Blood, which was all you could have saw if you were in the well house. Blood was all over the walls, floor, the well, and, our dear Kagome. The miko who was staring at the well was all bloody and worn out from the raging battle that is now finished.

The miko stopped staring at the now closed well and limbed toward the door in silence.

Though Kagome smiled sadly as she exited the well house, and stopped limping when she saw the god tree….a memory flashed by..

Flash Back

"Inuyasha, the well…" She breathed, worriedly. "Its closing, w-what should I do?!" She looked back at the well, wondering if she should leave her lover or her family which were waiting for her to come back..

Inuyasha peered at the well before giving it a thought. The voice of Kagome's mother came to mind.

"Please… Keep Kagome Safe."

He promised. So he'll keep it, no matter what.

"Even if it means"

Looking at the miko seriously, he began. "Kagome, go into the well and.. I'll meet you in the future." He gave her a reassuring smile, a big hug, and a kiss, before pushing her down the well. "I promise."

But both of them knew, that was a lie…

Memory Over

A lone tear slid down the miko's face but she shook it off. Inuyasha wanted her to be happy, so instead of releasing the painful tears, she smiled and entered her house.

"Kagome!" Her adorable little brother ran and hugged her sister like there was no tomorrow. In result, Kagome winced but she missed him too much to really care. So wrapping her own arms around the small frame, she pulled him away for a moment.

"Where is Okaa-san?"

Souta looked up before directing her towards her own room.

"Okaa-san must be cleaning.."

She smiled at the thought, then slowly limped.

Opening the door, her mother turned and her expression phased from calm, shocked, happiness, and to worry. "Kagome!" She got up and embraced her daughter carefully. "What happen-" She stopped abruptly, seeing how Kagome's usually sapphire eyes storming up with slight tears.

Ku-loon looked all over her.

Kagome was about to reply but she couldn't hold it anymore she fell to her knees and cried for the rest of the day.

Kagome's P.O.V

"What..Happened." I thought, a raging headache filling my head causing me to groan. Opening my eyes, I expected to see the sky of the federal era, only to see the ceiling of my room. Shifting a bit to get out of bed, I took my time to the bathroom.

Once I opened the door, I looked in the mirror.

Oh I was a mess. My hair was all over, and my eyes were swollen and red. Normally, I would laugh at myself, but I just sighed before taking what I needed. A long shower.

Normal P.O.V

When Kagome finished her shower, she followed the delicious smell that came from the kitchen.

"Oh kagome, your awake." Her old grandpa said, glancing over the newspaper. "Yeah..Good morning.." She mumbled in turn, taking her seat.

The two adults looked at each other in worry. Where was their bright kagome?

"Ahem" Her mother coughed. "I made you favorite, Kagome! Udon~" Her mother said, trying to cheer up her daughter. She placed the bowl in front of her, only for Kagome to stare. It took a moment for kagome to actually take a bite. And slowly, her pace quickened.

Kagome had to admit, she did miss her mother's cooking..

Finishing up, her mother snapped her fingers. "Oh and here is your favorite desert." A slice of red cake was placed before her. "Red velvet!"

The miko almost smiled at their attempts until she focused on the red flesh of the pastry.

It reminded so much of the red fire rat inuyasha wore and she was just about to cry until she thought about how hard her mom is trying to make her feel better so she just ate it in silence.

After her last bite, she looked up and saw the table growing quiet.

"Kagome..?" Ku-loon whispered.

"Yes, Oka-san..?"

Her mother gave a short glance at her father before looking back.

"I thought.." She took a steady inhale. "That you needed a change of scenery, so I called your father-"

Kagome almost chocked on air she stared at her mom.

"And he said that you could stay with him."

"F-father..?" Kagome asked, stunned.

"Yes, Kagome."

Kagome bit her lower lip. "Oka-san, I barely- no, I don't even know this man whom is my father and you expect me to-"

"Kagome!" Her mother cut her short, giving her a stern look, before sighing. "..Kagome..Please go to domino city, it'll be good for you to just start over." Her expression calmed. "Besides you can visit us anytime you want, also the city is full of new adventure. Good people please.."

Kagome couldn't believe what was happening she just glanced at her grandpa and her brother who were looking down at their laps.


Later That Week

"Kagome, we're going to miss you!" The family said in unison, before giving kagome their hugs and a few words of their own.

"'re going to call..right?" Souta asked hopefully. Kagome merely smiled, and nodded. "Of course!" Souta beamed and hugged his sister once more before backing off towards the waiting area.

It was her grandpas turn.

"Kagome, here." The elderly, slipped out a box, tucking it into her bag. "It's a good luck charm, take good care of it." Kagome smilingweakly, assuming the "good luck charm" was a frog toe or something along the line. But it was the thought that counts. "Yes, grandpa.." Giving him a small hug, she watched him walk off, and saw her mother coming last.

She too had a gift, but it was something she didn't expect. A deck…of cards? Kagome gave her mother a look of question and before she could say anything, her mother began to explain. "Those were mine long ago..and I want you to keep them." Her mother paused, smiling wistfully..towards the cards? "They..will protect you.."

"They? Them?"

"What is it for?" Though her mother shook her head at the question. "You'll see." Giving her the last hug, she ran towered the rest of the hirugashi family.

"Take care, Kagome!"

Kagome smiled, waving a final goodbye before entering the plane and looking out the window, seeing the airport getting smaller and smaller…

"Good bye…"

Me: Hey, here is the remake! Not much change, but I fixed much of the grammar and such..So hope its easier to read . Also again, just to make sure, im wondering whom should be her relative. Review your suggestions and ideas! Love to hear them.

Also Ill be doing remakes for all my stories that I plan to continue!

Well please review and if you have any questions, message me..

-Also..who wants to be a beta for my stories? I might need one to help me remake ALL of my creations. :D Message me, minions~