Just my Imagination

Admittedly, when Alisha began acting differently towards me, treating me nicer and altering her behaviour to a somewhat more attentive standard, I was surprised to say the least. I'm not going to deny that her new reformed behaviour to me isn't strange and unexpected but I know to appreciate the little things. Like how when our little gang is having group discussions her eyes sometimes stray to me and I get this tingle, it's thrilling, if I didn't know any better I'd think she fancied me.

But that can't be possible because she's gorgeous, beautiful, amazing and so many other adjectives that I could describe her as. Her voice sounds angelic and her eyes are mesmerising. If I were more of the bold cocky type, (basically like Nathan), I'd have all sorts of fantasies about her admitting her undying love to me.

In the fantasy Alisha would walk up to me and stand so close to me that I could inhale her scent, she smells like peaches and cream, I noticed it whenever she stands remotely close to me. Her small hands would caress my face like the women do in the movies, and then she'd smile at me with her pretty face and her stunning eyes. She'd lean in close and our lips would touch, I imagine that, in fact I'm almost certain her lips would be soft, she looks soft and light.

When we kiss I'd feel a variety of emotions, I'd never want to let her go.

She'd say "Simon, Simon, Simon!"


A loud voice shouts into my ear and I hold my hand to it. They're all staring at me with perplexed looks on their faces, she looks at me with concern and I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. A shadow looms over me and I look up to see green eyes staring back at me with mirth.

"Jeezus! Away with the fairies again were you mate? I can see it now, you dressed in some sorta' outfit that resembles a mankini with lace trimmings and all that shit, your thong pinchin' into yer little tight arse..."

Nathan grabs my behind for extra effect and I tense and move cautiously back away from him, I don't even have to look into his face to know that he's got that obnoxious grin, it's creepy.

"Barry, are you blushing?"

He chuckles and smacks his licks together.

"Oh I see! I see now. You weren't dreaming about fairy shite you were having a midday private wet dream!" I tense again,

"So come on Barry, fess up! Who were you thinking about? Was it that cute little vixen with the crazy daddy?"

I shake my head at his question and he frowns.

"Nah, you had your fill of her already didn't ya? You horny little bastard. Okay so then... Ah! Must be one of our lot..."

My eyes widen and I look at him and hope the others just dismiss him like they tend to do when Nathan goes off.

"So my little murdering quiet friend, I'm guessing it ain't that fella... "He points to Curtis who glares at him and tells him to "fuck off".

"I know from our little incident that one time when I tried to get into yer pants, so it's not me (your loss though) ...

He pokes my chest and his gaze seems to match his actions

"... And it better not be Kelly, cos she's my girl mister, keep your dirty little hands away from my territory!"

Kelly scoffs "I ain't your territory, you dipshit!"

"Oh come on! You can't deny that I am a fine piece of ass! I mean look at me, who'd blame you? Bet you'd love a go at my cock wouldn't ya! You'd fucking ravish me!"

Kelly and Curtis roll their eyes in unison and head inside, Kelly pushes Nathan as she moves past him and he starts whining.

"Can't you lot take a fucking joke?"

That only leaves Nathan, Alisha and I. I can't even look up for fear of Alisha's reaction to Nathan's words.

"Good God. Here I am trying to get to the bottom of a mystery that could end in mind blowing, earth shattering sex and you lot are-"

"Shut the fuck up, Nathan" Alisha's words cut him off and he's speechless (for once).

"Okay, what's your problem?" she glares

"Nothing! Just go and apologise to them."

"What? Oh come on now-"


"Alright! Fine, I'm going." he stalks off and I hear him make a comment about "women, time of the month" but I don't really care at this point.

Light laughter startles me and I stare at Alisha in wonderment, she smiles back at me.

"He's a right prick sometimes isn't he?"

I blink at her and she carries on smiling.

"So... what were you thinking about?" I blush and she steps towards me slowly.

"You can tell me things, just between us, you know?"

She's right in front of me now but I can't seem to move, I'm afraid she'll find out and be repulsed by my thoughts but at the same time I want her to come closer to me.

"I- I-"

Her hand holds my cheek gently and her thumb slowly rubs my face. I realise my assumptions were right, her skin is soft, like silk.

She leans in closer.

"Yeah..." her breath tickles my face.

"I- I wasn't thinking about Jessica." For some reason her eyes brighten and she leans even closer.

"Who's the lucky girl then?"

This is my chance to confess; I can admit my feelings and let her decide what happens next. I lick my lips and open my mouth,


"Oi! You two gonna gossip all day? Or are you actually gonna move your lazy arses and help us shovel this shit?"

We both release a sigh at the same time.

"He's got the most fucking awful timing."

Alisha's eyes widen and she bursts into a fit of laughter. There are tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

She beams at me and the sight is staggering.

"You've got no idea how funny you really are, Simon."

I smile at her, thankful for the compliment.

"Move your bloody arses!"

"Okay, Okay we're coming." She jerks her head at me in a gesture to follow. She shouldn't even bother...

I'd follow her anywhere without hesitation.