Author's Notes: It's a bit too late for Christmas, but here is the Christmas chapter for this fic! :D



The scream reverberated throughout the whole Mansion, the place having earlier been completely silent in the peace of early morning sleep. The sun was barely climbing over the snowbound mountains, glinting a bleary orange over the white horizon, spreading its glorious light across this World in a beautiful sight of snow and frozen trees, with icicles glinting off the worn branches. The mansion itself was layered with snow, icicles hanging from where they could hang and decorations all around.

And now, the shout had woken up the place.

Cheering wildly, again screaming: "IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Toon Link raced through the corridor and burst through one door, earning a yell of shock and a THUMP! As a startled Link fell out of the bed, and Zelda, having previously been lying next to him, groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes as she tired to regain sense, murmuring: "Where's the fire?..."

"Zelda!" Toon Link squealed, leaping onto the bed and cuddling into Zelda hugging her tightly as he squealed with glee: "It's Christmas! Merry Christmas, Zelda! C'mon, get up! We have to get everyone else and go downstairs for the presents!"

The princess seemed dazed at all this, hugging the little guy back, but she quickly perked up, eyes sparkling with new enthusiasm and she cheered, smiling widely: "Oh, wow! Merry Christmas, Toon Link! And you too, Link!"

"Blargh... My face hurts..."

With that said, the woman swung herself out of the bed, Toon Link jumping to the floor and exiting the room in a green blur of childish enthusiasm. Clutching her purple robes to herself so not to lose them, the princess moved over to the over side of the bed, picked up the muttering Link and easily dragged him after her as she made off to follow Toon Link.

Currently, the little swordsman had charged into Ganon and Bowser's room, and headed for the right bed, which held the King of Evil, and the little swordsman cried: "Ganondorf! Ganondorf! Wake up! IT'S CHRISTMAS! YAY!"

The warlock mumbled and shifted, but didn't wake up, as Bowser sleepily muttered: "Oh, five more minutes, Mama Peach..."

"C'mon, guys! Get up! It's Christmas! Time for fun and presents!" Toon Link cheered. Thankfully, this louder shout had worked, and both villains jerked awake in surprise, before sinking back into bed, grumbling angrily at the dim light in their dark room, Ganondorf muttering: "F**k off and die..."

"C'mon! Christmas!" Toon Link squealed, and this was the key. Bowser heard the words and woke up instantly as excitement flooded him, and the turtle leapt out of the bed, making the floor quake under his mass as he cheered: "Oh yeah! Christmas! Awesome! C'mon, Ganondorf!"

"No, I hate you." Ganon whined as Toon Link jumped on his bed, trying to get the warlock to wake up. Bowser rolled his eyes and promptly set the bed on fire.

Meanwhile, Ness and Lucas had woke up as well and were dancing with joy in the corridors, as Yoshi groggily exited his room, the dinosaur aching for a cup of coffee, which Ness thankfully provided by pulling one out of the nearby trashcan (Nobody knew how he could do that) which Yoshi happily accepted. With that, Ness, cheering happily, went to help Zelda guide the dazed Link downstairs, as Lucas went to Samus' room and knocked on it, squealing: "Wake up, Samus and Pikachu! Time for Christmas!"

Samus was a light sleeper, and she was at the door quickly, opening the door to reveal herself, her blonde hair flowing down her back, not in the usual ponytail, and clad in a light blue tank-top and trousers, cuddling a sleepy Pikachu to her chest as she tiredly, but happily replied: "Merry Christmas, Lucas. And you too, Lucario and Kirby."

The Aura Pokemon, giving a sleeping Kirby a piggyback, smiled and nodded in thanks at the woman, before moving off, Kirby snoring loudly as the excited duo of Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong passed by, chattering happily to each other on this most joyous of days. It went on from there; Happy, tired and excited Smasher's left their rooms, clad in pyjamas and sleeping clothes, chatting happily, wishing Merry Christmas, begging for coffee or tea or, in Ganon's case, begging for Mario to put out the fire that was burning his face.

However, there was a problem, as a piercing scream came from downstairs. This obviously woke everyone up, and everyone raced downstairs to the living room. The first ones to arrive- Sonic and Captain Falcon, gasped when they saw Zelda pointing at Link; The unlucky male had gotten caught in various traps, blades, wires and the secret weapon- That kitten from Hell that tortured Roy. Remember? From SSBB One-shots? Oh well.

Everyone gasped with shock at the horribly mangled body of Link when they saw what had happened, especially when the kitten jumped up and mauled Captain Falcon before Ganondorf ate it. Bowser and Wario looked sad (Their traps had failed, of course) and Zelda sighed sadly as she picked up the poor body of Link and gave him to R.O.B to take to Doctor Mario (And Falcon, too) before Mario declared: "Well, now that-a the punching bags of this-a fic have suffered ("Phew!" Snake breathed in relief) we can open-a presents! YAY!"

Everyone cheered, forgetting about the poor sufferers, and dove for the massive tree to get presents! It was a beautiful thing, to see everyone so happy and sharing joy and happiness with each other! These are the presents they got:

Mario and Luigi got those POOP's from last chapter, as well as lots of pasta and pizza! Peach got a golden frying pan, a new parasol and a pair of high heels made from glass! Bowser got horn polish and Extra-hot Chilli Bites! Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong got bananas! Yoshi got the corpses of several fangirls! Wario got bike fuel and garlic soup (He gave Olimar a big hug)

Link got sword polish, anti-fairy spray and a letter stating: See you in bed, from Zelda (Hope you fans are happy now) Toon Link got the same stuff, except the letter of course. Sadly. Ganondorf got the ability to use his sword in Brawl! Fox got sessions from the local therapist! Falco got a KFC! Wolf got-

You know what? These paragraphs are gonna get boring. Who cares what fictional characters get for Christmas? THEY DON'T EXIST! You're wasting this time here! Go fu- ARGH!

Peach: Continue story. NOW.

Okay, okay.

Everyone was happily chatting within the great living room, the Christmas tree glowing brightly and proudly as some Smasher's tossed all the wrappings and stuff into numerous bins to keep the floor clear, as the children played happily with their new gifts, everyone commenting cheerfully on what they got, thanking the others for their gifts, and all of that fun Christmas cheer as they downed bottles of Cola, Dr Pepper and Fanta, eating their way through CHOCOLATES and sweets. Truly, it was a beautiful family scene...

"I think it's time to give everyone a good time!" Marth declared, standing proud and tall as everyone else looked at him: "And to do that, we will sing a Christmas song! Everyone ready?"


"And a one, and a two, and a one, two, three, four-"

And the Smasher's burst into song!:

"Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
So let's all have fun, lots of fun!
And give out a great big cheer! YAY!

The time for snow and gifts is here!
Filling this World with lots of cheer!
To make lots of people smile
And to just relax for a while! YAY!"

"I never thought I could truly enjoy the Christmas Time!" R.O.B sang, holding his hands to his mechanical chest as he gazed reverently at the tree, and Ganondorf sang, swinging his Santa Hat around: "Who would have thought there would be a day without my crime?"

"We've always hated Santa Claus, 'cause he always gives us coal!" Bowser and Wario sang in a great duet. "So we try to kill him, even by melting the North Pole! But our traps and hatred has failed, and we even forgot to rig that bomb we mailed..."

"But sometimes we just need to chill!" Wolf sang in a strangely high-pitched voice for some reason. "Take a good old swig of the chill pill! Stop being a villain just for some cheer, and to just relax and drink up a beer!"

And everyone started up again!:

"Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
So let's all have fun, lots of fun!
And give out a great big cheer! YAY!

The time for snow and gifts is here!
Filling this World with lots of cheer!
To make lots of people smile
And to just relax for a while! YAY!"

Samus now rose for her own solo, and the joyful music turned to a more quiet, emotional tune: "For so many years, I've lived to kill. Drowning aliens, and whacking them with a mill! Beating all the crap out of their bins, and then shoving it all back in!-

A dumb-ass dragon killed my parents with his fire, and so I roasted him on a pyre! I smash his face in, again and again, with a big pole, shoved it right up his damn spine! Even though I kill him, again again, he comes back to life, if only just to whine!-

But now, I'm happy, I get to see, the joy that is here, with all of ye! Time for peace and time to sing, no more murder and no more Bing! YAY!"

Once more, everyone join in!:

"Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
So let's all have fun, lots of fun!
And give out a great big cheer! YAY!

The time for snow and gifts is here!
Filling this World with lots of cheer!
To make lots of people smile
And to just relax for a while! YAY!"

And at last, Ness and Lucas for a duet!: "Please take note, this song is copyright of Soundwave 0-1-0-SEVEN! Ask to use it in a fic before you type, and boy, it sings like HEAVEN!

And Doctor Mario!: "If you-a use this song without-a permission, then you-a had be better listen: Kamitsure will-a hunt you down and set you-alight in a blaze! And you-a better not come to-a me, or I'll demand-a PAY RAISE!

Everyone else joined in for the final verse:

"Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
Merry Christ-Smash, it's finally here!
So let's all have fun, lots of fun!
And give out a great big cheer! YAY!

The time for snow and gifts is here!
Filling this World with lots of cheer!
To make lots of people smile
And to just relax for a while! YAY!-

-And now that's done, we all sing!
A MERRY CHRIST-SMASH, for each and every thing!"

The song was finished and everyone cheered wildly at the awesome song they had just sung! Christmas was the greatest time of the year, definitely!

"Hey, Wario and Bowser!" Snake cried, rooting around under the tree. "Santa left you a present!"

"What is it?" Bowser asked, as Wario squealed: "Open it! Open it!"

Snake did open it, and out popped that bomb the duo had tried to send to Santa, which went BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! Everyone screamed: "WHAT THE F-"

Suddenly, Wolf grabbed the beeping bomb and tossed it out the window, where it exploded harmlessly. As everyone breathed in relief, Wolf triumphantly sneered: "Can't let you do that, WTF BOOM meme!"


Author's Notes: HOORAY! Christmas has passed, I know, but here is the chapter for it! HOORAH!

Happy Christmas and Best Wishes and LOL Blessings for you, the viewers, and all your friends and family, cuz Soundwave 0107 loves you all! :D

However, I declare the Merry Christ-Smash as PROPERTY of Soundwave 0107. So, if you ever wish to use this song for something, ask first. Any matches to existing songs you may find are coincidence, since I made it up on the spot.

And remember, Kamitsure x Fuuro is win. Deal with it XP

Merry Christ-Smash, from Soundwave 0107!