America(Panda): Holy shit! This be old!

Hydro: That it is.

America: What made you start writing again?

Hydro: Her. *She motions her hand behind her to reveal a person who no one has seen -unless you read the other stories- before. She's also holding a gun to Hydro's head.*

America: Oh, hey Sargie-Pants!

Sarge: Sup.

Hydro: TAKE THE DAMN GUN AWAY! *Gun is taken away.* Thank you. She made me start writing this again.

The man, Aizen Sōsuke who had started the Winter War, stood in front of the man who was destined to kill him, Kurosaki Ichigo. They stood on top of Karakura High, Ichigo's high school. The two didn't fight each other, they didn't exchange words, they just stood, staring one another down. Ichigo was in his Shinigami attire, Zangetsu hanging down his back. The only difference was Aizen had a few additions on his side, Karin and Yuzu Kurosaki, Ichigo's sisters. Both of the twins were currently knocked out and binded by kido.

"Release them now Aizen!" Ichigo almost yelled towards the brown-haired man.

"Now why would I do that? I would be giving up my bargaining tools," the traitorous man said.

"And how are they your bargaining tools?"

"Simply put, if you want them to live you're going to join my army." Ichigo's eyes narrowed into slits. "Well Kurosaki Ichigo, what will it be? Let your sisters die? Or let them live?" Ichigo gritted his teeth together.

'Damn it! I don't want to join him, but if I don't Karin and Yuzu will die. And if I do join him, I'll have to fight everyone else. Damn it! What am I going to do?' Ichigo thought worried about his sisters safety.

"This is your last chance to answer me Kurosaki Ichigo." The traitor picked up Karin by the back of her shirt and she groaned in pain. He held her up and unsheathed his zanpaktou, he held it closely to her neck threatening to slit her throat. "I wonder what her blood looks like. Wouldn't you like to find out as well Kurosaki?" Ichigo couldn't take being useless anymore he clutched his hands to his sides and his knuckles turned white.

"I- I'll join you. Just leave them alone." Aizen smirked at the response. He got what he wanted, he always did. He dropped Karin to the ground and she landed with a thud. Ichigo shunpoed over to his sister's limp bodies and wrapped each arm around one having them close to his chest. It was a protective way in case Aizen had any plans.

"Wise choice. A very wise choice indeed. Now come Kurosaki Ichigo Hueco Mundo awaits," the man turned and opened a Gargantua. "Your sisters are coming as well."

"But you said-"

"I said I would let them live and if you think about leaving I'll kill them personally. Now get in the Gargantua." Ichigo picked up his sister's and did what he was told.

Ichigo lay across his new bed his sister's bodies one on each side laying in the crook of his arm. He remembered how this became to be. How it all started with a letter.

Ichigo had just arrived home from school his back pack on his shoulder. And wasn't five seconds later he was attacked by his goat face of a father. His foot flew at his son, but his son caught it and threw him into a wall.

"Ichigo my son that's not fair!" His father said jumping right back up to his feet.

"Its not fair when you get attacked each day by your annoying father," Ichigo retorted back. Isshin just started to cry and leapt across the room and started to hug the big portrait of his dead wive, Masaki.

"Masaki! Our dear son is being mean to me! I'm only preparing him for the future," Isshin whined to the portrait.

"What, the future of none stop fighting?" Ichigo asked him scowling. "Whatever goat face." Ichigo went up stairs leaving him to cry. He entered his room and dropped his back pack on his bed. He pulled his rolling chair back and sat. He took his one hand and ran it through his hair. In the corner of his eye he noticed a piece of paper on his desk, which he didn't leave. He rolled into his desk and took the piece of paper into his hand and read it.

Kurosaki Ichigo,

It seems I have kidnapped your two sisters. If you want them back I suggest you come to the top of you high school .

Sincerely the man who owned you on Sōkyoku Hill,

Aizen Sōsuke

Ichigo crumbled the paper up in pure anger and throws it into his trashcan. He stood from his chair quickly causing the chair to slid across the room and his the currently vacant closet where Rukia slept. But now she was in Soul Society helping Orihime train.

"Oi! Whats with the sudden noise Ichigo?" A male voice said and Ichigo's closet door opened and out came Kon in his plushie form. Ichigo grabbed him and put his hand down his throat ignoring his muffled cries. Ichigo pulled his hand out of his mouth, he let go of the plushie's form and in his hand he held Kon's mod soul form. Ichigo himself took the green pill and swallowed it in his mouth. Out burst Ichigo in his Shinigami form and Kon lay in his own body.

"Protect my body I'll be back, hopefully. Don't think about going womanizing." Ichigo spoke in a direct stern strict voice and it scared the mod soul residing in Ichigo's body. "I mean it." And Ichigo left in a burst of shunpo to the top of his high school to save his sisters.

Ichigo laid on his bed staring at the ceiling, regretting his decision to join then he remembered what had happened after he exited the Gargantua with Aizen.

Ichigo held both of his sisters tightly against his chest as Aizen led them both out of the Gargantua and into his throne room. Aizen's own army, the Espada, was already gathered in the room.

"Ulquiorra please show the Kurosaki sibling's their quarters," Aizen commanded and the pale Arrancar that Ichigo had seen a few weeks before approached him. Ichigo held Yuzu and Karin closer to his chest.

"Come, trash." Ulquiorra said in his emotionless voice. He started to walk towards the doors that led out of the room and into the hallway.

"Wait." Aizens voice rang through the room. Ichigo and Ulquiorra both turned around and Aizen snapped his fingers and all of a sudden Karin and Yuzu's hands unsnapped from behind their back and rested down their sides. Ichigo fixed their position so it would be easier for him to carry them.

"Would you like anything else Aizen-sama?" Ulquiorra asked and Aizen nodded.

"Get them uniforms."

"Hai, Aizen-sama," Ulquiorra bowed and left Ichigo followed close behind him. He led them into a room completely furnished, a couch, large queen size bed, a window with bars on it, but showed the bright moon, sand, and the dark sky of night. "This is your quarters. Do not leave it. I will be back with your new clothing." Ulquiorra left and Ichigo closed the door. He made his way to his "new" bed and laid down. He fixed his sisters into a comfortable position and he laid there staring at the ceiling.

Now here laid Ichigo on his bed with his sisters around him. He sighed and wondered how or if the Gotei 13 has even noticed he left. But, none of that mattered he had to look forward and do what Aizen said or he and his sisters would be killed. He felted Karin squirm in her position.

"I-Ichi-nii?" She asked. Ichigo smiled and slowly sat up leaving Yuzu on the bed. He hugged Karin glad that she was alright. "Where are we Ichi-nii?"

"Hueco Mundo."


America: Yes you did!

Sarge: NOW! Go update Your Summoning is Awaiting. *Pulls out gun.*

Hydro: God damn it.

Review cause you viewed.

Okay guys this is now going to be continued! It's only been a year since I abandoned this T^T I'm so sorry!