Greetings! Thank you for clicking on this link and reading my story! I hope you enjoy my story.PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!
Disclaimer: I do not own Skip Beat or any of its characters.
Kyoko HELP!
Kanae was starring at her new script. She was so mad that it looked like she could destroy the script by just looking at it. She was upset with herself but mostly at the president. She threw the script on the chair next to her and glared at it. What Lory told her consumed her thoughts.
Kanae was having a regular day. Kyoko attacked her with a surprise bear hug, doing her stupid love me jobs. And walked around with that hideous pink uniform. Kanae walked to the office to check if she had any new offers. As she got there Mr. Sawara told her that the president was waiting for her. This made her frown, she knew that the president was going to ask her to do something that she wouldn't want to do.
His favors were out of the ordinary and it just made the person uncomfortable who had to do it.
Standing infront of the doors, Kanae took a long breath and sighed, she opened the doors. Lory was seating on his coach drinking tea. " Oh Kanae your here, please please sit down. Would you care for some tea? " Kanae ignored his question and just sat down. She wanted to just get to the point. " President'-san, why did you call for me?" Lory placed his tea on the table and smiled." I just wanted to congratulate you, that's all." Kanae starred at Lory in confusion, " what do you mean?" Lory's grin widen, as if he knew some top secret. "OOHHH you don't know yet?" Kanae got inpatient and glared at him, " MO, No i don't know just tell me."
A chuckled escaped Lory's lips, " OOhhh my dear, you got an offer to start in a movie, as the lead actor." Kanae smiled and then her smile quickly turned into a frown. She felt that there was a catch to it. " Don't you mean actress?" Lory laughed" No i meant actor." Kanae glared at Lory, her first thought was to decline the offer. But before she could open her mouth lory interrupted her. " Before you decline, think about it. I know you must be thinking that it's not a good start gender bending for your first movie. But this is a good offer, and besides it looks like fun. This would help your career alot. Here is the script if you want it but if you don't can just leave it here." Lory placed the script on the table and glanced at Kanae.
Kanae grunted in disapproval, she grabed the script and stomped out of the office. Lory smiled, knowing that she wouldn't let the offer slip from her hands.
Kyoko was too scared to go into the Love. Me office. She felt this dark arua sipping thru. Kyoko slowly opened the door and peeked her head threw. She saw kanae hiding her face in her hands. With an angry and a disappointed look on her face.
Kyoko tip toed in, to change out of her uniform. Kanae turned and looked at Kyoko, Kyoko frozed waiting for Kanae to say something. Kanae's expression changed from disappointment to worry. Kyoko was speechless she's never seen that look on kanae before and it worried her. Kyoko was about to say something but Kanae yelled.." Kyoko-san, Help me!"
Kyoko was stunned, Kanae has never asked for her help before.
Kyoko looked at her best friend for a long time. The silence overwhelmed Kanae, every second that past by felt like eternity. Kyoko finally broke the silence," Moko-san why would you need help from me?"
Kanae starred at Kyoko and thought long and hard. " Kyoko do you have anything to do tomorrow in the afternoon?" Kyoko tried to remember her schedule for tomorrow. " Well in the morning i have Natsu and Bo, but thats all. I'll be free by 1:00pm. Why?"
Kanae smiled to herself, " Would you be my date for tomorrow?"
*Next Day*
Kyoko just finished her job as Bo and was going to wait for Kanae. As she walked down the hall she bumped into a guy, who was about her same age. She quickly got up and helped him up. " i'm so sorry are you ok?" the boy stood up and helped Kyoko pick up her bag from the floor, he handed it to her. " yes thank you , are you ok?" Kyoko smiled and nodded. Kyoko got a better look at the guy infront of her. He was quiet handsome, but he had a girly face, he reminded her of someone. " May i ask your name? " he asked as he starred at her as if he knew her. Kyoko smiled, not wanting to be rude but she didn't know him. " why?" he laughed, " I just wanted to know the name of the person i bumped into, thats all." She giggled , but a little confused " Ok, if you must know, My name is Mogmai Kyoko, and my i ask for yours?" The boy chuckled ," nice to meet you kyoko-san. My name is Takashi Yuu." Kyoko looked at him and gave him a fake smile." I never said you could call me by my first name." Yuu laughed ,"Mo, it's me ." Kyoko starred at him "Moko-san?" Kanae laughed " Yes, i'm here to pick you up, lets go to the mall." Kyoko looked at her , Kyoko didn't reconized her.
" Oh by the way call me Yuu-san, today ok." Kyoko giggled and walked off with Yuu. But a little confussed in why her best friend was dressed as a boy.
Kanae explained everything to kyoko and she needed help in acting a boy. And the only solution she got was to go on a date. Kyoko giggled and told Kanae that she would help her, Kyoko hugged her arm " Shall we go on our date Yuu-san." Kanae blushed, she shock her head to concentrate on her character. Yuu smiled and pulled kyoko into a store. They looked threw all the stores, and kyoko saw a store that they would both like. Kyoko pulled Yuu into the store, it was a store for Men. Kyoko wanted to look for clothes for him to fit his style.
Kyoko choose clothes and pushed Yuu into the dressing room, meanwhile kyoko looked at the sunglasses. She put one and looked at the mirror infront of her and then put another one on.
At that moment Mimori was dragging Sho into the store, it wasn't his style but he needed nice cloths for a party. The party wasn't formal but it had to be nice. Mimori heard about it and took the chance to go shopping with him. Sho pulled the had down to hide his face, and Momri just kept dragging him into the store.
As Mimori was looking at the cloths, Sho gunted and standed next to her and looked threw the cloths as well.
He looked up and saw a girl looking at sunglasses, it seemed like she was waiting for her boyfriend. Then a guy appeared wearing the clothes form the store, Sho noticed that the clothes suit the guy very well, he looked quiet handsome. The guy walked toward the girl and bend down to blow on her neck. She jumped and turned.
Sho curious, without thinking walked toward the couple to listen to there conversation, Mimori followed him.
Yuu blew on Kyoko's neck , making her jump she turned. " So what do you think?" She giggled and took the sunglasses off and placed it on him. " You look quiet handsome." Kyoko grabbed Yuu's collar and fixed it, and she just smiled.
Sho's eyes widened looking at kyoko with a guy, shopping for his clothes. Anger overwelmed him, Mimori looked at him and then at the couple and glared at kyoko.
Kanae now knew why guys liked Kyoko, she was sweet, nice and well... innocent. She got angry and thought ' Men are wolfs'.And with out thinking she grabbed Kyoko's hand. She was about to release her hand but thought about it. They were suppose to be a couple. And this would be a nice way to protect her dense friend and keep men at bay.
" Kyoko, I think I'll buy this i'll be back." it didn't take looking for Yuu to change. It didn't give Sho a chance to get near Kyoko.
As Yuu came out he noticed the blonde rock star bastard, and walked towards Kyoko and hugged her from behind. " UMMMMm Moko-san ..." kyoko got really nerves and stunned, because Kanae wasn't a fan of touching other people. Yuu wispered into her ear," SHHH Kyoko I'm Yuu remember and to help me, you agreed to be my girlfriend for a day." Kyoko didn't move," Wait i didn"t agree to that..." Yuu laughed " Remember that i told you that , if you wanted to be my date for a day?" Kyoko thought it for a mintue and remembered " OOHHH , so what am i suppose to do?" Yuu chuckled, Kyoko was really dense " We just have to be like friends but just hug and hold hands thats it." Yuu released her, she turned to face him and smiled " Ok Yuu-san, lets buy your clothes and go to another store." Kyoko grabbed Yuu's hand and pulled him towards the register. He smiled and stoped her " Wait Kyoko-san you have something in your hair" Yuu placed his hand behind her head and pulled her closer to him to see better. Yuu glanced at Sho and chukled.
Sho immediately knew that the guy was saying 'mine', he growled under his breath. Sho still believed that Kyoko belonged to him.
The day when by fast, Kanae learned alot while having a lot of fun. The only thing that made her blush was holding hands with Kyoko all day, she wasn't use to holding hands, especially with a friend.
Kanae thought of awarding Kyoko with ice cream for helping her. " Kyoko-san would you like some ice cream?" Kyoko turned with a big smile on her face and nodded.
Kyoko picked chocolate and Yuu picked vanilla. They walked, talked and enjoyed there ice cream. Yuu turned to look at Kyoko and ask her if she liked her ice cream. kyoko turned " Yuu-san would you like to try some of mine?" she extented her arm to him. Yuu looked around and then at kyoko (Kanae thought it was embarssing). Yuu took a lick of her ice cream and then he offered his ice cream as well. Kyoko tried it his ice cream and smiled. Yuu laughed at her goofy expression.
He looked up and saw a stunned man looking at them. Yuu noticed him, he looked down at kyoko and noticed a little bit of ice cream on her cheek. He looked up at the man again and smiled, Yuu tiled kyoko's head to the side and licked her cheek. "Yuu-san what was that for? kyoko ask, she pouted she felt that kanae was treating her like a child. Yuu laughed you had ice cream on your cheek"... still pouting " well you should have told me." Yuu grabbed her hand " we should go home now before someone gets worried about you."
Yuu turned to the man and gave him a satisfied smile.
Ren was really mad that a guy had licked his Kyoko but worst of all the punk smiled at him ... as if he won.
Kanae was really happy that she got under Ren's skin. She knew it would be a pain in the butt the next day but right now she was having a hell of a time. She got to , make a fool out of Ren and Sho , in one day. This was the best day of her life right now.
Thanking anyone who read my story ... :) Please review