I know I've just finished Metaphors (keep the reviews for it coming, guys!) and I wanted to go back and update my old stories but I can't get into them. So I just decided to write a little facebook fic. I know It's not original at all but I haven't seen any Finchel centric ones. Just a little fun, if you want I will continue or it can be left as a one shot. Begins during episode 2*08 Furt, will stick to main storylines but may veer away from the episode plot.

Rachel Berry is thrilled to be attending the Hummel-Hudson wedding today. As chief bridesmaid I hope to stick to tradition and be seduced by the dashingly handsome best man.

(Kurt Hudson, Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray and 6 others like this)

Quinn Fabray: Your status updates are always really long, Berry!

Finn Hudson: You're talking about me, right babe?

Rachel Berry: Well I'm certainly not talking about Kurt, Finn!

Kurt Hudson:No need to be rude!

Finn Hudson: Seduce is a good thing right? Like that poem we read in English class?

Rachel Berry: You'll have to find out. Perhaps I'll seduce you later ;)

Finn Hudson: Can I like this status more than once?

Kurt Hummel: Get. A. Room.

Finn Hudson hey baby, I think I wanna marry you!

(Santana Lopez, Quinn Fabray, Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry and 22 others like this.)

Rachel Berry: Just say yeah, yeah, yeah!

Finn Hudson: If you're ready, like I'm ready.

Santana Lopez: Are you two losers seriously going to recite the whole frickin lyrics?

Rachel Berry: I think I am ready baby.

Finn Hudson: When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change.

Quinn Fabray: Hey, they're not lyrics from the song Rachel! Epic fail!

Rachel Berry: I know.

Finn Hudson: Rach I'm confused, are we still quoting from Bruno Mars?

Rachel Berry: No, I'm talking about what we discussed at the wedding.

Quinn Fabray: Ready for what? *Rolls eyes in confusion* Are you guys getting married?

Noah Puckerman: Dude, high five! Ftw!

Finn Hudson: I'll call you Rach.

Rachel Berry: Okay baby.

Rachel Berry Spent three hours on the phone with my amazing boyfriend. Love you!

(Finn Hudson likes this)

Finn Hudson: Love you too. My ears hurting now from holding the phone, but worth it!

Noah Puckerman: Did you do it already, Hudson?

Finn Hudson: You're an idiot.

Rachel Berry: Other than your arms I really don't know what I ever saw in you Noah.

Noah Puckerman: Because I'm the best kisser you ever had?

Santana Lopez: You do have killer arms babe.

Finn Hudson: You like his arms Rach? :(

Santana Lopez: Ooops, you're in trouble munchkin!

Rachel Berry: Noah's arms are insignificant in relation to your cute butt babe. All of you is amazing.

Santana Lopez: tbf, Finn does have some good junk in that trunk!

Rachel Berry: I don't even get why you're on this status, Santana.

Noah Puckerman: Please, Berry, didn't stop you moaning when we were making out!

Rachel Berry: Because I was imagining you were Finn the whole time, you idiot!

Finn Hudson: Ouch that's gotta hurt dude!

Noah Puckerman: I was never you into anyways.

Santana Lopez: Wanna come over Puckerman?

Noah Puckerman: C u in 5!

Kurt Hummel house party cancelled guys! My parents have decided to postpone their honeymoon.

Mike Chang: No way dude!

Kurt Hummel: Yes way!

Finn Hudson: Since when?

Kurt Hummel: Since this morning Finn! My dad was pretty vague but just said they needed to save for something. They wouldn't tell me what though.

Finn Hudson: So where's my mom going to be this weekend?

Kurt Hummel: Er... at home?

Finn Hudson: She's definitely not going on her honeymoon?

Kurt Hummel: Finn, are you even reading what I'm saying! No!

Finn Hudson: So on Saturday evening, my mom's going to be at home?

Kurt Hummel: Probably Finn! This is getting old.

Finn Hudson: Shit.

Finn Hudson:Rachel Berry

Change of plan about weekend, need to speak to you.

Noah Puckerman: I know a motel that charges by the hour, or in your case Hudson, for each fifteen minutes?

Rachel Berry: Did you tell him Finn?

Finn Hudson: Of course I didn't baby! He just guessed!

Rachel Berry: Call me in 5.

Noah Puckerman: You're whipped, dude.

Finn Hudson: Shut it.

Rachel Berry: Is looking forward to Bowling and dinner.

(Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones and 2 others like this)

Finn Hudson: Can't wait babe, let's hope it's better than the first time we went bowling.

Noah Puckerman: What happened to the motel, dude?

Rachel Berry: It will be Finn because you're my boyfriend now! Noah there was never going to be a motel.

Quinn Fabray: What happened the first time you went bowling?

Finn Hudson: err nothing, I promise.

Quinn Fabray: Okay. I am going to stop reading yours and Rachel's statuses because they just confuse me.

Rachel Berry: I won, take that Hudson! Woop!

(Quinn Fabray, Mike Chang, Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman and 26 others like this)

Noah Puckerman: Hudson you are so frickin lame! Berry beat you! She can't even aim straight.

Finn Hudson: I let her dude, she is seriously competitive when it comes to this stuff so I always let her win. Besides she was in a such in a good mood afterwards that we got to third base, which was awesome, so stick it.

Finn Hudson: Shit, I meant to send a private message. How do I delete comments?

Noah Puckerman: Ha!

Finn Hudson: is a dead man walking.

(Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabray, Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang, Kurt Hummel and 43 others like this.)

Rachel Berry: Yes, ' baby', you most certainly are.

This was fun to write! I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please read and review if you think I should continue it!