"Vaughn, I suggest you go visit the new farmer. After all, she has made this island already so successful in such a short time!" Mirabelle insisted the silver haired man, with a tiny bashful grin plastered on her face.

Vaughn scowled. "Why should I? I bet she'll be annoying like the rest of the people on this pathetic island!"

Mirabelle scowled herself. "Must everything out of your mouth always be so negative? "

"Whatever. I'll go visit her. Humph."

"Don't forget to let your introduction be formal and be nice!" Mirabelle called out to him, but it seemed he had already slammed the door, and he walked quickly out of the shop.

Vaughn slowly adjusted his hands into his pockets on his way towards the farm and he sighed.

He couldn't believe he had to introduce himself to this farmer girl, but it couldn't be helped, after all, Mirabelle has been on his back about him introducing himself to her for days! Vaughn was expecting this girl to be all nice and bubbly just like the rest of the villagers.

When he had finally made his way towards her farm, he shifted his hands around in his pockets repeatedly, feeling somewhat awkward.

His amethyst eyes widened slightly, seeing that every inch of her field was filled up with crops, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He thought it was a little too impossible for a farmer girl to have so many crops already planted in her short time of being here on this island.

Vaughn approached her door and knocked.

He stood there waiting, adjusting his hands into his pockets, and the door opened slowly.

A young woman stood there, looking about his age, and her sapphire eyes looked so dull. She had long chocolate brown hair, having a red bandanna wrapped neatly around her head, taming her long hair. The farmer wore a light colored orange jacket, along with a creamy yellow shirt under it. Also was wearing blue jean shorts and shiny red boots that had yellow at the bottom of them.

The farmer scanned his face with her dull sapphire eyes. It looked like she had no interest in him and not even a smile showed on her face.

Vaughn was slightly shocked on her lifeless expression, expecting a bubbly farmer, but all he was seeing was a girl who looks like she could care less about him.

"I'm Vaughn. A livestock dealer around here and I only come here on days-"

She abruptly yawned, interrupting him, and she said in a monotone tone, "Okay."

"I wasn't done talking yet!" Vaughn retorted angrily and pointed a finger at her.

She only stared up at him with her blank looking eyes and blinked.

"Sorry, Vaughn… I'm tired…" she told him tiredly, wiping her eyes, and yawned once more.

"Whatever. This is just a big waste of my time if you simply won't listen! Humph!" Vaughn shouted and started to stomp away from her farm.

"Bye…" the female farmer muttered and re-entered her house.

Vaughn was enraged when he had entered Mirabelle's shop.

A worried expression formed on Mirabelle's face. "I'm guessing things didn't go okay?"

Vaughn grunted. "That was a total waste of my time! All she did was yawn and not even care what I had to say!"

"Vaughn, she works really hard and she must have been exhausted. Please try to understand…"

"Whatever. I don't care!"

"Did you even get her name, Vaughn?" Mirabelle questioned.

He paused for a minute and then groaned of embarrassment. "No…"

Julia then had walked out of the kitchen, walking up towards Vaughn with a smirk on her face, and giggled. "Vaughn, you can't let your anger get to you! I swear you need anger management or something!"

"Shut up! You're just as annoying!" Vaughn countered irritated.

Julia raised an eyebrow playfully and giggled. "Well, her name is Chelsea I'll have you know!"

"Like I care…" Vaughn mumbled under his breath, avoiding eye contact with Julia.

Out of nowhere, Chelsea had walked into the shop, walking towards Mirabelle.

"I'd like to buy a chicken please," Chelsea requested in a monotone tone and Mirabelle nodded.

"Okay. I'll have Vaughn deliver it to you by tomorrow!" Mirabelle stated cheerfully.

The brunette nodded slowly and it seemed she walked out of the door weakly.

"What the heck was that all about? She is like a robot or something!" Vaughn exclaimed and his left eye started to twitch.

"Chelsea isn't really a people person, Vaughn. She is just shy and usually doesn't really socialize with others…" Mirabelle explained.

Julia started to giggle even more and she said to Vaughn teasingly, "Chelsea kind of sounds like you, Vaughn!"

He glared at her. "Shut up! How dare you compare me to that…that farmer!"

Suddenly, a flash of concern appeared on Mirabelle's face. "Oh, it seems Chelsea forgot to pay for her chicken! "

"What an idiot…" Vaughn muttered under his breath and Julia hit him on the head. "Ow!"

"Vaughn, could you please go find Chelsea and ask her to pay?" Mirabelle requested him, flashing him a cheerful smile.

Vaughn groaned and only sighed in defeat. "Fine."

The silver haired young man stomped out the door irritated, and to his surprise, he saw the female farmer unconsciousness on the ground.

Vaughn sighed while muttering under his breath, "Great. This is just all I need…"

He picked up the female farmer bridal style and walked back into the shop.

Both Mirabelle and Julia gasped in unison.

"That's the fifth time this week she has fainted! Oh, I swear she works too hard!" Mirabelle said dramatically and a look of dread consumed her face.

"Vaughn, just don't stand there! Go put her in my bed already!" Julia demanded fiercely and he sighed in annoyance.

Vaughn walked into Julia's room and placed Chelsea gently on the bed.

He thought Chelsea looked somewhat peaceful while sleeping and he suddenly noticed she was struggling to open her eyes.

The brunette opened her eyes slowly. Her vision was rather blurry for a few moments; however, she managed to return her normal vision again.

"Uh, you okay?" Vaughn asked her awkwardly, trying to sound concerned, but failed.

"My crops! Oh no!" Chelsea whispered to herself in panic, not even hearing Vaughn's words, and she suddenly looked up at him while blinking innocently.

Chelsea quickly sat up and got up from the bed. "Uh… Vaughn, right? What happened?" she questioned obliviously and Vaughn was boiling of anger.

"You fainted, that's what happened! Don't over work yourself!" Vaughn lectured her annoyed and pointed a figure towards her.

"Oops…" Chelsea mumbled shyly, looking down towards the floor, and she started to giggle nervously.

His eyebrows furrowed suspiciously. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing…Well, if you don't mind, I'll be taking my leave now!" Chelsea stated quickly and tried to head for the door, but Vaughn blocked it.

"You're not going anywhere!" Vaughn yelled and she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why?" she asked puzzled.

"You forgot to pay for your chicken, smart one!" Vaughn told her in his usual harsh tone.

"Gee, you sure are sassy…" Chelsea muttered under her breath, trying not to giggle, and Vaughn glared at her.

"Pay up now!" he demanded.

She thought for a minute, placing her index finger to her chin, and a look of concern showed on her face.

"It seems I left my money at home…" Chelsea mumbled to him nervously, and avoided eye contact with him.

Vaughn didn't seem to believe her and then out of nowhere, he pinned her to the wall.

"I find that hard to believe! Now pay up or else!" Vaughn threatened and his face grew closer to hers, glaring at her.

A frightful expression showed on Chelsea's face and she was about to kick him in his lower regions; however, Julia had walked into the room.

Julia's eyes widened in the surprise and a playful smirk appeared on her face.

"Oh Vaughn, I didn't know you were the direct type when it comes to girls!" Julia told him playfully.

Vaughn immediately blushed and released his grip on Chelsea.

"Its not what you think and she wouldn't pay!" Vaughn denied all flustered.

Julia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say, but it looks like you were about to kiss her or something!"

"I was not!" Vaughn protested.

"Was too!" Julia fought back.

"Uh, well, I'm going to leave now…" Chelsea muttered awkwardly, trying to head for the door again, and Vaughn pulled her back by grabbing her wrist.

"Not without paying, you aren't!" Vaughn told her while holding her wrist.

"Vaughn let her go! She can pay later!" Julia yelled at him angrily and a smirked appeared on her face as she said, "Unless… You like to hold her…"

His face instantly boiled neon red and he released his grip on her.

Vaughn started to twitch and Chelsea sprinted out the door before he could unleash his furry on Julia.

Author Note: Was bored so I wrote this. I'm not normally a crazy fan over Vaughn and Chelsea being a couple. In fact, when I first got the game when I was younger, I didn't even think Vaughn was attractive and I didn't really pay attention to him. But, I don't know what I was thinking back then, now I think he is attractive.

This story is based off of island of happiness, so yeah.

Well, it's not my best writing… But…review?

Thanks so much.