Disclaimer =anything recognizable is clearly JK's




"Padfoot, you are NOT a dinosaur!" exclaimed the one known as "Moony".






"I dare you to roar at Lily." This Padfoot fellow (boy he seems annoying) snickered.

"I am not going to roar at Lily. She is my girlfriend, and I'd rather not lose her this soon," stated Prongs matter-of-factly.

"Do it."

"Do it!"


"I swear by Merlin himself that if you repeat anything one more time, you will not see your next meal!" shouted Moony. Who has now begun to hyperventilate. And his left eye started to twitch. His mouth looked like it was foaming also. Oh dear.

"All I wanted was for Prongs to do one thing. Is that so hard?" Padfoot and Moony both looked to this Prongs guy. Prongs took one look at the rabid werewolf and annoying animagus and went out to find Lily.

"Lily? Oh Lily dear?"

"Yes James?" Lily sighed.


"Love you to babe."

Back in the dormitory

"Padfoot, is there something you want to tell us?" said Prongs with his signature smirk arriving on his face.

"I swear, I thought she was going to hex, that's all!"


If you didn't know, "Rawr" is "l love you" in dinosaur.