figure some things out."

"Like what?"

"Elena," he began softly before moving her face in closer to him. Her lips parted as he drew her closer, her eyes wide at the movement. "I love you."

She was silent as his words, taking them in and letting them wash over her. She was surprised and he was disappointed. How could he have believed a dream so quickly? She would laugh at him surely, sending him away in favor of Stefan.

She silenced his inner thoughts by leaning in and kissing him sweetly. Her lips were soft, yet warm, light yet forceful. She threaded her fingers in his hair as she molded them together. A second later he responded, his arms encircling her waist as his fingers pressed her completely to him. They stayed like that until she needed to breath and he reluctantly let her pull back. He wasn't, however, going to let her leave his embrace entirely.

"This must be a dream," she stated breathlessly but her eyes were aglow with elation. Her cheeks were rosy and her skin had a healthy glow to it.

"Not a dream." He kissed her again, letting his lips caress hers. Her lips were like little petals, quivering beneath his. He coaxed her mouth open and kissed her with so much passion, she could see stars. Their embrace grew more passionate as her short nails dug into his shoulders and his hands began to wander. She groaned as he cupped her behind and situated her against his growing erection. She gasped as a hand cupped her breast. She sighed as he broke their kiss in order to drop warm kisses on her neck.

She sighed pleasurably as he nibbled, licked, and kissed her pulse point. Her breath was ragged above him as he took his sweet time showing her his feelings. He tended to be horrible at verbally expressing his feelings but showing was always his strong suit. He could feel the change in his movements, taste the hunger in his blood as his fangs descended. He pulled away suddenly, turning from her. He struggled to come under control and he grew confused. It had never been this hard for him to regain control. In fact, he hadn't lost control like this in 145 years.

She was hugging him while he tried to regain control, whispering sweet nothings to him as he fought his inner demon. She was patient with him and he was quickly in control of himself. He shifted her in the carriage until he was lying across the bench with her on his lap.

"So now that we've gotten busy a bit, do you think we could make this official?"

"Damon Salvatore wants to be 'official'? Will wonders never cease?"

"Shh, you." He kissed her temple before fixing the blanket over their legs.

"I never said I wanted you." He stiffened at her words, cursing himself for seeing something that might not be there. He had thought her kissing him would speak for itself but maybe she was just curious.

"Of course I love you! I've been in love with you for a long time." He smiled against her, relaxing back against the seat. "And of course I want to be with you."

"And Stefan?"

"We haven't been serious in awhile. Do you remember when you attacked Bonnie and Stefan told me he was leaving town?"

"Yes and then you slept with him and he got all lovey-dovey."

"You are so jealous. I never really got gaga over him after that. I was going to break up with him after Georgia but..."

"He told you he saved your life."


"What changed?"

"I saw you Damon. I saw how you were when she wasn't there. I saw the look in your eyes when you realized she didn't love you. I had never seen someone look like that. I realized at that moment that I never wanted you hurt again. I wanted to make you smile. I wanted to make you happy. I realized my love for you the moment I saw your tears."

"And you've been quiet this whole time?"

"I had to let you grieve." They were quiet after that as he considered her. She was the first person since he was human to see him. Everyone saw the vampire Damon, but never Damon the vampire. It was always fangs first, man second. She saw him as a man.

"Are you ready to go home and have Christmas?"

"Yes." He got out of the carriage and walked to get the horses. Moments later he was finishing hooking them up when she called out to him. "Oh Damon! I absolutely love this present. It's better than anything I could have imagined."


Presents were exchanged and dinner was served. Stefan seemed okay with the status change but Damon could see that it was bothering him. Elena was radiant, practically glowing as she dragged him under the mistletoe. He kissed her again and again until Jenna chased them out of the doorway. He held her hand under the table while they drank coffee. He gave her a beautiful bracelet his mother had owned years ago. She had given him a photo album of the people that cared about him. Inside had been pictures of her and Jenna, Stefan, an old portrait of his mother and even little Anna had agreed to be in a picture.

He had stayed as long as possible, trying to not leave her. He was so afraid that she would be gone in the morning. He was afraid he was still dreaming and in the morning she would be in Stefan's arms.

He had made it all the way to the curb before the door slammed and she was running towards him. He caught her quickly and she giggled as he lifted her bridal style.

"And what do you think you're doing Miss Gilbert?"

"Coming home with you. Jenna said I could. I mean, if you want me to."

"Of course I do. Hold on tight baby." He started running and she could feel the wind whipping her hair around. Her eyes squeezed shut at the force they were moving. Before she could blink, she felt herself land on soft ground. Her eyes shot open and she was greeted with pillows and bed posts. She sat up and realized she was in his bed. He was shrugging out of his jacket as she watched him. He seemed to know she was watching and he began giving her a surprise strip tease, twirling and rotating while he removed his jacket and shirt.

"Cocky much?" He smirked before moving closer to the bed. He leaned over her until she was pressed intimately against him. His naked chest was pressed up against her and she nearly moaned at his proximity.

"Very." He leaned in and kissed her. This kiss was not soft, nor inherently romantic. This kiss was passionate, erotic, and most of all arousal-enducing. She moaned as he caressed her through her clothes. His fingers were insistent and she found herself falling under his spell. His lips traced her jaw until they were moving down her neck, biting and nipping at her jugular.

She pushed him back until he fell onto his back and she straddled him. Her skirt bunched around them as she came in contact with his erection. She ground herself slowly, head thrown back as she felt herself growing aroused.

Her shirt was ripped from her a moment later as his mouth sought her breasts. He was merciless with his tongue as he rolled and sucked, tweaked and nibbled. She sighed, groaned, and begged for him to finish the job. She was desperate for him.

"Please...please." He lifted her slightly until she was kneeling over him and he had room to work. Her underwear was torn from her with an undeniable force as he pulled her up his body. Somehow he managed to rip his own pants off, not seeming to care about the torn cloth as it hit the floor.

He was lining himself up a second later and he held her there, just the tip of him inside her. He held her above him and just watched her. Her eyes were aglow with passion, her lips swollen, and her body quivering in need. She tried to hold herself, waiting for him to be ready.

"Why are you not trying to force yourself down? Your body is begging to finish the thrust, so why?"

"I don't want our first time to be a power struggle. I want it to be us." He smiled at her words before slamming her down on him. She screamed at the intrusion, her body quaking against his. He rolled them over until he was on top and able to thrust lazily. He took her slowly, their bodies molding together. She kissed him as they came together, his mouth swallowing her soft sighs.

He kept the pace off-beat, dragging out their pleasure. He lifted her leg higher until he was deeper, his body aching for release but his mind unwilling to give it. She began to beg against him, her nails raking down his back. He could smell his blood as she tore his skin open. His face changed and he descended to her neck. Just as he was about to bite down her release hit and she said something that stopped him.

"Damon!" She moaned it to the room and her legs shook with the force. She clamped down on him and his release followed immediately. He thrust once, twice and then he was there in the moment. His mind blew and a moment later he was on his back with her straddling him. He hadn't felt his body move. He hadn't felt her move him. He had been so completely in the moment that he was entirely under HER spell.

"Now normally I would ask you to make me senseless but I'm really tired." He nodded sleepily at her himself before pulling her from him. He settled her in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her. Moments later, sleep claimed him and he thought no more.


As sunlight began to stream in the windows, our vampire hero was still caught in the web of a dream. She was in bed with him, teasing him with her mouth. She was relentless and he was at her mercy. She teased him until he couldn't stand it, moaning aloud. His dreams had been filled with her and his arm was stretched over the bed. His arm was lying on cool sheets, stretched as though looking for something. There was nothing in the bed and he was alone.

His eyes shot open suddenly and he sat up, all smiles and happiness. He stared at the window for a few moments and happily turned to share the morning with his beloved. His smile fell when he saw the empty bed. His eyes searched the floor but only his clothes lay there. There was no indication she had ever stepped foot in his room.

He could feel his heart clench, tears prickling his eyes. He had dreamt the whole thing. It was Christmas Day and he had drunk himself into oblivion. He put his head in his hands and screamed out in frustration. He had dreamed it all. Of course he had. Nothing ever worked out for him.

"Baby?" His head shot out and he did a double-take. She was standing in the doorway, wearing his shirt with a tray balanced in her hands. He froze as she moved forward, placing the tray on the bed. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." She slid into bed beside him and began to feed him small fruits. He ate everything offered as he considered her.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I thought I had imagined last night."

"Oh believe me baby, you didn't imagine that. I could barely walk this morning from your middle of the night sex fest."


"Oh you were pretty out of it when you started making love to me in the middle of the night."


"Yes. Now let's get you really fed." He looked at her questioningly as she straddled him, the tray forgotten. She pulled her hair to the side and moved closer to him. He kissed her neck lightly as his fangs descended.

"Are you sure?"

"Mmhmm." As his fangs neared her neck he began to think. Yesterday he had been alone in his drinking. He had been focusing on his grief. In one night he had learned a valuable lesson, won the girl, and loved her passionately. Tomorrow would be another day but he knew they would face it together.


So that's it. This is my first completed story on . I know I promised a new GIB and TWHL but this week got busy. I have next week off so I'll write up a storm. Follow me at http:/tsukikomew(dot)blogspot(dot)com for updates and sneak peaks.

Please review! Have a Merry Christmas all and thanks for reading!