Prompt: Split

Word Count: 331

Summary: Parker wants a banana split. If only it were that simple...

"Hey Eliot?"

The hitter sighed inwardly, knowing nothing good could come out of that tone.

"Yes Parker?"

"Would you buy me a banana split?" I knew it. Middle of a con, and she wants me to buy her freaking' ice cream. There is something seriously wrong with this girl.

"Parker, we're on a job. I am not going to buy you ice cream while we're on a job."

"But we finished our parts of the con forever ago! Come on. We're at a carnival, and I want yummies.". Eliot sighed again.

"Parker, you have plenty of money. Why don't you buy it yourself?"

Parker gaped, horrified.

"And spend my precious money? Are you out of your mind!"

He groaned and muttered under his breathe, "No, but you definitely are."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Look, if I buy you your freakin' ice cream will ya stop bothering me?"

She smiled and nodded, the pigtails she was wearing for the con bouncing absurdly.


Parker beamed as she looped her arm around his in a type of one-armed side hug. He grumbled, but did not pull away.

"If it makes you feel any better, you can have the bananas. I never eat them anyway."

"What? Parker, if you don't like bananas, why buy a banana split?"

"I like the banana-y taste. Just not that actual bananas." She said it just like she always did when explaining one of her (many) oddities; like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"….There's something very wrong with you."

Parker just smiled and tugged him closer, knowing in the end it didn't matter.

She was still getting her ice cream.