The next morning, everything was quiet. Sonia woke up first. She was cold, but she was alive. Lin was still sleeping. During the night, they had moved closer to each other for warmth. She was slightly embarrassed, and was glad Yaksha wasn't there. She poked outside. The ground was covered in snow, and the sky was a clear blue. The blizzard was over. Oh good, now we can try to find the others. I hope I find Yaksha! She went back inside. "Lin Chung, get up! We need to find the others!"

"Huh?" He opened his eyes, and looked confused for a moment, and then he remembered where they were. "Oh, right."

When they went outside, she could see that Lin was about to start drawing. "Not now!" she said. He nodded.

"You're right; we need to find the others." He paused. "I hope they're alright." Sonia nodded slowly.

As they plodded through the snowy fields, a sharp wind blew. Sonia shivered. It's still cold here. I wish I had some warmer clothes! She gave Lin a sideways glance. He didn't seem bothered by the cold that much, unlike the night before. Then, some movement caught her eye. Was that Banana Brain? Sure enough, it was Mighty Ray, along with the rest of First Squad, and Yaksha. "There they are!" she cried. "Guys, over here!"

They all turned to look. "Lin Chung, Mystique Sonia, are you both alright?" Mr. No-hands asked.

"We're fine," Lin said. Their team leader nodded. Yaksha leapt at Sonia.

"Yaksha, I'm fine!" she said to him. The purple hat-creature took its usual spot on top of her head.

"We need to get to Dog Castle to rescue Commander Apetrully now," Mr. No-hands said, and they set off.

Sonia looked at Lin. He walked on in silence. She smiled faintly. Though she still liked her Yaksha the most, she now held a close admiration of her teammate.