The wind was picking up as First Squad travelled towards Dog Castle to rescue their Commander, Apetrully. Unfortunately, there were all signs that a blizzard was about to hit, and Mr. No-hands knew it. "First Squad, we better look for some shelter; otherwise we'll either get lost, or freeze," he said. They all looked around, but they could barley see three feet in front of them.

"I-I can't see anything! Where are you guys?" Mystique Sonia said, looking around. As they all fumbled around, they didn't notice that they were getting farther and farther from each other. Then, she bumped into someone. "Who's this?" she asked.

"Sonia?" She would recognize that soft voice anywhere.

"Lin Chung, I can't find the others, and I think Yaksha got blown away!"

"We'll find the others later; we need some shelter."

As the two pushed through the wall of snowflakes, they nearly tripped when the wind suddenly stopped. They had found a small cave, big enough for them to stand in, and deep enough so that the wind and snow couldn't get in. "We-We'll have to stay here, probably until morning," Lin said. Sonia shivered. She hated it when she was separate from Yaksha for a long period of time. I just hope the others are okay…