I do not own The Outsiders.

Tommy Radcliff stared into the night silently. As a cool breeze
crossed through the air he buried his body deeper into his jacket.
Hurry up, he begged in his mind for his friends. They were suppossed
to have picked him up a good half hour ago. Where the fuck are you?

As if on cue a red Mustang veered around the corner. Although they
were down the road he could hear them hooting and hollaring already. A
grin spread across his face as they screeched to a stop by the curb he
was standing on. The instant he was on the seat James, the driver took
off again. He looked around the car to see that there were five of
them in the car, including himself. "So what kept you?" he demanded
remembering that they were the reason he was yet to feel his fingers.

A mischievious look past through their faces. "Well, we met up with
some some girls at The Way Out, and well, got a little carried away."
Rusty, the speaker, raised his eyebrows suggestivly a couple times
until Tommy took the hint. He faked a laugh and although he didn't put
much effort into it they seemed to have bought it because they
returned their attention back to their previous conversation and
already half empty flasks, which Tommy joined them in happily.

Although he was still a little mad Tommy pushed his feeling aside. No
need to wreck a good night over nothing. And it was a good night. They
fooled around with their girls and although they wouldn't let them go
all the way it was still fun. They spent a little time Christmas
parties some guys they knew were throwing but left as soon as the
alchohol disappeared to a different party. By midnight they were all
well wasted.

"Greeeeaser," Rusty slurred pointing a drunk finger out the window.
Tommy followed his gaze outside to see a slim boy hunched by the side
of the road. His dark hair covered his eyes but it was still obvious
he was trying to advoid looking at them by the way his head was turned
so they could barely see his face. James swerved to the side of the
road nearly hitting the guy. Tommy grinned wildly. He knew what was

"Greeaaseerr.." They taunted as they swarmed around him blocking off
all chances of him escaping. He pulled out a switch blade with a
shaking hand. "I-I d-don't want n-no tr-trouble." he stammered,
stuttering so bad Tommy could barely understand him. A sick grin
passed through Ryan, another one of his friends face, "We don't wanna
fight neither, we just wanna...um" he paused trying to think of the
right word, "Help you. With your hair, you can't even shee." His words
were slurred the entire time.

A drunk laugh passed through a few of the guys lips. "Yeah, just a hair
cut." they agreed. Then it started.

Rusty and James pounced on him taking his knife and hold of each arm
violently. "Stop movin, we might miss.." Tommy cooed as Ryan dragged
the point of the knife along his cheek following a scar. The boy
stopped moving instantly and watched the blade with wide deer eyes. A
small whimper escaped from deep in his throat. His breathing quickened
and he started shaking. "D-d-don't...p-pl-please" he begged desperatly.

"Don't what?" Someone laughed from behind Tommy. "We're helpin yah."

Ryan hit him first, a quick jerk to the boys stomach that caused him
to gasp loudly. Soon others joined in until Rusty and James didn't
even have to hold onto his arms for him to not run away.

Tommy heard an loud yell and turned around in time to see an angry
face seconds before he was looking up at the sky. He stood up quickly
and scanned the fight again trying to find the greaser that
knocked him down. After a few seconds he caught sight of a dark mess
of hair and icy blues eyes that caused him to think a second before
helping his friends. Only one greaser he knew had those eyes. Those
eyes belonged to Dallas Winston.

The dark haired boy was forgotten on the ground as they all turned
their attention to bringing Dallas down. No matter how much the hit
him, no matter how much he hit them, neither could get an upper hand.
Eventually as Dallas turned his attention to a blade James brought out
his back pocket Tommy saw his opening. He swung with all his might at
Dally's turned head. It was a cheap shot, Dally wasn't looking at him,
but it didn't matter. It worked.

His punch was enough to give all the other guys an opportunity to hit
him. Within seconds he was on the ground. Tommy joined the ring of
boys as they surronded his body and kicked him.

Tommmy had both feet on the ground, preparing himself for another
kick, just like all the other guys when it happened. He wasn't sure
whose foot it was, and he never found out, as they all watched as it
was brought above Dallys chest, not moving for a second. Then it went
down with all the power it's owner could muster. It hit Dallas'
shoulder with a sickening crack. Everything was silent for a moment.
Then he started screaming.

It wasn't a angry scream like before, this was a scream of pure pain.
But just as soon as it started Dallas ended it, clamping his mouth shut
like the scream itself hurt more than the kick.

Tommy watched in a dream-like state as Dally's face twisted in pain.
His eyes scrunched together crinkling the edges of his eyes and hiding
his icy stare. Tommy felt a pang of sympathy for him for a second.
When they opened once again seconds later all trace of pain was gone
and replaced with pure hate and anger. He yelled again, this one was
more like a war cry.

Suddenly awoken from his previous state Tommy noticed that everyone
had resumed their kicking as if nothing happened. He wondered if they
even noticed how hurt he was. He bit his tongue to resist telling them to
stop beore they kill him.

Out the corner of his eye Tommy saw the dark haired boy pick up his
forgotten blade and walk cautiously to the swarm of boys. Suddenly his
big dark eyes flicked over to where Tommy was standing and met his
gaze. A look of fear passed his features when he realized Tommy had
noticed him.

Tommy didn't move, he didn't breath. He was scared if he did
that the boy would go running. After a few seconds he seemed to
realize that Tommy wasn't going to warn his friends of him and
gave a small nervous grin and proceeded forwards.

The boy reached right behind Rusty before everyone noticed him. "Well
looky here, seems like the grease has finally grown a pair," Rusty
smirked taking a step forwards towards the shaking boy. He paused for
a moment then with a quick swipe grabbed his blade and dropped it
beside him. "Seems like your really keen to learn your lesson huh?
Well hate to disapoint you." Tommy realized his words were no longer
slurred and realized just how bad the situation was now that they were
sober. With that Rusty backhanded him with such force the boy fell to
the ground. Everyone proceded slowly towards him but were stopped
before they could land a single punch on him.

James screamed in agony, and Tommy along with everyone else glanced
over to see him on the ground, holding his nose with blood seeping through his fingers. Dallas stood above him with a menacing gleam in his eyes. In his right hand he held a knife, while his left was pressed to his chest in a sling fashion.

Within seconds the fight was back on. If anything the fight was more
intense than before. Tommy thought Dally was bad with both arms, he
realized he was even better with a blade, even if he only used one arm.
The smaller dark greaser fought this time too, but always stayed a
little behind Dallas, like he was his protecter.

Everytime someone tried to find an opening to hit Dally, it was
blocked with a bright gleam of silver. No matter how fast they moved,
he always seemed faster.

Sweat dripped down the back of Tommy's neck, he was sure he would
collapse if he stood up for one more second. Suddenly he became aware
of James escaping back to the car and he followed instantly, runnning like
his life depended on it, all the guys right beside him.

The minute Rusty slid in shotgun James floored it, making Tommy almost
get whiplash from how fast his head jolted back from the sudden burst
of speed.

As they sped down the road James slowed down to speed limit feeling
safer the further away they got.

Tommy glanced out the back window one last time before turning the
corner to see Dally leaning forwards, as if to catch his breath and
the smaller boy standing worriedly beside him.

He shook his head and wondered why he ever felt bad for them. They're
greasers, they deservered it.

Well hope you liked, review :) Felt like doing something Christmas-y,
so this is the result. Next chap well include the gang ;) Reviews are
wanted, and if you want a fast updates they help :) Try to finish before
the 25, but if not definately will be done before New Years :)