Bad Hair Day

Zero came running into the room, slamming the door behind him. Kaname and Yuuki looked up in surprise. iWhat was going on?i Yuuki wondered. Zero was breathing hard and clutching something between his fingers, but they couldn't quite make out what it was.

"Look!" he said, brandishing his hand in their faces. "Look!" Kaname and Yuuki squinted at his pinched fingers, but couldn't see anything.

"Uhh, Zero?" Yuuki asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. Zero waved his hand in front of their faces again. "Can't you see it?" he asked frantically. Kaname and Yuuki shared a look. "Zero, there's nothing there," Yuuki said, confused, but Kaname had been staring intently at Zero's hand and caught a glint of silver that reflected the light. It seemed to be a strand of Zero's hair. Yuuki squinted at his hand too, and her eyes widened slightly when she saw the piece of hair. iWhat?/i

"I'm going gray!" Zero cried. Letting go of the silver hair, he clutched his head, pulling at his hair. "Look at this!"

Kaname sniggered to himself and Yuuki looked even more perplexed. "Zero," she began gently. "Your hair was already silver."

"But," he spluttered. "It's even worse now!" Yuuki looked at Zero, her eyebrows knit in confusion. "I have to go and do something before it gets even worse!" Zero exclaimed before Yuuki could say anything. He turned abruptly and ran out of the room, no doubt looking for some kind of hair dye.

Yuuki sighed and gave the doorway a worried look and Kaname turned back to his photo album, already having dismissed the commotion in his mind. He knew there was a reason he didn't talk to that kid…