Sorry, Re-post Forgot the standard disclaimer… Bioware owns all Mass Effect Characters etc. etc. etc… I only use them for my own evil purposes…

A/N OK, so I was listening to Apocalyptica's new album, track 5, Beautiful, and this kinda invaded my mind and wouldn't leave. For such a short instrumental piece, it gave birth to this monster. This is chapter 1. There will be one more, hopefully soon. Have to decorate a tree and cook lots of food. My son's coming home on leave from the USAF. (Yea, I'm that old…) Anyway, I won't get any rest until I get this out of my head… literally…

The trips to see the doctor had become more and more frequent, and there were few nights she actually slept, either coughing fits echoing through the house or the ever present fear that she would wake and he would be gone, keeping her up.

Kolyat had finally arrived from the Citadel and was staying in the main house in one of the two guest room. She knew there was still some hurt and anger there, but at least he and Thane had been able reconnect and at least come to terms with what had happened between then.

He still skirted around her though, far enough away she couldn't punch him again. Not that she would. And besides, that had just been a love tap. If she'd really wanted to punch him, he wouldn't have gotten up afterwards. And really, that was almost three years ago…

Mordin had arrived just a few days ago and was staying in the guest house with Garrus. The turian had already been there for several months.

After dealing with the aftermath of the Collector Home World and the trip back through the Omega 4 relay, they'd spent a month getting repairs done on the ship. After that, she'd told The Illusive Man that the crew was due for several months leave, no questions asked. She herself would be taking an unspecified amount of time. Unless the reapers suddenly appeared, she was semi-retired. That had been over two years ago…

On a small farm outside Yuma, Arizona that she'd bought with help from Ambassador Anderson, she and Thane had settled down for some much needed rest. The low humidity of the area had done wonders for his Kepral's Syndrome and the days and weeks had grown into months, the months into a little over two years.

After the suicide mission, she had persuaded Mordin to look for a cure for Thane's Kepral's syndrome. It had proved illusive, though, but during his research, he had developed a breathing treatment that had so far added many months to Thane's life. Mordin was here now as the end approached, to offer what medical comfort he could to the drell, and emotional support to Shepard.

He'd been strong enough to sit up in the sun room that morning. She left him reading the morning news as she went to the kitchen for his usual cup of tea. The Kepral's had spread viciously in the past two months and Thane could no longer stomach solid food. She'd begun buying fresh produce and juicing everything. She'd fight for him as long as he… as long as he fought…

She knew it was getting harder and harder. Harder for him to ignore the pain, harder for him to resist the pull of the sea. He slipped so easily into solipsism these days, and God help her, she hated it. Hated that he was in pain. Hated that she couldn't do anything to stop it. Hated that he was leaving her… She leaned up against the wall in the stairwell and closed her eyes. Just breathe… just breathe….

Voices nearing the front door pulled her up short and she quickly wiped at her eyes and continued down to the lower floor and the kitchen.

"Morning Garrus. Morning Mordin," she greeted them brightly. Too brightly Mordin decided, again noticing the signs of sleep deprivation and trying to exist on too little food and overly enormous amounts of coffee and coke.

"How's Thane today?" Garrus's low voice soothed over her frayed nerves. Thank God for Garrus. Without him she'd have long ago lost what little sanity she had remaining. He took care of everything on the farm. He took care of her when she couldn't do it herself…

"He's sitting in the sun room this morning reading the news. I was just on my way to get him a cup of tea and maybe some juice."

"Sitting up. Good sign. New breathing treatment and meds helping. Should avoid hot tea, though. Cool or room temperature. Juice idea a good one. Provides excellent nutrition and absorbability is maximized."

Trust Mordin to always latch onto the scientific elements of any conversation. "But he likes his tea warm. With the little time he has left, I think he should be able to enjoy the few things he still likes."

"Could bring on an attack. Warm liquid could thicken mucus thereby causing delayed or spasmodic breathing episode. Of course, nominally reduces life expectancy by mere seconds. Suppose it's ok to have hot tea."

"You two go on up. Garrus see if Kolyat is up and ask him if he wants to sit with his dad this morning. After breakfast I have a few things to do down in the basement."

In the kitchen she juiced several fresh fruits and vegetables. She made the tea but added an ice cube to cool it. If cool tea would get her just a few more seconds with him…


Later on in the guest house…

"Worried about Shepard. Not sleeping, not eating. Stress associated with care of terminal patient with emotional attachment not conducive to mental wellbeing or physical health. Perhaps should prescribe psychotropic drugs for sleep aid and immuno-booting supplements to increase appetite."

"You go ahead Mordin. I'm sure she'll be more receptive than last time," Garrus said, the sarcasm not lost on the salarian. She'd threatened to rip his omin-tool off, shove it up his ass and air-lock him.

"Will need strength in the coming weeks. Thane does not have much time. Scans this morning indicate disease is advancing rapidly. Two months at best. Most likely only a few weeks. Emotional loss of mate will be devastating."

"I know… I know. Maybe we can talk to Thane. If anyone can get her to see reason, it's him. While he still can…"


"Kolyat," Thane's voice rasped in warmth of the midday sun. They were sitting on the sun porch enjoying the heat of the sun. Thane had been dozing on and off most of the morning, but now he seemed more alert, more focused.

Kolyat had been just sitting there surfing the extranet. Professor Mordin and Garrus had already returned to the guest house, and Shepard had mentioned having something to do. Most of the times before, when he'd visited his dad, Shepard had conveniently had meetings off world, leaving them to find their way back together without her interference.

But now, of course, she couldn't leave. His father was too sick. It had unnerved him when he'd arrived two days ago. The last time he'd been here, only a little over two months before, his dad had still looked fine. He'd tired a little easier, but he'd still been the same tall, strong man he'd always remembered.

But not now. His father had not greeted him when he'd arrived. They'd talked via e-mails over the past few months, so nothing had prepared him for the way his father seemed to be wasting away.

Today his once broad shoulders were hunched and drawn. Today his once powerful body seemed to be drawing in on itself. Today the once rich red of the ribbing at his neck had paled considerably. His scales were graying, and dull, lifeless, mottled skin peeled and shed from his hands, chest, and face. Of course, with his dad bundled up in blankets, he couldn't see if the condition covered his entire body… but he was pretty sure it did. Gods, this was really it… his dad was dying…

"I'm here, dad," he replied, getting up and moving to sit beside Thane.

"I'm glad you were able to make the trip," Thane said, his voice weak, his eyes closed, like he didn't have the energy to open then.

"Shepard said it was important, that you wanted to see me. So, here I am."

"I know I don't have much time left. The sea calls to me, stronger each day. Kalihera has already given me more time than I ever thought possible. But it isn't enough. It could never be enough now that I have found you again."

Kolyat's eyes misted and he fought hard against the urge to cry. It really wasn't fair. Now that he had his father back, he would loose him again. They had already had more time than either originally thought. Thanks to Shepard…

"I do not fear what is to come, son. When my body returns to the sea, your mother will be there waiting for me. I have missed her…"

"Mom loved you very much. She always cried when you went away. Of course, now that I know what you were doing, I understand better why she sometimes got so sad."

"I am sorry I was not there for you, both of you. And though I have explained my actions, that does not make up for the years of mistakes I made where you and your mother were concerned. I hope that," he was suddenly wracked with coughs that seemed to shudder through his body with increasing force only to end in pained wheezing, eyes squeezed closed, mouth open to desperately get air, the scales of his face pale and glistening with sweat.

"Dad?" He jumped up and began rubbing his father's back.

"Should I call Shepard, or Garrus?" He'd never seen the coughing attacks before. Every breath was an effort.

"DAD!" Kolyat was scared. He was about to call Garrus when his dad managed to reach up and grab his arm.

"No… Kol… yat… don't…" Thane finally managed, regaining a small measure of control over his breathing. He needed to stay focused on what he wanted to ask his son. He needed to help him understand what was at stake.

"I want…"

"Don't talk dad. We can do this again later. Maybe you'll be stronger and we can talk then."

"NO!" he managed with a strength he didn't even know he had inside himself anymore. This was too important to put off any longer. "I need for you to listen… (wheeze) I need you to look after Shepard when I'm gone… (wheeze) I need you to do this for me…"

"Shepard? Commander Shepard?" What the hell? She was as tough as Krogan skin. They didn't make them any harder than her. Sure, he knew she loved his dad, but seriously, it couldn't be anything like what his mom had felt for the man.

"Listen, please. There is so much you don't know… (wheeze…) so much I haven't told you (wheeze). And now it may be too late (wheeze)."

"Ok Dad, Ok. Calm down."

"Here," Thane finally said, handing Kolyat a datapad. "Everything you need to know is in here. Read it and… we'll talk later…" He finally relaxed, leaning back in his recliner and closing his eyes.

Kolyat returned to his chair and began to read…


It was after lunch when she finished going over the reports from The Illusive Man. She'd had toast and three cups of coffee for breakfast, but the thought of food made her ill. On her way through the kitchen she grabbed some plain crackers and a coke and headed upstairs.

On the sun porch outside their bedroom, Thane was wrapped in blankets, lying in the sun. Oh God she was going to miss him so much. Heart pounding, eyes threatening to overflow at any moment, she ducked into the bathroom and splashed her face with cold water. It wouldn't do for him to see her like this. She had to be strong… she had to be strong… she had to be…

"Thane? Honey?" she called out as she approached his recliner. Every time she was away from him she dreaded this… this coming back. One day he would not answer her. And she knew that would be the day she would lose her mind…

"Siha," he managed in a weak voice.

"How was your visit with Kolyat," she asked, coming to sit beside him. Reaching out she took his hands through the layers of blankets and squeezed them. Leaning forward she brushed her lips across his forehead and rubbed her cheek against his.

When she leaned back, dark eyes that had begun to dim regarded her. "I am afraid I spent more time asleep than talking. He said he would come back later this afternoon."

"Just don't tire yourself out. Mordin's going to be by later to give you another breathing treatment."

"Siha, is that really necessary? We both know…" He stopped when she stiffened and got up to walk to the edge of the porch. He heard the railing crack under pressure as she gripped it tightly.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with my visit with my son," he said. He'd have agreed to anything at that moment to stop the hurt his words had inadvertently caused. Gods, she was so beautiful standing there in the sunlight. His beautiful Siha, warrior angle, his angle, almost ethereal, so pale, so soft, so…

Something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. And he was so tired, so…


Kolyat jumped when his omni-tool alarm sounded. He'd set it so he wouldn't be late to visit with his father, again.

The datapad… he'd read it and re-read it.

His father had never told him exactly what happened, why he'd joined up with Shepard in the first place. He'd never tried to explain why he'd supposedly fallen in love with her, why he called her Siha, just like he had his mom.

But here, in the datapad, it was all there. The Collectors, the Omega-4 Relay, the Collector Home World… The Reapers. And his dad said there were preparing for another attack.

It was the stuff of nightmares. And yet he didn't hesitate to believe it was all truth. Hell, maybe Shepard was Arashu. Who else could have protected the galaxy not once, but twice? He could almost see why his dad…

He almost laughed at his newfound what? respect? for the woman. When he'd arrived, she'd looked almost as bad as his father. She'd lost weight and even managed to look frail. Shepard, who could go toe-to-toe with a Krogan, killed a Reaper for Gods' sake… looking frail? What a joke. Must have been the light…

And now his dad wanted him to help her when he finally returned to the sea. Said she'd need someone, family, when he was gone. Family? What the hell? Sure, there was Garrus, but it would take more than one big turian to watch over her. The galaxy would need her. She had to stay strong…

He made his way toward his father's bedroom and arrived just as Mordin and Garrus were leaving.


"Shepard, not looking well. Weight loss, fatigue, no appetite. All classic symptoms of grief and depression. Would like to suggest antidepressants and appetite stimulants. Non receptive last time I broached subject. Thought maybe you could suggest." Mordin finished putting away his equipment and prepared to leave. Across the room, Garrus stared out the window at the sun just beginning to sink down into the horizon.

"Thane, we wouldn't ask if we didn't care for you both. She's going to make herself sick." Garrus walked back to the bed and pulled up a chair to sit down. "Look, you've accepted this. Made peace. She hasn't. Probably never will. It's just the way she is."

"I will try to get her to take better care of herself. She devotes too much time to me and not enough to herself."

"She took her vows seriously, Thane. 'For richer, for poorer, in sickness or health, till death do us part.' To her, those words were more binding than any contract on Illium. They came from her heart."

"And my heart breaks every time I think of her alone after I am gone. I will not be here to protect her, to watch over her when they come… She will need you, all of you…"

"You know I've always got her six," Garrus replied as he rose to leave. "You don't have to worry about that, my friend."


His Siha slips into bed beside him and wraps her arms around his shoulders, resting her cheek against the top of his head. He notices that she is thinner, the bones in her neck and shoulders more accentuated. Beneath skin that is too pale he can see blue veins weaving and turning. She shivers a little, and reaches for the blanket, pulling it up over shoulders that are tense and shaking.

He hated not being able to pull her into his arms, to keep her warm, to mold her body against his and take them both to a place where their release colors the very air around them with joy…

It is a long time before she relaxes and seems to drift off to sleep.


"So dad, why didn't you get the transplant?" Kolyat asked. Once again they were sitting in the morning sun, himself wearing nothing but shorts and a oversized t-shirt, his dad wrapped in blankets reclining in his usual lounger. He seemed a little stronger this morning. The breathing treatment the previous evening had obviously helped.

Thane was silent for some time. He asked himself this very question over and over. Because he'd been stubborn? Because he was an idiot? Because he questioned the Gods' wisdom in sending him another Siha? He hadn't deserved Irikah, yet she'd chosen him and loved him. And, he'd loved her, knew that even now she was waiting for him in the arms of Kalahira.

Shepard… his Siha… Gods he didn't want to leave her. He'd been so stupid, so blind, so…

"I was an idiot, Kolyat. For so long all I wanted was to return to the sea. I'd lost your mother. I'd lost you. There was no reason to stay. Your mother… she was waiting for me when my body returned to the sea. But then something happened. The Gods sent me another Siha, one who helped me find you, encouraged me to rebuild what I had destroyed in my ignorance… another Siha who chose to love a broken man…"

"Did she ask you get one?"

"Yes, but I refused. It wasn't until too late that I finally understood what I was giving up. By the time I found my way back to you it was too late…"

"You keep talking about me, about being here for me. What about Shepard? Why didn't you do it for her?"

"How could I ever deserve her Kolyat? How could I ever accept such a gift from the Gods? She was fire and light and passion… and love. I didn't deserve her. I didn't deserve another chance at a life. I thought surely the Gods were testing me somehow. Teasing me… that at any moment they would take her away.

"We faced death so many times during our mission. I knew that at any moment she could be taken away from me… Yet we made it through and later, when I began to believe, really believe that maybe there was hope…

"She again asked me to get the operation. I went in for test, but we found out the Kepral's had become too advanced, invading other nearby organs. Mordin was already looking for a cure, still works with the hanar doing research. He did develop a new breathing treatment that has worked wonders for me as well as other drell across the galaxy, but it is no cure."

"Do you still think mom's waiting for you? You love another woman now, dad."

"I still love your mother, just as I love Shepard."

"And she'd ok with this? With your leaving her knowing my mom is waiting for you to be together again in the afterlife?"

"No. But not for reasons you think. She is jealous of your mother. That is a natural emotion. I understand it and accept it."

"Then what?"

"She fears being alone Kolyat, of dying alone again…?"

"Again? I don't understand…"

"Your step-mother died once before. You've heard the stories, how the original Normandy was attacked by a Collector ship. She gave the abandon ship order but the pilot wouldn't leave his post. She went to get him and managed to get him into the life pod. An explosion ripped the ship apart before she could get in and she got spaced. Shrapnel from the explosion ruptured her suit and she burned up entering Alcheria's atmosphere."

"Oh Fuck… Ok, so if she died, how is she here now?"

"Cerberus spent two years bringing her back to life. Advanced cell regrowth, cybernetics, every new technology available went into regrowing her body from the few pieces of bone and tissue that were recovered from the planet surface."

"Why? Why do all that to bring back one woman?"

"Because, she was Commander Shepard, The Butcher of Torfan, the first human Spectre, The Savior of the Citadel. The Illusive man knew that if anyone could save the colonist, she was the one. In case you haven't noticed, your step mother is a force to be reckoned with. He also knew that the Reapers were still a threat, and that if the galaxy was to have any hope of defeating them, they would need her.

"I do not want to leave her, Kolyat. My heart aches and my soul grows numb when I consider my body's death."

"But you'll be with mom."

"I know, and that small joy is all I have now. But how long will she wait on the shores of the afterlife with me? I will not leave until Shepard crosses over. I will not leave her to cross alone when the Gods are through using her for their purpose."

"You think mom would welcome another woman, another Siha, another wife?"

"Your mother was an extraordinary woman Kolyat. Selfless, forgiving, a warrior angle of Arashu. I cannot be here to protect you from what is to come. The Reapers will return, the proverbial human apocalypse will happen, and only Shepard will stand between the galaxy and the end of all life. She will stand between the Reapers and you. And for that alone, you mother will love her, as I do."



"I'm glad you stopped me, you know, that day, back on the Citadel. And I'm glad we were able to get past everything and talk… I just wanted you to know…"

"You should thank your step mother. Without her, none of that would have happened. She made sure you didn't go to jail. She pushed me to write to you, even when you didn't answer… She's the reason we had time together…"

"I'll keep an eye on her dad, after…"


"Siha…" he whispered into her neck at night. Wrapped tightly in hers arms, head pillowed on her shoulder, he prayed to Arashu. Prayed for protection for his love, for his son, for those he'd come to care for…

"Hum?" she replied, eyes still wide open in the dark. Sleep was the enemy now. She would have all time in the world to sleep after… after he…

"I love you."

"I know, Honey. I love you, too… And no, you can't get another dog. I think five are enough."

"Hum… hum hum… hum… hum… Bad Siha," he admonished her, his body jerking as he tried to laugh but didn't have enough air.

She thought he'd fallen back to sleep, but he again whispered, "Siha…"


"I'll wait for you, on the shore. You won't be alone…"

"You're leaving me, Thane. I will be alone," her voice broke and her body shook. No tears came, though. She'd cried them out earlier, alone in the basement…

"I'm sorry, Siha… I love you."

"I love you, too…."

"Protect Kolyat for me…"

"I will. As long as I draw breath…"


"Vakarian," Mordin pounced on him as soon as he returned from his morning check on the day to day logistics of running a farm. Who'd have ever thought? Farmer Garrus. If the guys back at C-Sec could see him now…

Before he could even respond, the salarian continued. "Problem. Big problem. Performed un-authorized medical scan of Commander."

"You must have a death wish Mordin. Remember what happened last time you did that?"

"Irrelevant in the broader scheme of things. Needed to verify if diagnosis of depression was cause of change in physical appearance."

"Yeah. And?"

"Commander… pregnant."

"I'm sorry. I must have a translator glitch. It sounded like you said the Commander was pregnant."

"Yes. Almost three months. Fetus viable, but in danger if Shepard doesn't begin to take better care of herself."

"Wait. Hold on. What the hell are you saying? Pregnant? Fetus? She's human. Thane's a drell. I though the species couldn't mix. Or are you saying she… she was maybe seeing someone else…?"

"No. No one else. Thane's child. Fetus DNA mix of human and drell."

"That's impossible."

"Shepard reconstructed using advanced cellular regrowth protocol. Cerberus scientist most likely used refined alien protein building blocks in order to accelerate and sustain cellular growth. Conception not impossible."

"Well, duh, Professor… Are you sure she doesn't know?"

"Would expect Commander to provide better nutrition to growing offspring if suspected condition. Cannot expect fetus to develop on caffeine and crackers alone."

"OK… so we need to talk to Shepard. She needs to know."

"Mental state too unstable to simply deliver news without backup support. Suggest we talk to Kolyat and then Thane."

"Why Kolyat first?"

"Stepson will be half-brother if fetus makes it to full term."

"I guess that makes sense somewhere… But, do you think Thane can handle this kind of news?"

"Thane, mentally strong. Only body soon to stop functioning. Having son there when told will mitigate the shock… theoretically."

"I'll call the kid, you go make some drinks. We're going to need them…"


"She's been cheating on my dad?" Kolyat jumped up from the table in the guest house kitchen, face contorted in anger, hands clenched in fist at his side. Garrus and Mordin each grabbed at their beers as the table shook.

"What? NO!" Garrus shouted. "And sit the hell back down. How could you even think that?" Of course hadn't that been his own first thought?

"Thane's child. Fetus possesses both human and drell DNA." Mordin continued to explain as if nothing had happened. "Suspect Commander does not know. Emotional and mental state too unstable. Suspect too focused on Thane to notice changes."

Kolyat looked at them both as if they'd just lost their minds. Shepard pregnant? What the hell was the universe thinking? What the hell had she and his father been thinking?

"But how? They're not even the same species. And how could she not know?"

Garrus raised his hand to stop Mordin from starting a long and painfully in-depth explanation of cellular mechanics as it related to Cerberus's methods to bring the Commander back from the dead.

"Medically, it's feasible. But if it's any consolation, I don't think they ever thought it was possible." The kid was about to pass out from the looks of it. "Take a drink. It helps. Trust me…"

"Have you told my dad?"

"No… we were hoping you would come with us when we told Thane. We think that he should be told first, then Shepard. Maybe let him tell her…"

"Is he strong enough for this kind of news?" Hell was he, Kolyat, strong enough for it? One day his father is dying and he's saying goodbye before it's too late. The next, he learns he might have a little brother or sister, some weird alien mix brother or sister… Gods he needed another drink…

"Thane's body is weak, but his spirit is strong. It will be a shock, but Mordin thinks he can handle it." Garrus went to get three more beers from the fridge, one dextro, two levo, and returned to the table. "I know that if I were in his shoes, I'd actually be comforted to know that my mate would have something to focus on besides the grief of my passing."

"Would suggest visiting Thane this afternoon. Time is not our friend. Commander needs to be made aware of condition as soon as possible."

"Come up the back stairs around two. I'll be visiting with Dad then. Shepard always tries to give us time alone."

"Till two," Garrus said, draining his beer and wondering how in the hell Shepard was going to cope with this. She was already so close to the edge…


"Hi Dad, how are you feeling?" Kolyat said, pulling a chair up close to the lounger Thane was reclining in on the sun porch. The day was another hot one. In nothing but a pair of shorts, the sun felt good on his scales. A hot breeze ruffled the blankets his father was lying under.

"Full. Your step mother managed to get me to drink almost an entire glass of her special berry juice. Of course, if I had refused, she may well have stuck a tube down my throat and let gravity do the rest." His Siha was relentless when she was in her 'protect and mother' mode.

"Um…" he began, only to stop. Exactly how was he supposed to tell his dying father that wife number two was expecting a baby he wouldn't live to see. He fidgeted with the hem in his shorts, smoothing and stretching the fabric over his leg.

"Is there something bothering you son?" His son looked like he was about to explode.

"No. Not really. Just wondering how Shepard is handling this. I haven't seen much of her since I got here. She usually leaves us alone when I come up to visit."

"Siha is a strong woman, although I can see now what the stress is doing to her. The Professor pointed out to me that she isn't eating or sleeping, that she's lost weight. I had been too wrapped up in my own self to notice the changes. I asked her to bring two glasses today. One for me, one for herself. Our new version of a lunch date…"

"That's great dad. I had noticed that she looked a little thinner." He heard steps coming up the back stairs of the sun porch. Finally…

"Thane, Kolyat… Just thought we'd drop by and… chat a bit," Garrus said walking over to drag a chair over to the lounger. Mordin followed suit, but paused to run his omni-tool over Thane, checking his vitals.

"Last breathing treatment still helping. Vitals basically unchanged in last twenty-four hours. Will repeat treatment tomorrow." Sitting down he glanced from Garrus to Kolyat.

"I get the feeling this isn't an impromptu visit. Is something wrong? Is…"

"Heart rate accelerating. Suggest getting to reason for visit to relieve any undue stress."

"Nothing's wrong Thane. In fact, we hope you'll see this as a blessing…"

Thane looked from one face to the other. Mordin was almost vibrating with the need to talk. Garrus looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here, and Kolyat? His son was literally terrified for some reason. A blessing? What had the Gods done now?

"Dad… Um… Well… you see it's like this. The Professor here kinda did a medical scan of Shepard, you know, to see how she was doing without her knowing about it…"

"As I recall, you did that once before and almost got air-locked for it. Did you learn nothing from that experience Professor?" Thane inquired, but his anxiety was growing by the second. Was something wrong with his Siha? Had she neglected herself to the point of becoming ill?

"Heart rate still accelerating. Prehaps now is a good time for a mild sedative?" Mordin interjected.

"Is something wrong with Siha?" Thane finally asked, still looking from one face to another. Something was wrong. For the three of them to be here it was seriously wrong.

"Dad… Shepard is… expecting."

"Expecting what?" he asked. A message, a package, a… EXPECTING?

He felt a prick at his neck and looked up to see Mordin returning to his seat. Already his heart rate was settling back down, the anxiety in his system decreasing… Wait… WHAT?

"Expecting? As in… E-X-P-E-C-T-I-N-G?"

"Yeah Dad, Shepard's pregnant."

"Hit me again Mordin…"
