Hey everyone! Sorry if I take so long to write this story…anyway it's supposed to be a oneshot only, but I can't afford to cut anyrhing I planned here…so I made it to a three part story but it is still a oneshot ok? This is my first MAKID/MAKI fanfic, so sorry if it's not nice.

Anyway, please review it afterwards to help me improve…thank you! ADVANCE MERRY CHRISTMAS! And sorry, this is not a xmas entry…

A week after Ashura's death:

"Ok everyone! Come here now," Ms. Marie said to the students who don't seem to listen to her. Kid and the Thompson sisters were sitting under a big, symmetrical tree, kid reading a book while Liz watched her sister Patty do a giraffe origami. Black Star on the other hand is eating a Japanese cuisine food as his partner Tsubaki sat next to him in a branch of another tree. Soul sat next to Kid and the Thompson in another tree which Black Star and Tsubaki was, while Maka was reading her book away from the others. "Hey! Don't you know it's rude to ignore your teacher?", Ms. Marie said but no one answered. "You sure are quiet today," she said again as she heave a sigh.

Finally Kid stood up, wiping the dirt on his black pants, "Sorry Ms. Marie sensei, I apologize on behalf of everyone, It's just that this doesn't seem to be important."

The young shinigami said then remained standing, "No! it's important…Shinigami-sama ordered me to take a picture of the students who defeated the kishin god and besides, summer is fast approaching."

"Oh yeah! You know we should eat again in Maka and Soul's apartment," Liz suggested and everyone agreed except Soul, Maka and Kid who remained quiet.

Ms. Marie sigh, "Anyway, what happened to Maka? She seems to be away from all of you today. Did something happen?".

The others shrugged while Soul and Kid kept quiet, finally Maka stood up and came to Ms. Marie. "Sensei, I'm sorry for wasting your time. We will now have our picture taken," As she said it the others looked at her surprised and shouted "What?".

Maka simply ignored them and Kid said, "Very well, let's go everyone!". The others nodded and came towards Ms. Marie, "Alright everyone take your positions!".

Ms. Marie said and Maka stood in the center, while Kid stood beside Maka's right. Soul was about to stand next to Maka's left when Black Star came and took his place beside Maka, Ms. Marie stood behind Maka while Liz stood behind Kid and Tsubaki behind Black Star. Patty took her place beside Kid and Soul stood beside Black Star. "Ok! Everyone…say cheese!", *click* and then the picture came out. Everyone was about to go, when a familiar voice was heard.

"Hi! Hello! Whatsup~", everyone turn to look where the voice came from and found Shinigami-sama. "Oh…I came late," the elder shinigami said with a sad tone and a fake tear. Everyone look at each other and started discussing something except Kid who only covered his face with his hands looking down at the ground while his weapons look at the others with a smile, after a few seconds everyone nodded, Maka came to Shinigami-sama and told him with a smile "It's ok Shinigami-sama! We can take another picture if you want." With what the elder shinigami heard, Shinigami-sama replied "Thank you! Maka-chan!", and hugged the scythe meister then positioned himself afterwards. Kid sigh and everyone took their positions earlier except Patty is now beside Soul and Shinigami-sama beside Kid. *click* and the picture came out, Shinigami-sama gladly took them and said with his usual childish tone "Alright everyone! That's all! Thank you and enjoy your summer. See you soon~".

"Ok! bye Shinigami-sama!", the students replied with a smile and Kid added "Goodbye …father." Ms. Marie turn to look at her students, she then smiled seeing them talking happily with each other.

"Hey Ms. Marie! Aren't you gonna go home too?", Ms. Marie flinched after hearing someone spoke to her and turn to look that the voice belonged to Prof. Stein.

"Ah! Stein, sorry about that. I'll start packing now," Prof. Stein smiled at her and replied "I'll help you then." "No! it's fine…it's just small and I can manage it myself," Ms. Marie said as she refused help from her co-teacher. The students notice them and Black Star shouted, "Yoohoo! You two should go now and be together! While the big me show you how it should be done, after a-".

"Black Star you idiot!", Kid and Maka shouted at the same time as their two teachers stare at them with a questioning look and Maka apologized saying, "Sorry about that sensei! Black Star got too much of himself again."

"Uh, that's ok," was the reply of their teachers as they smile at them. "Well we should better go now, it's getting late. All of you should also go now," Prof. Stein said as he glanced at his watch.

They already walk out when Ms. Marie shouted, "Bye students! Take care of yourselves…we'll see each other again after summer."

Everyone look at her with a smile and nodded, "You too sensei! Bye!" the students shouted. When Ms. Marie saw it she stopped walking and her co-teacher looked at her confused, as he further look at her face he saw that tears began to fall down her cheeks, Prof. Stein look sadly then clasp a hand to his co-teacher's shoulder. Ms. Marie looked at her co-teacher and saw Prof. Stein smiling at her, she then smiled back at him and both of them waved goodbye to their students as the meisters and weapons also bid goodbye to their teachers.

"What a nice scene! I hope I could still see them someday as a couple…I can't believe the Big me is getting carried by lovely couples," Black Star said as he wipe a tear that fell from his eye and Kid patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Black Star, the day they became a couple…I'm sure all of us are gonna see that," after Kid said it a painful smack strike the center of his head. *Maka-chop!* "Ouch! Hey Maka why did you do that?", Kid asked as he look at his friend and touch his head where Maka hit him.

Everyone laughed except Kid and Maka which cause the young shinigami to look at them confused, "Kid! You idiot! Don't say such words to our sensei…I thought you're a gentleman." Maka said as she crossed her arms and look at the young shinigami with an angry look, she then look at the others with a deadly glare that cause everyone who laughed to stop.

Kid on the other hand sigh and look at his friend with an apologetic look, "Sorry Maka, I didn't mean to say it. I was just helping Black Star, besides it's only a joke." He then called the attention of his friend "Maka ?", and surely the scythe meister turn around with a smile and a reply, "Oh! Well then…apology accepted!".

The others looked at Kid and Maka with surprised expression except Soul who look away, "Very well…since it's all ok, Maka we should better go now." Soul said as he grabbed Maka's hand which caused his meister to blush slightly.

"Wait! Soul! I um…well, bye everyone," Maka said to the others as she was continually dragged by her weapon. Everyone waved goodbye to them with a smile, but as soon as the two were out, Liz became serious then turned her attention to Kid who was still waving goodbye as if Maka and Soul was still there.

Liz heave a sigh then came towards her meister, "You idiot! Their already gone…" Kid who was still waving got hit in the head again and reacted in pain, "Ouch! Liz…you know it hurts." "I know, that's why we should go now," Liz said seriously to the shinigami then turn to look at her sister, "Patty…let's go." Her sister nodded and replied, "Hai!". The young shinigami look at his weapon confused. "Well, bye for now you two! Just go to Kid's house if you're planning something this summer ok?", Liz turn to Tsubaki and Black Star with a smile while the two(Tsubaki and Black Star) looked at the Thompson and Kid with a questioning look.

Finally, Tsubaki and Black Star nodded and the Thompson sisters drag Kid. "Well, were the only ones left Tsubaki. Let's go," Black Star said to his weapon and Tsubaki nodded with a smile.

In Executor Mansion (Kid's house):

"Ahhh….home sweet home!" Liz said with a relief as she slumped in the big, soft, red couch that was in their living room. Meanwhile her sister Patty sat next to her in another couch. Both were relaxing when their meister came down from the stairs dressed in a white shirt with sleeves and black pants(refer to the episode where the Thompson have a quiz and Kid arrive seeing Liz plucking her eyebrows) looking really angry.

"Liz! Why did you drag me all the way here? And what do you mean by the words you just said before we left? Explain it to me perfectly and briefly."

The two weapons first stared at their meister with a blank expression but then Patty stood up, "Well I have to go now sis! Bye~". The younger sister said with a weaving hand and immediately dash off to her room.

"Patty!", the elder sister shouted as she was about to stop her sister leave but too late.

"Well? Aren't you gonna make me understand? Liz?", the elder sister sigh with defeat and signaled Kid to sit down.

"Kid, I know it must be confusing to you what will I say now. But…," Liz paused first which made Kid look at Liz suspiciously. "It's just that, how do I explain this? Ummm…do you know the meaning of the word Love?", the young shinigami only stared at his weapon confused with a raised brow.

"Of course, but you know it's difficult to explain it…Love is the way you feel to a person who makes your heart beat fast and makes you go crazy about that special someone," Kid then look at Liz and saw her look at him with wide eyes and her jaw that seems to drop to the ground any second. But later then, returned to normal and smile at her meister with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Oh I see, so Kid…got any girl that makes your heart beat fast or makes you go crazy?", the young shinigami chuckled but then turned serious.

"Liz, you know that I'm a shinigami and that I don't know what Love is," "But you said a while ago the meaning!" Liz protested. "I'm already tired Liz, goodnight and sweet dreams," when the young shinigami was about to go up stairs, he was stopped when his weapon asked him about a question he never expected.

"Do you love Maka?", Kid turn around to his weapon to check if she's only joking around, but to his surprise, Liz really looked serious. "Why did you ask me such question? You know that Maka is only…"

"…a friend," Liz said finishing the sentence for Kid.

"Yes," Kid replied quickly. After that reply, there was a long silence between them, until Kid spoke. "Well if there's no question left, then I would go now," Liz then smiled and talk to her meister looking down on the floor, "Really? I wonder if you really didn't feel anything to her…after all you two-". "Goodnight Liz!", the elder sister smiled and replied "Night Kid…see you tomorrow morning!".

With that, they came upstairs not talking with each other and went in their respective rooms. As Kid entered his room, he leaned on the door and look at the floor. "Really? I wonder if you really didn't feel anything to her…," Liz words seem to occupy his mind, but he shook it off. "I'm just tired," Kid whispered to himself as he went to his bed and went to sleep.

Next day!

Liz seems to be tired last night as she was still in her bed, asleep, even though it's already 9 in the morning. Her sister, Patty, entered her elder sister's room carrying a pillow with her. Patty had a wide grin seen in her face as she looked at her sister, "Sorry sis! But kid-kun ordered me to do this" she said softly watching her sister's sleeping figure. 1…2…3…ok!, when the elder sister face sideward, she was hit in the face with a soft pillow. "Sis! Time to wake up! Heeheee," Patty shouted cheerfully as she continually smacked her sister with a giraffe pillow. Liz woke up with an angry look, she turn around to see that her younger sister was the one who hitted her with a pillow.

"Patty! That's very rude you know," Patty looked at Liz with an apologetic look with watery eyes hinting tears that seem to fall any second, Liz on the other hand felt guilty on what she said to her sister. "Patty…I, I wasn't angry ok? It's just…why did you have to hit me with that giraffe pillow to wake me up?", Patty then smiled at her sister and replied, "Kid-kun said it to me…he says that if you still didn't wake up at 8, I should find ways to wake you. Sorry sis!". Huh? But why did she decided to hit me with a pillow?, Liz asked herself but then sigh when she can't find an answer. "It's fine…anyway, did you and Kid ate breakfast already?", Patty shook her head. "Huh? Then where is he?", Patty thought first and then smiled, grabbing her sister's hand and drag her to the living room.

They stopped in front of the stairs and found Kid walking out of the door with his wearing his casual black suit, a big grin formed on the elder sister's lips. "And where do you think you are going? Kid?", Liz asked. The young shinigami stopped and turn around to find his weapons smiling at him though Liz smile was more like an evil smirk.

"I was just going to take some walk and fresh air…besides, the sun shine brightly today," Kid look at his weapon seriously but inside, he was saying…please, let me go! Please, don't ask any more questions…just say Ok already! .

After a minute, Liz and Patty chuckled, "Oh?" is that so? Then you may go now." When the two were gone, Kid sighed with relief.

When Kid arrived at the park, he glanced at his watch and it read 9:15. Children were playing, and some were running around him. Now that his out of his house, what would he do? He decided to sit under a shade of a tree where there are benches, and let himself relax a bit. I wonder if she'll come, he thought worriedly.

It was already 9:45 and still no sign of her, Kid watched the children as they go little by little. Finally a familiar voice called him, "Kid! Sorry I'm late!". Kid upon hearing the voice turn to where it came from and saw Maka running, Kid looked at her with wonder seeing her wearing a new look and still remain beautiful.

She had her hair still in tied in pigtails but her clothes changed, instead of wearing skirt like she usually does, she wore white jeans with black belt. Also instead of her vest and those white sleeves, she wore red spaghetti and a white bolero that matched her sandal which is white with red stripes as a design. Kid couldn't help but look at his friend with a smile.

Atlast, Maka came to Kid panting heavily, "Kid…I'm sorry…for being late. I didn't expect…you to call me…last night" Maka said between pants.

Kid smiled to her with an apologetic expression, "Sorry too, Maka. I know it was very rude for me to disturb someone else sleep, especially when it's already midnight."

Maka looked at her friend and shook her head, "No it's fine…so what do you want to talk about?".

Kid scratched the back of his neck with unease, "Would you like to sit first?". Maka insisted and so Kid was left with no choice but to say the reason they met up.

"Well…Maka, it's just that. We're friends and that it's been a bit long already, but it seems we still don't know each other very much," Maka nodded in agreement. The young shinigami sigh and began walking and Maka followed, "That's all I wanted to say, Maka. Sorry for taking your time, I know you have a lot to do today."

The scythe technician was startled, she knew that it wasn't just for that reason that Kid called her."Kid, what's wrong?" she asked.

The young shinigami shook his head, "Nothing, Maka!" he replied. Maka couldn't help but feel worried, she had never seen Kid so distressed like this before. What's wrong Kid? If you have a problem, why won't you tell me? are you angry with me? She thought to herself and sigh afterwards. Maka looked at Kid again, the young shinigami was now facing the opposite direction and was fidgeting.

"Kid…what's the problem? Please tell me," Maka said with a worried face. Kid just sigh, but still didn't face Maka.

"I'm really fine, Maka," he replied in a low voice.

The scythe technician stopped walking and looked down, with a clenched fist she said, "…You're really making me worried Kid, WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG! We're friends right, SO TELL ME." After that she cried, upon hearing Maka's cry, the young shinigami stopped walking.

Maka didn't notice that Kid used all his will to prevent him from saying what he truly feels, she didn't know that Kid had to endure all of this just to protect their friendship. He had to hide his feelings for a reason. But now that the girl he love is crying, he felt guilty not telling her the truth. He didn't really mean to hurt Maka's feelings, he was only doing this to prevent her from being hurt again. Kid clenched his fist, he turn around and looked at his friend. The scythe technician is now covering her face but is still crying, Kid sigh. I don't have a choice, do i? I have to tell her now or regret this later, he thought. And with a serious look, he walked towards Maka, then without second thought, he hugged her. Maka got surprised with Kid's sudden action, but upon feeling the warmth from him enveloping her, she calm down. Noticing that Maka stopped crying, Kid pulled away but his hands remained at her arms.

He sucked a breath then faced his friend, "Sorry for making you worried, Maka. But I just got a lot of things in my mind right now, I'm confused on what will I do…I know I haven't told this to anyone yet, but I have someone I like."

Maka's eyes widened, "Really? Who is she Kid?" she asked with a sudden interest.

"Don't be surprised alright? The girl I like actually liked another guy, but the guy hurted her. She's so close to me, that's why I promised myself never to hurt her. Right now, all I want is to protect her…but I didn't know that in the process of doing so, I hurted her. Maka…the girl I like…is You." Kid finally blurted out as he looked straight to Maka's eyes. Time seems to stop. Oh now what? I'm sure she would think I'm crazy…and also our friendship would end! I just wish I didn't say it, Kid thought to himself as he and Maka stood in silence.

Finally Maka spoke up with a questioning look, "Huh? What did you say?".

The young shinigami sigh, "Never mind Maka, I know you must think I've gone insane."

Maka looked at Kid with a concern expression, "Kid I'm sorry, I…it's just I was surprise of what you just said." Kid nodded and spoke, "Anyway, let's forget it…I know you don't like me and were just up to friends only. Besides, I expected it before and I'm just glad I've said what I feel for you."

The scythe technician blushed upon hearing it but hid it immediately and when she knows that the blush was invincible to Kid, she looked at her friend with concern and asked, "Are you sure Kid? You ok?"

The young shinigami nodded, "Come on, let's just go to a restaurant I really like…my treat" Maka smiled upon seeing Kid's genuine smile even after his confession on her and nodded to his offer.

As they were on their way to the restaurant, Maka looked at Kid which caused the young shinigami to look at the opposite direction where he could not see Maka.

The scythe technician became worried but just proceeded to ask her friend, "So um…since when Kid?".

The young shinigami turn to look at Maka with a questioning look, "Huh?".

Maka chuckled and asked again looking directly to her friend, "Since when did you start liking me? I mean not that I want to remind you."

"Well, since the day you got hurt by Soul," Kid then paused and looked away. "Anyway, let's just stop talking about since we're here already…and I know that you don't want to talk about Soul either," Kid continued as he looked at Maka with a gentle smile.

The scythe technician shook her head in disagreement. "I'm fine, besides I've already move on…and…I'm truly grateful for your help that time Kid," she looked at her friend as the young shinigami look at her with surprise. They both stared with each other for a few minutes and then look away, both blushing furiously.

They entered the restaurant and a cute girl greeted them with a smile, "Welcome! Sir and Maam!". Both teenagers said thank you to the waitress as she lead them to where they should sit.

When they already sat, Maka asked Kid. "Hmmm…a dessert restaurant? But why Kid?", the young shinigami look at his friend with concern. "Why? Don't you want to eat here?". Maka shook her head, "No, I like here…it's just I don't know you like to eat sweet foods."

Kid smiled, "Well, actually Liz and Patty are the ones who brought me here…at first I didn't like it here but I got used to it." Maka nodded her head as she tried to analyze Kid's first impression on the store, Kid noticed her and asked, "Maka? You alright?".

The scythe technician upon hearing her name called blushed, "Sorry Kid, I just imagined how you first reacted on this store." The young shinigami smiled and then after a minute, both laughed.

"It's nice to have you Kid, I had fun talking with you…," Maka trailed off.

"Me too Maka", Kid replied as he stared at her with a genuine smile.

As they choose their food to eat, Maka snapped her fingers as she remembered something. "Kid, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have. Especially in times when I need someone beside me," Kid shook his head "No problem Maka, anything for a friend."

Suddenly the waitress came and ask what they want to order, in the end both choosed the same food, triple chocolate sundae.

As they were eating, Kid look at Maka and ask something he didn't want to remind her of. "Um, Maka? I'm sorry to let you be reminded of this but…I want to apologize," "Huh? Apologize for what, Kid?". Maka asked and Kid smiled, "Well, for ki-, you know, the accident that happened during your break up." Maka gasped and said, "Oh that one! Well it's not a big deal actually…I, um said to myself that it was really an accident. Anyway, when that happened, I was not really feeling well." "Yeah, I know," Kid said sadly but didn't want his friend to notice, too bad she did. "Kid, I'm really sorry," Kid stared at her surprised, "No! I'm fine, let's just eat."

(to be continued…)

Finished! So how do you think of the part 1? Anyway I'll post the next chap tomorrow, please review also! And it is about how Soul break Maka's heart!

Well I hope your excited to read it…for now, bye!