I need revenge on my sister making me edit these! I am doing an essay on a essay from "My boy Jack" poem and I cant be bothered doing it! I was watching a movie were the guy who says the poem (which I am listening to) was having sex I was like "EWW" and at one point he said "Is he coming" and it sounded like part of the poem. I will finish this and hide in the corner and try to erase the images out of my head. :'(
The sound of cheesy Christmas music echoed through FentonWorks. Dannys eyes opened slowly is if made of lead. His head thumping as he let out a moan. "What happened last night." Danny said, stirring. Dannys eyes snapped open as he looked at his digital clock at the side of his bed reading "1pm" Danny jumped out his bed and ran downstairs.
Danny fell over the last stair as he quickly returned to his feet and went into the living room. "You didnt have to wait for me." Danny said, looking at his parents and quickly noticing his friends. "And you didnt have to leave your families to come here." Danny said.
"But we are family" Sam said, kissing Danny who embraced it. Tucker agreed but didnt join in Sam and Dannys act of love.
"Come on kids! Lets get these gift's open!" Jack said, pulling the children into a circle. Jazz smiled as everyone looked round smiling. Danny gave Sam a gift, gently placing into her soft hands. Sam opened her gift to find a beautiful black pen. Her name engraved into the side and a electric purple line down the side, Sam smiled as she gave Danny a hug. Danny gave Tucker a strange shaped gift which made Tucker looked at the gift before opening the wrapping to show a strange looking piece of technology.
"Its a piece of technology from the future. It's the best hand held laptop and your the only one in the world that has one.. Until 20 years from now." Danny said, as Tucker smiled at it.
"Thanks dude!" Tucker said, giving Danny a high five. Danny handed his mom and dad a strange looking parcel and Jazz a present too. Dannys mom and dad smiled at the homemade fudge and Perfume. Danny smiled as Jazz opened hers to find a weird looking book.
"Physiology about ghosts." Danny said, as his sister explored the book, her finger running down the spine of the book. Everyone looked at each other, grinning.
"There is a gift from the ghostzone downstairs for you." Sam said, pulling Danny downstairs and Tucker quickly following from behind. A small crate sat in front of the ghost portal. Danny cautiously walked over to the gift. Dannys heart accelerated as the box moved. Danny opened the box as he was tackled by a small, furry animal. Danny looked up to see a black wolf like puppy, wagging its tail. Danny laughed as scooped the dog in his arms as he noticed a note saying "Dear whelp...I mean Phantom all of the ghostzone decided to get you a little gift one of my ghost dogs had puppies and we decided you could have one. This one is very rare it copies its masters physical appearance. So your dog might be half ghost too." The note ended there. Danny smiled as the puppy barked. Sam came over and petted the dog. Danny got up from the crate and walked over to the other side of the room but the puppy jumped out of Sams lap and followed Danny.
"He's like my little shadow." Danny said, petting the puppy its eyes turned blue. Danny jumped at the sudden difference. "Shadow." Danny said, quickly adding "that's a perfect name for you." Danny said, petting the puppy again. Sam smiled as well as Tucker joined his friends.
"He's adorable like you." Sam said, her eyes looking at Danny smiling. Danny smiled at Sam as they walked up to Sam as he kissed her.
"No. You." Danny said, flashing his eyes at her.
"No. You."
"You." Danny said
"Il be upstairs!" Tucker said rolling his eyes as he left the basement along with Shadow. "Merry Christmas guys." Tucker whispered, closing the door on the two friends who were still arguing.
This is the poem I was talking about :L
"Have you news of my boy Jack?"
Not this tide.
"When d'you think that he'll come back?"
Not with this wind blowing, and this tide.
"Has any one else had word of him?"
Not this tide.
For what is sunk will hardly swim,
Not with this wind blowing, and this tide.
"Oh, dear, what comfort can I find?"
None this tide,
Nor any tide,
Except he did not shame his kind —
Not even with that wind blowing, and that tide.
Then hold your head up all the more,
This tide,
And every tide;
Because he was the son you bore,
And gave to that wind blowing and that tide!
Anyway I am off to explore twilight and Harry potter fics :L