So as those of you who have read this before... You have noticed that i have changed the name :)))

This is my first time writing a story,

so please comment and tell me what you think.

(i do not own the VA Characters or Book)but i so do wish i owned Dimitri

"What's so funny?" asked Dimitri, looking down at me with amusement.

"I'm just thinking about what Lissa would say if we still had the bond." In a very bad breach of guardian protocol, he caught a hold of my hand and pulled me toward him.

"And?" he asked, wrapping me in an embrace.

"I think she'd ask, 'What have we gotten ourselves into?"

"What's the answer?" His warmth was all around me, as well his love, and again, I felt that completeness. I had that missing piece of my world back. The soul that complemented mine. My match. My equal. Not only that, I had my life back, my own life. I would protect, I would serve, but I was finally my own person. "I don't know," I said, leaning against his chest. "But I think it's going to be good." Dimitri then brought his lips down to mine and kissed me, my body went all warm, with his hot lips on mine, but he pulled away to soon. "I agree Rose, I think it will be good as well." I smiled at him. I was happy around him, he brought me joy, he gave the other half of me.

I was disappointed that I wouldn't see Adrian again. I loved him, but as a brother, I hate having to hurt him like this, but Dimitri was the other half of me I want Adrian in my life but as friends. I guess Dimitri noticed the change of my attitude.

"Rose, what's wrong?" I looked down at my feet

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Rose, please, please tell me."

I looked up at him daring to look into his eyes. They were so full of love, he really cared for me he wanted to know what was wrong, but should I tell him what happened between me and Adrian? Should I tell him that I want Adrian in my life? Looking at him there I had to tell him, but not now, when we are in a less public place. "I will tell you, but can we talk when were in a . . . less public place?" "Yes, of course my Roza." My breathe caught he called me 'My Roza' "Thank you." We stayed in our embrace for a couple of minutes more until we had to separate.

I was walking to my room when I ran into Christian.

"Christian . . .?" I asked him,

he got upset at me for calling that his aunt had killed Queen Tatiana. But it is true Tasha Ozera had killed the queen and had framed me. My guess to it was because I had Dimitri, she loved him, still does, and once she got me out of the way, he would be open for her to take.

"Rose, I . . ." he couldn't speak he looked like he was about to break out into crying.

I quickly wrapped my arms around him to comfort him.

"Rose, I can't believe my aunt would do that, I'm sorry."

"Christian I couldn't believe it either, I still cant. It was really difficult for me to even say it aloud, but I no I needed to, and you don't have to apologize it wasn't your fault, it was her choice alone."

He had calmed down, I let him go and he stood up straight, he gave me a smile and nodded.

"You might want to find Queen Lissa, she probably wants you around, Lord Ozera." I said playfully.

"Yes, she probably is, good night Guardian Hathaway."


I continued to go to my room but before I could get there I was grabbed by something from behind a curtain. A hand was over my mouth so I couldn't scream, another hand was around my waist. Of course I knew who it was.

"Roza, not the best reaction. What if I was a strigoi, I could of killed you right there and then."

I turned around and planted a kiss on his lips. "But you weren't, and you wouldn't of killed me anyways, you didn't when you were . . ." I stopped myself before I could go on, that could of hurt him to remind him from what happened but he didn't look disappointed.

"Rose, of course I wouldn't and also that wasn't me."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Rose, it's ok I forgave myself for what I have done."

I smiled at him glad that he had forgiven himself I knew that he had, I just didn't know if he would still be upset about anything.



"You know that I was going to my room, I'm sort of tired." He just looked at me and nodded

"Ok, we have had a long day haven't we."

"Yes we have."

We walked out from behind the curtains hand in hand. Once we got to my room, finally. Dimitri said goodnight and kissed me,

"Wait, can you stay the night?" I asked innocently.

"Rose that is a hard decision to make." He stated

"Which one, saying no to me is hard? . . . or wanting to go to your room, alone."

He quickly pulled me to him and whispered in my ear "Of course saying no to you is hard, I will stay with you tonight." I smiled and quickly kissed his ear. He just chuckled at that. I brought him into my room and shut the door behind us.

"Rose, how is your healing going?" Dimitri asked sounding concerned

"I'm as good as new." I said with joy in my voice. Dimitri smiled, then as soon as it came it left.

"Rose what upset you today, you said we would talk about it in private."

Oh shoot he wasn't suppose to remember that. "Ya, well a while ago Adrian and I had a fight . . . again, and he just made me feel like I only care about myself, and I have everything, I have you, he . . . I . . . I think he left for good." A tear escaped my eyes and Dimitri wiped it off he let me talk. "I told him that we weren't meant for each other, he took some of it the wrong way, I told him that he could be something amazing in life, but he just never takes the time for it." Dimitri had me wrapped around him.

"Roza, it's alright, it's alright." He said trying to comfort me.

I sobbed against his shirt, ruining it with my tears.

"Rose, he will repeat everything that happened that night, he will see what he did was a stupid choice, and even if he doesn't he made his choice, he would fail in life, and not take the amazing Rose Hathaway's advice."

I giggled at that "I love you, you know that right?" I asked shyly Dimitri picked me up from the ground and walked over to the bed and placed me down.

"Of course I do Roza, i hope you know that I love you." He said in a soft voice.

"You love me? You loving me never even crossed my mind." I said jokingly

"Oh Roza what am I suppose to do with you."

"We'll I could think of a million things you could do with me." I said while I winked at him.

He just stared at me and smiled. Then before I could even notice what was happening Dimitri was on top of me with his hair hanging down from his face. I took the hair that had fallen and placed it behind his ear.

"Guardian Belikov what do you think you are doing?" I said playfully

"We'll Guardian Hathaway, as you can see I think I am over top of you."

I quickly jumped up from were I was and kissed Dimitri, first it was a soft warm kiss, then it became hot. I started to pull Dimitri's shirt off while he started to take mine off. He pulled back after a few more minutes of rolling around.

"Rose, not yet, you are still healing."

"Common you have already told me that, yes I know I am still healing, hardly though." I pouted,

Dimitri sighed "Oh, Roza."

Dimitri then pushed me back onto the bed so he was over top of me again. He was about to kiss me when I kicked him over so I was on top of him. "Dimitri, don't get to distracted."

"It's hard not to when your around" I smiled at that, then I let my self go limp and landed next to wear Dimitri was laying. Dimitri rolled over so he was looking at me. It was silent for a while until I broke it

"Dimitri when I said I was tired, I wasn't joking, it wasn't just an excuse to get away."

"Oh, right, sorry then if you want to get some sleep then I'll" I cut him off "No!, I mean I want you to stay, please." He let him self relax then pulled me into him. I snuggled my self closer to him wishing that we could get closer. I fell asleep. I was pulled into a spirit dream probably Sonya's. I was wrong.

It was Adrian. We were just where Lissa was when she was announced Queen. There was silence between us.

Adrian finally spoke. "Little Dhampir, I am no longer at court. This was just a goodbye I will not be coming back, probably never even run into each other in the future."

I felt like I wanted to cry I didn't want Adrian to leave! I wanted him in my life. "Adrian . . . I am sorry, but please you couldn't possible be gone, I want you in my life, I need you in my life." A tear escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away.

"I love you Adrian, but as a brother, a brother I never had. Please don't leave, it is true you can success in life if you let yourself, but your running away from your problems. You have to know how to deal with them, and forgive. You cant just leave all your friends behind. Because of me, I don't want that to happen."

He sat down on a chair and collapsed his head into his hands. "Rose, I love you, and I have to have time to let those feelings go."

"Adrian, it may take a day, or a week, maybe even a year. But once you have found someone for you, the right person for you. Please can you come back."

He stood up and walked towards me, he held out both hands for me to hold and I took them. "I promise you I will come back little Dhampir, but I need some time alone."

The dream faded and I woke up, I quickly sat up. I looked beside me to where Dimitri was. He was still asleep. Few. I didn't wake him. I laid back down, an arm reached over and pulled me towards Dimitri. Nope. I was wrong he was awake.

"Roza, you ok?"

"Ya, I'm fine, Adrian just visited me."

"What did he say?" Dimitri was more awake now.

"He said he will come back, once he gets over me and finds the right person for him."

"What do you mean, come back?"

"Oh, right, ya he left court, I don't know where he is though." Dimitri's hand went to my face and stroked it. It was so light, he was hardly even touching me. It felt so right to be with him.

"Roza, its only 3:30 (P.M), do you want to go to sleep again?" I thought about it for a bit but of course I knew my answer. "No, I don't." he was about to say something but I quickly added to what I was going to say. "Can we go out in the sun, it's been a while since the last time I was in the sun." "Yes, I would love to get back out there as well." I got dressed along with Dimitri and we headed outside.

It was Sunday morning; I just got out of the shower when there was a knock at my door. I quickly got dressed and ran over to it.

"Hey, rose were going to be late for church." Lissa said while pulling me out of my room. "Liss, are we seriously going to church, you know how I love to sleep in." "It doesn't look like to me that you were sleeping." She continued to drag me along to church.

I stepped inside and Dimitri was at the last pew to the right, he was sitting alone so I came in and sat beside him. "So Rose has finally made it." Dimitri announced. I then quickly pecked his lips. "Rose, were in church, you know better then that." "Comrade, I really don't think that I do." I said jokingly. "Oh, Roza."

Church was over. Sunday's were my days off, usually guardians didn't get days off, they guarded day and night everyday. But since I was at court, I got Tuesday's, Friday's, and Sunday's off as well as every night.

There was a party going on, but not what comes into your mind at first when you think of party. This party is how ever, a dinner with all the Moroi, either royal or not. Then mingling afterwards. Lissa had let Eddie, Dimitri, and I come, or rather made us come. She didn't want to handle this all on her own.

The 'party' had come and I was sitting at a small table talking to Eddie.

"Rose? What do you think will happen to Tasha, I really liked her, I never would of expected her to do that, never." "Eddie, I must tell you I don't know, but I assume she will be put in a jail like victor had."


I had killed victor, I really didn't mean to. I was controlled by spirit, I smashed him against a wall, and. . . . and he was so still he wasn't breathing, his eyes so drained of life. . .

"Hey? Rose." I snapped out of my memory. "Oh, sorry what did you say?"

"I was just agreeing, hopefully they don't kill her, and what about Christian his family is already assembled bad with his parents choosing to turn Strigoi, now his Aunt killing the queen, well the past queen."

"Ya." I was searching in the room for Lissa when Sonya appeared beside me. "Hey Sonya." I smiled. Eddie still was in shock seeing his old teacher, the one that had gone crazy and turned Strigoi, by choice. "Hey Rose, I am hear to tell you that Lissa would like to see you, she is in her room."

"Thank you Sonya, see you later." And with that I ran off towards the palace, where Lissa was. I wonder why she was there and not at the so called party, huh, leaving us there to suffer. I got to her room and knocked.

"Hey Liss, it's me rose."

"Come, on, in." She sounded a bit nervous,

i wish we still had that bond, it broke when I almost died maybe even died when Tasha had shot me when I told everyone that she was the murderer who killed Queen Tatiana. I was able to push myself back, without any help, so I was now a free spirit.

I opened up the door to see Christian holding Lissa's hand on the bed.

"Rose, I have something to tell you."

Lissa looked at Christian and Christian nodded. "I am pregnant." I started shouting about how happy I was for her.

"Oh my Gosh Lissa! That is fantastic!" I probably sounded like a manic cheering for her. There was a knock at the door."Come in!." I screamed. "My room much Rose?" "Oh, sorry I'm just really excited for you!."

"Rose, I think we can all see that." Christian said.

I turned around to see who had came in, it was Dimitri.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I sort of heard some screaming so I came to see if everything was alright." Dimitri was looking at me, yep he knew it was me.

"Sorry, comrade but there is GREAT news!"

"Yes I can see that." I looked over to Lissa for her to tell Dimitri. "Dimitri, I am pregnant." Dimitri then started to cheer for her.

"Congratulations Lissa! Lord Ozera Is the father right?"

"Yes, of course Christian is the father!" "'we'll I sure hope I am!" Lissa and Christian said at the same time. I just giggled at all the commotion here.

"Rose, why are you laughing at this!" Lissa demanded. "I don't know, it's just, funny." "Well I don't think any of this is funny." Lissa said "I don't know, I'm just in a random mood right now." Dimitri put his arms around me and pulled me towards him. I looked up at him and started to kiss him. "woah, get a room would you." Christian said with a disgusted look on his face. "No problem, common Dimitri."

"Rose!" Lissa practically yelled at me. "Lissa I am right here you know." "Yes I know, but don't leave yet." Lissa complained. Dimitri started to pull me towards the door. "Lissa, I'm pretty sure you would love to celebrate this with umm Christian, and I have something I need to do anyways, so I'll see you soon."

I ran out of Dimitri's arms and gave Lissa a tight hug. I walked back to Dimitri and we left. "So what do you have to do then?" Dimitri asked. "Hmm . . . nothing, that was just an excuse to get out to spend some quality time with you." I said while going on my tippy toes to kiss him. Before I even had time to realize I was already at my room. "Dimitri?"

"Yes Roza." Dimitri said while leaning in to kiss my forehead. "I'm sorry." I said while I started to frown. "What for?" "For not being able to give you kids, I know you have wanted them, but I cant give it to you." "Oh, Roza I'm happy with just you." I smiled to that, but I was still sad that I couldn't give Dimitri what he wanted.

I just came out of the shower and put on my clothes when Dimitri came in and put me over his shoulders, I started to hit his back and started yelling at him to let me go. "Wait comrade, forget what I said, I think I like the view from here." Dimitri started to chuckle, oh gosh I loved to hear his laugh, so warm and loving. "Rose, Rose, Rose." Dimitri sighed "AHH!" Dimitri had dropped me from over his shoulders onto the bed. Dimitri put his finger over my mouth to stop me from my little scream. "Sshh someone will hear you Rose." Dimitri was over top of me, hmm this felt like Déjà vu. Dimitri started to kiss my forehead, down to my nose, then my mouth, then my neck, he continued to kiss me going lower every kiss. When Dimitri came back up to my face I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips to mine, I started to undue his buttons to his shirt. "Rose." Dimitri said "Dimitri, please, I told you I'm fine." I begged

Dimitri finally gave in and took my shirt off. I wrapped my legs around his waist while kissing his neck. I then pushed his pants off along with his underwear with my feet. Dimitri got my pants off. He put one arm on my lower back and the other around the back of my head tangled with my hair. Dimitri took his hand from my lower back and took my underwear off with it, or at least it got to my knees so I kicked it off with my feet.

Dimitri and I had love for the third time in my life, and all three had been with him. I was laying on Dimitri's chest. "I'm really tired . . . Dimitri." "Alright rose go to sleep, I love you." "I love you to." Last thing I remember before I was in the darkness of sleep was Dimitri's face. There was no spirit dream, it was finally a peaceful sleep, even better because I was with Dimitri.

I woke up with Dimitri starring down at me. "Good morning."

"Good morning, comrade." I brought Dimitri's head down and kissed him. "Rose, it's Monday you have to . . ." I cut him off with a kiss

"Dimitri, I know but I wish one of these days I could just lay here in bed with you all day." "One of these days we will." Dimitri winked at me and got up from bed. I got a quick shower and put on some clothes, when I came out from the bedroom Dimitri was gone. He probably went to find Christian, since that's his assignment to guard for the rest of his life.