Merry Christmas, Hyung

[Chapter 2]

Jeremy woke up with a huge grin on his face. It's Christmas today! Almost immediately, the anxious boy leapt out of his bed and hastily had himself cleaned. He ran down the stairs after he was done cleaning and yelled, "Merry Christmas~~!"

"Merry Christmas, Jeremy!" Mi Nam was the first to greet him.

"Good morning," Shin Woo was second, "Merry Christmas."

Tae Kyung wished him as well and resumed drinking water.

"We're having a party today, right? Celebration!" Jeremy skipped happily around the hall.

"We'll have it at night," Shin Woo interrupted. "We have a performance later. President Ahn will be sending all of us there."

"You mean we'll celebrate together with our fans?" Jeremy said, "A. is loved!"

"I don't see what is so fun about celebrating with so many people." Tae Kyung said, frustrated. Secretly, he stole a glance of Mi Nam. Shin Woo realized and smirked. Tae Kyung's plans with Mi Nam are probably ruined. Is that why he's so frustrated?

President Ahn came a while later, bringing the boys along for their awaiting performances.

"We're home, we're home!" Jeremy greeted the house. "Party time!"

The other three merely complied Jeremy's request, though all of them are really tired. Soon enough, the table was full of junk foods, wine, juices, and whatever you can think of. The four friends sang and danced to the music till it was late in the night. Mi Nam drank some alcoholic stuff and went to dreamland, leaving the three of them to clean up the place.

"I'll bring Mi Nam to her room," Tae Kyung offered, putting Mi Nam's arms around his neck.

"Leave this place to us," Shin Woo said, cleaning up the place with Jeremy.


"It was fun today, isn't it, hyung?" Jeremy asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah," Shin Woo answered. "Though I feel like my bones can break anytime soon." He looked at his watch. "It's already 11.00pm."

"Go rest, hyung," Jeremy grinned. "We're done cleaning. I'll go get my presents!" That said and Jeremy ran off to the huge Christmas tree placed in the middle of the living hall. Let's see, Jeremy, Jeremy, which one is labeled Jeremy… Here! Found yeah! Jeremy looked at the card. It's from Mi Nam and Tae Kyung… Did they share the same gift? Did they buy it together? Oh no. Shin Woo-hyung will be upset when he sees this. He hid the small gift in his pocket. Hmmm… Anything else? Oh, found another one! This is from… Jeremy smiled when he saw the name. It's from Shin Woo-hyung. Ah~ He touched his chest. My heart going to burst

"Found your gift?" Shin Woo appeared from his back.

""Yeah," Jeremy said, holding the small box with cheerful looking wrapper. "Thanks, hyung. I'll go back to my room now." He smiled one last time, "Merry Christmas again!" Before he ran to his room, he double checked if the gift that he bought for Shin Woo was still placed safely under the Christmas tree.

Shin Woo scanned the bottom of the Christmas tree and found two gifts. One from Tae Kyung and Mi Nam, and the other one if from Jeremy and… Jolie? He had to chuckle when he saw Jolie's name there. Jeremy really loves his dog. He walked back to his room with the two gifts in hand.

"Thanks, Jolie," he said as he passed the dog, "Merry Christmas."

Shin Woo placed the gifts on his bed once he reached his bedroom. He decided to keep Jeremy's gift as a surprise, thus opening the gift from both Tae Kyung and Mi Nam.

It's a pair of gloves. He looked at the card, which says:

To Shin Woo-hyung,

Merry Christmas!

Hyung-nim decided to share this gift together with me, since he said he doesn't have time to buy.

(What an insincere person. ^^)

We hope you like it!

From; Mi Nam and Tae Kyung.

He smiled. At least he attempted to share this year. Last year he just asked President Ahn to buy something and put under the tree. Great start.

Next, he opened the wrapper of Jeremy's gift.

A scarf. He looked again. Wait. Isn't this the scarf I saw that day? He read Jeremy's card:

Shin Woo-hyung!

I hope you'll like this gift!

It is said to bring good luck if I give it to my important friend, so I wish for all the best to you!

Merry Christmas. :D

Jeremy and Jolie signs.

I thought the salesgirl said it brings good luck if you give it to the person that you love? He stared at the grey scarf again. Yes. I'm very sure it's the same scarf. He smiled to himself. Is that so? Jeremy, you just confirmed my deductions. He left his room and went to Jeremy's, bringing a small red box along.

"Jeremy," Shin Woo knocked, "open the door."

The door opened a spilt second after, revealing a surprised Jeremy. "Hyung?"

Shin Woo entered his room, smiling, "Just feel like visiting. What have you got there?"

Jeremy closed the door and leapt onto his bed, next to where Shin Woo was sitting. "I got a pair of new earphones, with my name carved on the sides!" He showed Shin Woo excitedly. "And thanks, hyung, for your chain. I love it!" Jeremy already had the necklace around his neck. "Do you like my gift?"

"Yeah," Shin Woo replied. "Thanks." He ruffled Jeremy's hair. "I have another gift for you." He handed the small red box to Jeremy. Jeremy's eyes practically glowed. "Another one? Yay, thanks hyung!" He saw the skull earring once he opened the box. "H-Hyung," he said, disappointed. "Isn't this for Mi Nam?"

Shin Woo took the earring from its casing and brought Jeremy's head closer. He took out Jeremy's current earring and put the new earring on. He could feel Jeremy's skin getting hotter as his fingers brushed across Jeremy's ears. "What tells you that I'm giving this to Mi Nam?"

"B-Because," Jeremy swallowed his saliva, "you said you want to give it to someone special."

"Yeah," Shin Woo's fingers left Jeremy's left ear after putting on the earring. Before Jeremy managed to say anything, Shin Woo pulled Jeremy in for a quick peck on the lips. "And that special person is you," he whispered, his breathe brushing against Jeremy's lips. Jeremy's heart stopped beating when Shin Woo pulled him in for another kiss, this time longer, where Shin Woo moved his lips slowly, sensually and seductively against Jeremy's.

"You like me, don't you?" Shin Woo asked softly against Jeremy's lips, "The scarf, it's intended for lovers, but you bought it for me. I saw the same scarf when I went shopping with you that day."

"I, I, hyung, I-"

"-love you." Shin Woo continued for Jeremy. All Jeremy did was to stare into Shin Woo's eyes.

"It's alright if you can't say it," Shin Woo said, understood, knowing that this was too sudden for Jeremy since that poor boy always thought that Shin Woo had feeling for Mi Nam, "kiss me if you love me."

Jeremy snaked his arms around Shin Woo's neck and closed the small distance between them. Seconds passed till Jeremy broke the kiss between them and laid his head on Shin Woo's shoulder. "Hyung, I love you," he mumbled against Shin Woo's collarbone.

That was how that two of them spent their Christmas together, snuggling against each other on Jeremy's bed, sleeping soundly.

This is the best Christmas ever. Merry Christmas, hyung.

The End

A/N: Done! If you guys don't mind, please tell me what you think! Have a merry christmas! (: