"Happy birthday, Handsome."

Robin awoke in the dark to the soft voice of his beloved whispering in his ear. He rolled over, laughing for joy, and wrapped his arms around Marian. He was enchanted to be roused from a jumbled dream by an angel who was smiling at him with radiant eyes.

"This has got to be the very best birthday I have ever enjoyed."

"How can you tell? It's barely even begun," she corrected sweetly. "Anyway, you just wait till next year."

They smiled fondly at each other before kissing, the promise of their future together shining brightly within their grasp. She was magically beautiful, and her kiss shot waves of the warmest longing and desire through him.

"Robin, what is it?" she asked wonderingly.

"Don't tell me it's time to go yet," he begged.

"Nearly. But I think we've still got a few minutes. Why else did you think I woke you?"

Why else, indeed? And how many minutes? he wondered. Not enough? Or just enough?

"Marian," he whispered breathlessly.

He smiled and breathed a hot sigh as he felt her tenderly brush her lips across his eyelids, his cheeks, his nose, and his chin, before hungrily taking possession of his mouth.


He felt her burrow her head onto his shoulder, and he tightened his arms around her when he heard her breathe a soft little satisfied sigh. Placing his hand over hers, he stroked his thumb over the emerald engagement ring she wore so proudly whenever they were alone together. She was someone rare and precious, made just for him, and he so wanted to be worthy of her. He didn't think his love for her could grow any stronger, but it seemed to know no bounds.

"What will you do today?" Robin asked, tenderly. Now that she was pretending to be terrified of Robin Hood, it wouldn't look right to leave the castle, and they didn't think it wise for her to visit Sherwood just to bring Much his cakes. Besides, she was planning to leave for good in two days' time, on her make believe trip to her imaginary cousins in Kent, which was simply a ruse for her to join Robin in the forest.

"I plan to finish another garment I'm making for your son."

"My son? You seem very certain!"

"Or daughter. I just keep picturing you teaching a little six-year-old boy how to shoot."

Robin was incredibly touched, but he didn't show it.

"I taught you to shoot, and you're the farthest thing from a boy I've ever met."

"Don't tell me you want a girl?"

"I'll take a dozen of each!" Robin teased.

Marian lifted her eyebrows. "Well, since it's your birthday, I won't tell you what you can do with that request! But tell me, Robin, how do you plan to celebrate this most auspicious day?"

"Well, seeing as how I've already enjoyed my favorite activity-"

"Grow up!"

"-I'd really like to engage in my second favorite, which is to spread a bit of happiness passing out some of that money you helped us gather!"

They smiled and kissed some more, but stopped when they heard the peal of four bells.

"There's my signal," Robin sighed. He rose, and readied himself to return to the forest.

Leaving wasn't so hard, knowing they would soon be together for always. Brother William was due to arrive in two or three days, on the sixteenth or seventeenth, and they would finally be able to say their vows and make official the marriage they both felt they had already been living and enjoying.

Gazing back at her before leaving, he murmured romantically, "Marian, you look so lovely in this light."

"That's a nice compliment, considering it's dark as pitch!" Marian laughed. But he had meant it, and he could tell she was thrilled to hear him say it.

"Goodbye, Marian. I love you. We'll be together soon."

"I love you, too. Happy Birthday, Robin."


(Of course, you all know the rest of the story. This story ends a few hours before the television episode A GOOD DAY TO DIE. Boo Hoo. I tried to set up all the details leading up to the final two episodes of the second season. Please please please tell me what you think! Oh, and by the way, I prefer to think she miraculously survives! Way to go, Djaq!

Thanks to my wonderful reviewers and to everyone who read along through all these episodes! I hope to be inspired to write another story soon.)