A/N: * clears throat * Well this is going to be a crossover and should be interesting enough... LOL... So everything on GG happened up to Rory's senior year in college but she isn't with Logan anymore... * glares at my muse * This is all your fault... So anyways this is a Gilmore Girls/Criminal Minds crossover... * clears throat again * Yes, I said a Gilmore Girls/Criminal Minds crossover... * evil laugh * It should be interesting since Tristan is now an FBI agent! * smiles * I'd just love to see him in well in anything with a gun! * looks at Katie * Oh yeah before I forget onto the story! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own CM or GG... * mutters while glaring * I can't even own my muse because she owns me!
JJ walked into the bull pen of the BAU with a heavy heart. She wasn't sure why but she had a feeling that the case she was about to present to the team was going to be a hard one for a couple different members of their team. Her eyes flicked up to Hotch's office and then to the newest member of their team. She couldn't help but wonder how both were going to take the news of what their new case is.
She took in a deep breath and then made her way across the bull pen and up the stairs to Hotch's office and knocked once before opening up the door. "We have a case Hotch."
Hotch nodded and said "Have everyone meet in the conference room in five minutes JJ."
JJ nodded and then walked in and placed the file on Hotch's desk before looking him in the eyes. "Hotch you may want to meet them now. I know that you said five minutes but if you open up the folder you will see why I said now."
Hotch frowned but picked up the folder and opened it up. He read the details of the case and then paled some. He shot up out of his chair with the case file in his hand and made his way out of his office and came to a stop on the catwalk by the railing and then called out "Conference room NOW!"
Emily looked up at the tone of Hotch's voice but didn't think anything of it other than that they must have a new case and she looked around and saw the new guy Tristan as well as Derek and Spencer getting up from their seats and head towards the conference room. She saw the urgency in the way that Hotch moved and she wondered what had him so agitated. She shook the thought out of her head and followed everyone else into the conference room.
Hotch could feel everyone's eyes on him as he paced the conference room instead of sitting down. He saw Dave looking at him concerned from the corner of his eye but he shook his head. His eyes landed on the newest member of his team and he wondered what Tristan's reaction was going to be to the new case. He knew about Tristan's past and he had been sure that he wouldn't like the kid but it turned out that he did like Tristan and he had become like another son to him. He sighed and decided to take the seat next to Tristan instead of sitting by Emily like he normally would. He wanted to make sure that Tristan knew he wasn't alone.
He looked at JJ and nodded and said "Go ahead and tell us about the case JJ."
JJ looked at Hotch and then looked at everyone as they opened up the case file and then she turned towards the screen and brought an image up onto it. "There have been five rapes and four murders in New Haven, Conneticut on the Yale campus. All victims are between the ages of twenty one and twenty three. All of them have brown hair and blue eyes. The first victim was Rory Gilmore and she was also the only survivor."
Before she could continue to go on she heard a gasp and her gaze flew to Hotch but saw that it was Tristan who was the one who had gasped. She looked at Hotch who nodded and then she sighed and said "The second victim was a Natalie Jacobs who was twenty two. Then there was Debra Hanks, Michelle Sloan and Veronica Summers. They were raped, beaten and then murdered and their bodies were found on campus."
Tristan couldn't take his eyes off of the file in front of him. He couldn't believe that the woman he was looking at was his Mary. He couldn't believe that someone could do something like that although he should because after all look at the profession he was in. He looked over at his boss and saw the tight lines surrounding his mouth and eyes and he knew that the case had hit him the same way as him.
"What can you tell us about the victim that survived?" Derek asked.
Hotch looked at JJ and then at Derek and said "Rory Gilmore is twenty two years old and a Senior at Yale University who is majoring in journalism. She lives on campus and has a roommate by the name of Paris Geller. She was in the hospital for four days before they released her. She has broken ribs, lacerations all over her body and she was sexually assaulted."
Everyone but Tristan raised their eyebrows at what Hotch just said and Dave finally said what everyone was thinking. "How do you know so much about Ms. Gilmore, Aaron?"
Hotch sighed and closed his eyes and then opened them back up and looked over at Tristan who was pale but holding firm on not showing much reaction to what they had all just heard about the new case. He knew that Tristan was trying to hold everything in so that he didn't lose it but he also knew that it wouldn't do the young man any good so he tapped him on the shoulder and once he had his attention he nodded his head letting him know that he could talk. He knew that he would have to tell everyone how he knew all that information about Rory but he wanted to give Tristan a chance to say what he was thinking.
Tristan took in a deep breath and let it out and then stood up. "Rory Gilmore and I use to go to school together. You all have heard me refer to her as Mary when we have went out to the bars on team night."
Derek's mouth dropped open in shock and then he closed it before swallowing and saying "I'm sorry Kid."
Tristan nodded and then Dave looked from Tristan and back to Hotch and said "Aaron, you never answered my question. How do you know so much about Ms. Gilmore?"
Hotch sighed and stood up and looked at the members of his team who were also his friends and family before putting a hand on Tristan's shoulder. "Her injuries I know because of the file. I know her personal information because Rory Gilmore is actually my daughter."