We Need A Tree

Christmas time in Karakura Town: a time of joy, singing, decorations, and exams. Naturally, Uryu had exams in the bag. Unfortunately for the rest of the gang, they weren't ranked first in the class. They actually had to study for exams. Tatsuki had the idea of starting a study group, which everyone could participate in. The group met in Orihime's house, so everyone brought their own snacks, much to Orihime's disappointment. They reviewed chemistry, calculus, and history, although, Chad sort of just sat and watched silently. Ichigo knew he was listening intently and would probably do better than he did on the exams. When all of the exams were finally over, Ichigo felt pretty confident that he would do well, but he didn't care. It was Christmas break and he would do his best to enjoy himself before any hollows showed up.

Meanwhile, Ichigo's father, Ishiin, was taking joy in seasonal decorating. While, Ishiin put up wreaths and set out candy, Ichigo and Karin put lights on the side of the house. Even though Ichigo hated most trends for being so annoying, he could never bring himself to find something wrong with the idea of Christmas or anything related to it. Rukia herself was finding it hard to be unusually joyful. Rukia thoroughly enjoyed staring at the multi-colored lights, and she absolutely loved seeing Ichigo smile so often. Rukia did; however, think something was missing from their seasonal ornaments. Rukia had been reading about "Christmas" in her social books, and she had even observed the sight of certain items called "Christmas trees" through the windows of other houses. Rukia decided that the Kurosaki home needed to have a tree in their home.

"Hey, Ichigo!" Rukia yelled from the den.

"Yeah, what is it?" Ichigo yelled back from his room, not even bothering to come talk to her face-to-face.

"When are we going to get the Christmas tree?"

There was a pause.

"We're not."

"What do you mean we're not?"

"We're not getting a tree."

"Why not?"

Rukia heard Ichigo get up, and walk into the den. He leaned against the wall and stared Rukia right in the eye with the eyes he wore when something was causing him grief.

"We haven't gotten a Christmas tree… since my mother died. She always got us to got choose the tree and decorate it, but since she died, none of us have had the spirit to do it ourselves."


"Yes." Ichigo said in an exasperated tone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to strike that spot."

"You couldn't have known."

"Well, I guess that settles it!" Rukia declared.

"Settles what?"

"Since you won't, I'm going to rally this family up to go and get a tree!"

"Rukia, I… I-"

"You what, Ichigo?"

"I… think it's a great idea."

Ichigo forced a smile as he followed Rukia around the house gathering his family. Once they were all present, she announced the plan about the Christmas tree, and their eyes lit up with joy, especially Yuzu. Ishiin started of the car and drove to the lot where men were selling Christmas trees. Rukia and Yuzu did most of the scouting themselves. They had many trees to choose from. Some trees were too tall, some were too fat, and others were already close to dying. Then Ichigo called everyone over to look at a tree he had found. Rukia looked at the tree: it wasn't too tall, it was the perfect width, and it had plenty of life in it.

Ironic Rukia thought. After all the searching Yuzu and I did, Ichigo found the perfect tree.

The tree was cut down and tied to the top of the Kurosaki car. The tree was put up the den, and they all began to decorate. Rukia and Ichigo constantly argued about who got to hang ornament on which spot on the tree. They were actually having fun together. They pushed, they shoved, they fell on top of each other, and they laughed. Ichigo laughed! Rukia had never heard him laugh before, but she liked it. When the tree was done, everyone sat in the den and talked about Christmas. Then Rukia was introduced to yet a new form of Christmas decoration: Mistletoe.