I do not own The Outsiders.

Tommys eyes opened to a loud 'thud' followed by a groan. "Soda... you don't gotta be so rough..." He heard Pony groan.

He shut his eyes once more to try to sleep but it was obvious this wasn't going to happen as Two-Bit kicked him in the ribs. "Wakey wakey! It's Christmas!"

He heard a crisp smack as he guessed someone hit him. "Its the first time he slept since the night before last. Let 'im be." He could tell Darrys deep voice apart from anyones.

"No its fine I'm up..." he said in the most convincing voice he could muster with his eyes still shut.

"Like hell you are," Some one else laughed.

He felt like everyone was watching him so he opened his eyes and forced himself to sit up. Thankfully only Steve and Darry were watching him, everyone else seemed to had disappeared.

"So where is everyone?" he asked while rubbing his eyes.

Darry glanced around. "Dally and Johnny are right behind you, and I'd imagine the rest of 'em are either eating something or out back."

Tommy swung his head around to where as Darry said Dally and Johnny were. Dally was leaning back in the chair so far Tommy couldn't see his head and Johnny was sitting up looking as tired as Tommy imagined he did.

"Hey Dar when can we open our presents?" Soda piped up from somewhere int the house, proabably the kitchen were loud clangs and rattles could be heard from where they were.

"After breakfast, and I don't want anything that discoloured!" Darry shouted. He shook his head regrettedly. "I can't believe I agreed to Two-Bit and Soda making breakfast."

Steve grinned playfully. "You'll probably end up homeless or dead with what I saw them doing in there."

Darry went white. "Two-Bit!" he yelled while quickly running into the kitchen.

A rough laugh was heard from behind him. He craned his neck to see Dally climbing out of the chair. "Jesus only knows why I bother staying here, I get more sleep in the cold than I get around here with you crazy kids." He then proceded to crack waht seemed to be every bone in his body with a few twists and stretches.

"I'm going for a smoke," he announced to no one in particular then strutted out of the house, Johnny straight on his heels.

Tommy shook his head. Why the hell would that kid follow a guy like Dally so much?

Steve looked down at him as if reading his mind. "Johnny sure does worship Dal, he is his hero if he got one. And don't tell Dal I said this, but if he cares about anything its about that kid."

Tommy nodded understandingly. Suddenly a loud bang was heard from the kitchen followed by a loud groan.


Everyone was slumped around in the living room silently. Breakfast to say the least was interesting. Turns out the loud bang was Two-Bit knocking the pancake batter all over a none suspecting Ponyboy. Thankfully the bacon wasn't harmed, and the chocolate cake was great. Tommy couldn't believe that the cake was a normal breakfast to them, even as a kid he wouldn't even dream of it.

"Alright here we go Pony," Soda said while throwing a box in his direction from under the tree. Pony eagerly began to rip the paper off of it. As he cracked the box opened his eyes lit up and jumped onto the couch were Darry was sitting. "Thanks guys," he gushed while hurrying over to attack Soda.

Tommy looked at the fallen box on the ground where Pony had dropped it. Spilling out of it were two sneakers, and from the looks of them they were used. He lookd at Pony's happy face then back at the shoes. The kid got that excited over a pair of sneakers. Tommy doubted he looked that excited when he recieved a car the previous for Christmas.

Slowly Soda handed the gifts out, a watch for Darry plus some chocolate and trinkets, Soda got a few new shirts aswell as Pony plus of course some candy.

After Soda fished saying thanks for a dark blue tee shirt he grabbed another present under the tree. A smile crossed his face as he read it. "Steve,"

A look of suprise crossed his face as he easily caught the gift and ripped it open. It was a couple magazines and a model of a Mustang. Steve looked the happiest Tommy had ever seen him.

One by one Soda handed out gifts for the group, each person recieving it with the utmost happiness and surprise as the person before them. Once all the presents were handed out everyoen sat contentedly playing with whatever they recieved. Dally a new blade, Johnnysome gloves and a warm hat, Two-Bit a peice of coal (as a joke) along with random toys that he seemed to be able to have endless fun with and a mickey mouse calender.

As Tommy watched the group be so overcome with utter joy over such small things he began to realize how much he took for granted, how much they all took for granted. These guys who are their ages don't may not have parents who love them or even a house but they still laugh and love and forgive despite everything and everyone that spat on them.

They're happy for nothing, and I'm not happy for everything. He felt sick as he began to remember all the shit he had done to them, everytime he complained, every kid he laughed at. He shook his head angrily as he vowed not to do that again. He felt his eyes widen as he a thought struck him. Greasers were better people than they were. Even though he knew this wasn't always the case it seemed more true to him than anything he'd ever heard.

The doorbell suddenly rang peircing Tommy's thoughts. When no one moved to answer it he looked at Darry confused only to be met by a smiling face. "Merry Christmas Tommy."

Tommy's eyebrows furrowed together confused as he slowly walked towards the door. His eyes widened as he swung it open and was greeted by a figure attaching him in a bear hug. He barely managed to regain his footing as he stumbled backwards back into the house. "Honey I'm so sorry. I've been so worried-"

He peeled the figure off him and looked at them in realization that it was his mother. "Mom," he greeted happily as he pulled her into a hug once again.

Minutes later when they finally seperated Mrs. Radcliff finally became aware of the other gapping figures in the room. She scanned them briefly until they stopped on Darry's face. She rushed forwards and hugged him quickly. Darry's boddy tensed as he stood stiffly until she let go. "Thank you so much for calling me Darry, really you have no idea how worried I was. I came home and when his father told me what he'd one I-"

"Wait, what about dad?" Tommy quickly rushed in.

She looked at him sadly. "I'm giving him one last chance, but if he messses this one up I'm done. He said he will stop the drinking but if he doesn't I don't think I can deal with it anymore, I will leave him. If it comes down to that you canchoose who you will live with, we will not pressure you." Tommy looked down sadly for a minute. He already knew who he'd choose if it came down to that. He looked back up quickly as he realized there was a small chance his dad wouldn't mess up though.

"Wait, how do you know Darry?" Soda asked to Mrs. Radcliff.

"And howd you know her number?" Steve added in looking quizzingly to Darry.

Mrs. Radcliff smiled. "Darry and my eldest son Todd used to play together one the football team. Up until Todd went off to college he used to spend everyday at my house I swear."

Darry laughed. "You did make a good pasta."

She smiled happily. After a few seconds she turned to Todd. "Well I guess we should be heading."

Tommy smiled happily and nodded in agreement but before following her out he turned to each greaser one by one.

"Merry christamas" he said to each one while giving a thanks to Darry and Soda for helping him. He shared a few words with Steve who he found to be his clostest friend he made out of all them suprisingly.

As he turned to Johnny he gave a grin and wished him his best adn apoligized once again for jumping him.

Finally he reached Dally. He gave him a meanignful look to him. "I'm sorry for before, I honstly wouldn't think of doing that again. If you need to got o hospital to get that thing checked out," he said motioning to his shoulder, "I can pay."

Dallys eyes widened for a second in shock then resumed their normal size quickly, though with less anger than before. Maybe that was all he ever really needed, for someone to say sorry, Tommmy thought with a smile as he turned to his mother and travelled out the door.

As he and his mother made their way to the car a few smalll white snowflakes swirled around Tommys bodies. He looked to the sky in disbeleief, it never snowed in Tulsa. "A Christmas maricle.." his mother mused while she drived away.

Tommy looked out the back window as she drove away and watched as six teenage boys ran outside and bagan to play in the snow, shoving eachother and swirling in circles like little kids with their arms swung out on both sides of their bodies.

Truly a Christmas maricle
, Tommy agreed in his head.

. . .

Cheesy yes, but hope you liked. If so please review :)

And thank you to all my reviewers btw. Couldn't have done it without you!