Author's Note: This is my first all human Twilight story so bare with me :)

"I can't believe Miss Darwin quit!" My best friend, Bella Swan, said angrily as we looked over our schedules again. Her brown eyes were furious and I had to remind myself that she was just taking this personal like she usually did when it came to anything academic and she wasn't actually mad at me.

It was the first day of our senior year and although most people would be excited, Bella was only focused on the negative as usual. She may be a little bit of a downer most of the time but when you get to know her like I do you'll know that she is just serious about her studies. She's the depressed yin to my happy bubbly yang and the best friend I could ever ask for.

"She wasn't even that good of a teacher." I said rationally, trying to calm down the pale brunette beside me.

"I know, but she was the only teacher qualified to teach Anatomy and Physiology for college credit, Rennie." Bella continued on sulkily even though she used my nickname so I knew that she wasn't that upset about it. My name is Renesme Carlie Mason, but most people call me Ren. (I don't know what my parents were thinking; you try having every substitute call you 'Rennasmeee?' and see how much you like it).

I rolled my eyes at her dramatically. "Listen Bells, I get that you want to graduate with as many college hours under your belt, but not taking one class isn't going to kill you." I spotted my twin across the lawn and smiled, knowing that it would cheer my whiny best friend up. "Hey, Edward's looking over here." I said with a giggle as she spun her head around to see him.

He had already crossed the school yard and wrapped his arms around Bella's waist. He asked her out pretty much the moment he saw her despite everyone's objections (trust me, the boy was obsessed and/or in love, I had yet to decide which). A lot of people thought my best friend from California wasn't pretty enough to be with the star pitcher.

Edward Anthony Mason was what girls at this school called "hot." Being his nearly identical twin sister, I find this hard to believe. For one, he's my brother so it's weird to even think of him as a male, and two, I looked a lot like him and guys weren't lined up for me the way that girls were for him. We have the same bronze curly hair, fair complexion, and crooked smiles. The only physical differences, other than anatomy ones, are the fact that I have deep brown eyes and he has green ones.

But apparently it's enough of a difference to affect my love life. The only guys interested in me are Nauhel Creeper, who's name speaks for itself, and my ex-boyfriend Quil Ateara. He was a little immature and loud at times, but I didn't mind that much and we managed to stay together during all of junior year. He was my whole world and we planned on going to college together next fall. The only problem was that he decided over the summer that I wasn't the girl for him. I saw him this morning with his hands all over his new girlfriend Claire Waters.

Needless to say, boys are the last thing on my mind.

"I missed you." Edward said seductively in Bella's ear and I faked a gag. I did not want to listen to them being all lovey dovey all morning. I waved my goodbyes to Bella before heading off to see if any of my other friends had arrived yet.

"Ren! Over here!" I heard Alice Brandon yell. The short dark haired girl was beaming at me from the arms of her fiance Jasper Whitlock. Though it was still hush-hush, pretty much everyone knew that the two of them were getting married. Not many people were in the know like I was, though, so they didn't know that the promise ring she wore proudly was actually an engagement one.

"Hey there Alice." I said to my energetic friend since third grade, then turned to her future husband, "hi Jasper."

"Hello Renesme." Jasper said politely. We had never been really close, but I knew that it was only because he was shy. Jazz only ever spoke a lot around either Alice or his best friend Emmett Cullen.

"Oh my gosh, Alice, I can't believe you cut your hair!" Rosalie Hale screamed when she came into view. She was yelling from the passanger side of Emmett's red Corvette on the other side of the school yard but I would recognize her voice anywhere. They made their way towards us as I turned my attention back on my other friends.

Alice blushed scarlet as she twirled a piece of her now short black hair. It was hard to remember that only yesterday it had been almost as long as mine. "Told you she'd notice." She said smugly to me, her hazel eyes met Jazz's baby blue ones and she grinned.

"I don't know how you always know everyone's reactions." I complained teasingly. I turned to Jasper and explained, "Allie told me yesterday when we were at the hair salon that Rose would freak out."

"That's simply Alice." Jasper said adoringly.

"You cut off all of your hair!" Rosalie said angrily as she came to a stop in front of our little group. "How could you!" She said with a pout, her aqua blue eyes glittering with fake tears. "I'm never going to speak to you again if you don't tell me why you cut off all of your beautiful hair!" Rose threatened half-seriously.

"Chillax, Rose. I just felt like a change since I'm a senior and things are about to change." Alice said calmly. "I donated it to Locks of Love so little kids with cancer could have hair as pretty as mine." She explained.

"Oh, wow, Allie. That's so sweet." Rosalie said, totally forgiving her best friend. "I wonder if I should cut mine then too?" She asked, but we all knew she would never do it. Rose's long blonde hair was a part of her as much as Alice's wardrobe was a part of hers.

"Nah, babe you look hot with your golden locks." Emmett his own way. Rose beamed at him though because she was just that shallow.

"Maybe you should cut yours, Ren." Alice tried to persuade me again. She had made a huge case at the hair salon yesterday, but I hadn't bought it then and I wasn't buying it now. "Think of how many wigs they could make from your ringlets!"

"It just doesn't feel right." I said quietly, knowing everyone's eyes were on me. Usually I was good at fading into the background, but today I seemed to be everyone's focus.

Suddenly, the warning bell sounded overhead and I took that as my cue to leave. "I'm gonna head to class." I said, saved by the bell.

"But you still have five minutes!" Emmett said teasingly. "I forgot that Little Red is a goody-too-shoes now." He smirked at me, but I just ignored him. Was it really my fault that Bella's serious towards school attitude had rubbed off? Frankly, they should be following my example. I know that Emmett especially should if he wanted to keep his baseball scholarship.

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered, waving goodbye to Jasper and the girls while sticking my tongue out at Emmett. He was like a big brother to me in ways that Edward wasn't. Sure, Ed had the protective part down, but Emmett had the playful teasing that I didn't get to experience with my twin.

When I got to class, there was only one person already there so I tried to move past him to the seat in the middle where I planned to claim as my own. He looked almost confused, staring at the front row of seats as if he was going to sit there and then looking at the ones in the far back instead. I couldn't help but giggle at the new kid.

"Most teachers don't care that much about where you sit." I advised as I passed him. My voice brought him out of his thoughts and suddenly he was staring at me intently. Those warm brown eyes drew me in like a fly to a buzz zapper; I was frozen in my spot, afraid to move and break the trance. "H-i." I said lamely, blushing furiously at my awkwardness. But the teenager only smiled, the russett skin around his lips pulling into a breathtaking grin.

"Hi." He said back, sounding like he was teasing me but there was a genuine warmth in his eyes still.

"I'm Renesme." I said, trying to play it cool. I had never gotten a crush this quickly and it startled me that I was this attracted to him already and I didn't even know his name. This is usually when I start babbling, and right on cue, I did. "Renesme Mason, actually, but my friends call me Ren or Rennie. You can call me it if you want." I went on, trying to ignore the hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"And you are...?" I asked, dying to know who this beautiful soul was. "I know just about everyone in town and I haven't seen you around Forks."

"Jacob Black." He said nervously and a shiver shot down my back. This didn't go on unnoticed by him and I could tell he was getting uncomfortable. He glanced at the door just as Leah Clearwater was walking through the door.

"Who are you?" Leah asked, giving me a scrunched up look before turning back to Jacob. We had been rivals for as long as I can remember, though as to why is still unknown. She smiled warmly at him though and I wanted to claim my territory. He was mine; I saw him first. She could find her own new kid, this one was off limits.

"I'm Mr. Black, your new chemistry teacher." Jacob said and my heart plummeted.

I had a crush on my teacher? Oh, kill me now.