Gold Digger the Insertion Files Chapter 21

Is this Choas, or just a bunch of holes in the ground?

By Agent Reptile

I own none of the characters I use in this story. It is only for fun. I am not getting a dime from this. Please realize this is under fair use and that I am doing this as a fan of all the series I use.

What none of my allies, friends, or loved ones knew was how tenuous my connection to this form was. I required an actual character to fully form the construct I became, and sadly the Imperial Fist Captain I turned into was merely a palate swap for the multiplayer of Warhammer 40K Space Marine. I could have chosen any Astartis legion if I like, Loyalist or Chaos Marines….but no I didn't want to go head to head right at this moment. The ark reactor was still exposed, we had no defenses at all, the school had been blasted in parts time and time again from repeated Yoma attacks before we showed up and Stark's massive firepower didn't do this complex any good…well besides sending that indeterminately sexed dark general back to the pit they crawled from. No, I held onto on almost obsessive focus to maintain this Imperial Fist: FORIFY!

"FORTIFY FORTIFY FORTIFY FORTIFY!" I said screamed at the top of now three lungs as the mighty thunderhammer in my hands was swung hard again and again breaking down weak siding and concrete

"What is that lunatic doing?" Beach Head asked in complete shock.

"That's what I want to know." Sailor Mars yelled. "Hey you jerk stop destroying our school." She boiled over in anger. "Do you have any clue how hard it is to even try to get an education around here when attack after attack keeps interrupting our classes and leaves our neighborhood a mess all the time."

"Ms. Hino I am not destroying your school." I said, able to keep some control over this character so long as I was acting in character to the Imperial Fist son of Rogal Dorn. "I am merely removing the subpar construction in order to personally build proper fortifications." I said in a rather monotone voice.

"How do you know my name?" she blinked a moment or two in thought. Stumped by this revelation…and without a painglove.

"Now, observe a properly built education facility." I would smile if I could, but something made such attempts not quite sound. In inhuman speed and strength I laid out a reinforced foundation, multi-layered armored walls thick enough to stop even Brianna's A-10 Warthog's main gun's depleted uranium rounds, and was pouring concrete at least ten times as strong as needed with rebar that was wrought in my hands to be up to the standards of the Manly Manperor of Mankind and Lord Adorable.

"So what exactly do we do Beach Head? Just stand around and do nothing?" Cover Girl asked watching my labor.

"Britanny, Brian I will need more supplies to continue my work. Please find whatever warehouse you can and return with proper building materials for me to use." I said as I continue to run around seemingly like a maniac.

"They build the defenses, while we get the supplies." Beach Head said taking the lead. "Let's get the secured radio and all other stuff out of the limo.

"Good news Joes." Wild Bill smiled. "Looks like someone forgot to remove the accelerator suits from the vehicles."

"The what?" Brianna blinked for a moment.

"Wild Bill those are experimental, untested, top secret.." Cover Girl started while Wild Bill and Beach Head unpacked two large black cases with encrypted latches.

"And heavily lacking in armor and firepower." Brianna said as she took a look at the suits they began to pull out.

"Now wait just one-minute lady. These suits have built-in rocket and missile launchers, high impact reinforced chest plates and…" Beach Head was explaining before he saw Brianna pull out a pair of autoshock carbines. Where she was hiding them was anyone's guess. "What are you doing?"

"I'm about to prove an example of scale." Brianna said as she looked at the chest region of the suit and was about to punch holes right though it. "High carbon fiber materials are strong, and I'm guessing the idea was you would be moving too fast to get hit by a human marksman, but some of these demon things can move faster than most human perception can react, and faster than those suits of yours compensate for…plus my sister Britanny probably would just rip it to shreds if she wanted too."

"Brianna stop insulting our new friends and bodyguards. I have enough of a time with Gina doing that." Britanny said looking down upon her younger sister.

"Awe you aren't fun." Brianna pouted. "Okay fine I won't shoot their shinny toys. Give me five minutes okay." Brianna scooped up the suits, unpacked them on the gym floor. "Hey which way to the shop class?" The excitable genius asked the Sailor Scouts, who just pointed down the hall.

"Back in a jiffy." Brianna smiled as she raced off in super-speed.

"Now what on earth has gotten into her?" Wild Bill asked as Brianna was working beaver with twelve shots of expresso.

"See now these are real power armor suits." Brianna said as she ran back with two heavily armored assault armors decked out in minigun turrets and armed with plasma wrist blades. "Just as fast as your first generation systems, but with higher survivability, better armor plating, and even stronger exostructure enhancements. Plus an actual plasma shield against incoming fire."

"You were gone for only what 10 minutes, how…" Cover Girl asked.

"I always keep replacement parts for my armors in my purse for just such an emergency." Brianna said with a huge amount of pride.

"How do you come up with all of these toys?" Beach Head said actually impressed with his new gear.

"A girl has to do something when she's not getting action for a while." Brianna said as she started to get flirty."

"Girl you nearly created a fusion cannon after not getting a date for a week. You have to cool it a bit till after we save the world." Britanny said shaking her head.

"Well we can't just stand around here and do nothing either." Sailor Jupiter said as she tapped her toes. "Out there our friend, family, and who knows who else is likely to get killed and here we are the supposed defenders of love and justice letting everyone else do the work for us."

"But what can we do?" Sailor Mercury asked. "We know that they want this reactor, and if we all just run out there, we are likely going to be outnumbered and overwhelmed."

"Hasn't stopped us from running headlong into danger before." Sailor Venus said. "And I for one don't want to have to face all those people looking to us as heroes and we failed them because we were too scared to help."

"So what do you said meatball head?" Sailor Mars asked her leader, who looked completed dazed at this point. "Hey are you listening?"

At this point Sailor Moon jumped up and yelled at Sailor Mars. "Of course I've been listening, do you think I'm stupid?" She asked….to which Rei just stared at her. "What do we do? We fight Yoma, beat them, heal those cursed, and then everything goes back to normal right?"

"Right." The scouts all nodded.

"Well why isn't everything back to normal? Who are all these people, and could just someone tell me what is going on?" Sailor Moon yelled as she looked about ready to have a mental breakdown.

"Looks like someone took the words right out of my mouth." The general said as the radio came to life. It was a small field radio, one the Joes probably a secure one from the limo. But right now it was our only connection to the rest of our team. "Right now G.I. Joe is operating as the lead on the situation as the Japanese ministry has declared this as a terrorist act and as the only one who has engaged with the enemy directly I've been put in charge. So I need eyes and ears on the situation and to know who I have and what is going on. Does anyone have a suggestion at this point?"

"I have an idea. We need to know what is infecting this town, and where our forces are most needed right?" Gina smiled. "We know they want the reactor, and that likely they want us to get bogged down in the cities where we can be picked off one-by-one, so instead we need to make them desperate enough to send their forces where they are more exposed."

"You want to draw them here?" Sailor Mercury asked Gina in shock.

"To whoever is listening I need clear lines of communication set up immediately. I am sending Joes, equipment, and supplies to your location at that school. Just someone give me some idea what we are up against." Abernathy just about yelled on the radio.

"Gina, do you hear me?" Theo said telepathically. "These seem to be merely animated skeletons, not the undead. Now as whatever curse is spreading will require my magical focus, we need something non-magical to assist in coordinating everything. Do you have an idea what to do?"

Gina smiled at this. "General who is your best pilot?"

"No need to look far little missy, because that's me." Wild Bill smiled.

"Good, how would you like to personally test out one of G.I. Joe's newest toys?" Gina smirked.

"You sure about this Gina?" Brianna asked as the drop ship came to a halt near the school grounds.

"Look sis the drop ship can survive nuclear detonations, fly in hurricane force winds, and has more communications equipment on it that anything else as we intended to use it as a platform of long range exploratory scanning." Gina said to her more…combat focused sister.

"Hey no sweat ladies. Trust Wild Bill here there won't be a scratch on her." The pilot smiled as he gave the thumbs up signal. Another Joe was in the navigator's position. He was younger than Wild Bill with a black Beret on his head; said his code-name was Dial Tone and he was one of G.I Joe's communication's experts.

"So what exactly is the plan?" Theo said as he and Julia stepped out of a huge helicopter with a few more Joes hauling equipment.

"The plan so far is that we need to find the origin of whatever is causing the disturbance here and shut it down." Sailor Mercury said stepping forward. "My supercomputer usually is able to alert us when the Negaverse's Dark Kingdom crosses over into our world, but it is currently overloaded with a lot of background noise. It can't seem to sift through all the data it is given."

"So why don't we just go in and smash these things?" Sailor Jupiter said making fisting motions. "Seems like we have the firepower we need."

Julia smiled at the young warrior before her. "I admire your spirit, but blindly running off into danger is an easy way to get yourself killed. How old are you exactly?" Julia asked while I was still running around yelling "Fortify!" again and again turning the school into the ultimate fortress.

"What does my age have to do with anything? This is our home ma'am and I'm not going to just stand by and let these skeletons hurt people." Sailor Jupiter said standing up for herself, although in a very respectful tone.

"Then why aren't you running off to fight?" Julia smiled.

"Because we are a team, and we don't go off alone like that." Sailor Moon said. "We just…arge…look can someone be honest with me please? What exactly is all this? Am I in a dream or a nightmare? What is with these skeleton things and why is everything so tough now?" She started to cry a bit.

"FORTIFY!" I yelled out one last time as I mounted a flag upon the top of the new school building complex. It had taken about 15 minutes but it was as done as I could do. Three layers of defenses each leading back to stronger fortifications with all water, power, lighting, and communications systems working at optimum efficiency.

"It is done. This building is FORTIFIED!" I said returning to normal. The strain trying to hold the form of the Imperial Fist was huge, but the results were clear for all to see. The school was now a stronger fortress than even the G.I. Joe's Pit and unlikely any force of the twentieth century could assault it.

"How old are you young people if I may ask?" Theo asked watching them.

"Why is our age an issue? We have been fighting the forces of evil here for years and now you all come in as if you can take over and belittle us?" Sailor Mars yelled. "Look our attacks work great on individual yoma, but the wave after wave we have been fighting for months now is a bit out of our league so if one of you could please tell use what we are constantly fighting we may be able to actually know how to deal with these things."

"That is what we have been trying to do Mars." An older woman's voice, well older than Rei's, answered. "And thankfully we may just be able to do that." She was about twenty or so with dark green hair and a long staff in her hands. Definitely Sailor Pluto. But she shouldn't be here now, none of the outer scouts should be active during the time of Queen Beryl….but what about Renee? This was all sorts of different.

"May I introduce Dr. Theodore Diggers, aura mage and one of the wizarding council of Jade. His wife is Julia Diggers and is a weapon's master of the Jade realm. You have already met two of their daughters: Gina and Britanny…though I'm surprised you didn't try to fight Britanny when you first met her." Sailor Pluto smiled.

"We had a communications issue and the skeletons and cursed ministers were kind of more important." Gina pointed out as she was busy working on something with that computer thing she brought to El Dorado months ago. "Hey Sailor Mercury, mind coming over for a second?"

The younger woman obliged, and Gina shook her hand. "So you the brilliant one of the team right?"

"Yes I guess so." Ami smiled a bit.

"Great. So I think I have a way to clear up all that noise from your computer's readings if you want to trust me." Gina smiled as she plugged Mercury's supercomputer into Penny Gadget's computer unit and let it run.

"And what exactly is all this going to accomplish Pluto? If we don't get out there, then this whole city may be lost." A rather spunky blonde woman growled.

"Perhaps we can find out how they are keeping our world and the Dark Kingdom connected Uranus." Pluto said. "Usually don't they show up, and only one or two escape from that dimension as their connection is dropped? If we find how the portal is open then we can shut them down and save the city."

"They only stay open for a moment?" Theo asked scratching his chin.

"Well yeah. Only one or two of them come out at a time. Been worse lately with all these undead things that they added to the list." Sailor Moon answered.

"You have an idea Theo?" Julia asked her husband as everyone not working waited to hear what he had to say.

"It is only a best guess at this point, but similar to how sending someone to Jade takes a ton of magical energy, perhaps the same occurs with this Dark Kingdom, and if so then something physical is preventing the portals from closing. We find whatever is keeping the portals open and we may save this city in short order. But I am not sure what to look for as this level of magical flux is rather unheard of."

Sailor Pluto looked at me for a moment, seemed quite interested in fact. She stared at me and smiled softly, as if somehow a burden was lifted from her shoulders.

"Uh lady is something wrong?" I ask sitting down for a moment. "I got something on my face or something?"

"I think you and I both know exactly what is going on." She said to me.

"OH no no no no I appreciate the interest, but I am engaged and happily so." I said standing up and making stopping motions with my hands. "Look you seem like a beautiful woman, but I am very happily spoken for thank you." I replied as Britanny was listening to every word I said.

"So word to wise. MINE!" Britanny said lifting me up in her arms and hugging me.

Sailor Pluto actually laughed at this. Not a condescending laugh, not a egomaniacal evil laugh, but a joyful heartfelt laugh.

"Okay Pluto you really are freaking me out now." Sailor Moon said. "You sure you are okay…I mean the world is kind of in danger and you are hitting on this new guy?"

"You mistake my intentions." Sailor Pluto elaborated. "I am happy for your engagement and I am not in any way romantically inclined to you…but I am happy to finally get a chance to meet you Alex." She smiled in a very friendly way to me, and paused a bit not sure what to say.

"I have tried to run this many many times in my head. Seeing your actions these last few months as someone completely out of nowhere somehow as brought the greatest heroes of fiction into our world." She said collecting herself.

"Uh Pluto is this about movie night, because honestly I think that has been cancelled." Sailor Jupiter asked scratching her head.

"Awe but I wanted to see the next one." Sailor Moon cried. "I mean after that Superguy fought of Lek Lothar…."

"You mean Superman fought off Lex Luthor." Sailor Venus corrected her. "And yeah that was fun, but what about that one with that school of mutant superheroes…that Wolverine guy was so hot…"

"I kind of liked the one with all the Batguy millionaire. He probably could teach Tuxedo Mask how to be a better hero." Sailor Jupiter smiled, adding to the moment.

"Well I sort of…honestly liked SHAZAM….though I didn't understand any of the powers outside of him saying something about Mercury." Sailor Mars said.

"The wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the endurance of Atlas, the might of Zeus, the bravery of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury…how do you know about Captain Marvel?" I asked in confusion.

"That's not Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel is that pilot chick who hangs out with that team from New York." Sailor Neptune corrected.

"Actually they both have claim to the name." Pluto smiled.

"Well if movies are the topic, I really liked the one about that Green guy with the ring. Alien technology and all that." Mercury chuckled. "But why bring that up now. I mean they are just movies aren't they?"

"Movies in a timeline Mercury, but not this one." Sailor Pluto explained. "You see to us they are just fictional characters, but for the last few months somehow they started appearing in our world."

"Wait what now?" Sailor Moon asked. "Is this like the Dark Kingdom again?"

Sailor Pluto looked at me again. "I knew who they were, but didn't know how or why they showed up in our world. I had hoped that perhaps using the stream of time bit by bit I could perhaps introduce them to the idea of other heroes…but now we aren't given the liberty of that time. I had thought of a thousand ways to say this, not sure who it was responsible for the event…maybe even scared you may think me a the scouts in a million possible ways." Pluto elaborated. "And I have seen over a thousand timelines, all of them leading to a future that is beautiful but horrible in the vast hopelessness of certainty."

"Wait but, Crystal Tokyo isn't bad is it…I mean we kind of saved the world and all." Sailor Moon said. "Didn't we?"

"We saved the world, but at a cost. A cost I have tried to find a way to stop…but like Sara Connor and Kyle Reese the inevitable horrible fate seemed to always play out. A mostly ruined world with humanity barely holding on….till I saw something. A change in the flow of time where between mostly extinction and absolute extinction was mitigated by a future where people were free on a bright living world. A world where each person, each individual sentient being lives with the dignity of self-worth able to find a future of there choosing…and all because someone decided to inspire others and more than that to build bridges that otherwise wouldn't be."

"Uh ma'am I am flattered, but I am not Jesus here so I can't save the whole world by myself and I…" Sailor Pluto stopped me.

"They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way." She said. Okay if that is how this was to play out, so be it.

"Brit you can let me go." I said as I shifted into the familiar and icon form of Superman.

"Wait did he just turn into that Superguy form the movie?" Sailor Moon said in shock.

"Oh please this is some kind of joke." Sailor Uranus said smirking. "You really faster than a speeding bullet and all that?"

"Well I don't want to test that with a real gun but.." Sailor Uranus tried to throw a lazy punch at me, completely dismissive in a way, but before she did I moved out of her way. "If you want to race?" I shrugged.

"OH this is just…" She tried to punch me again, and I let her hit me right in the chest. She may have had a magic field to her, but nothing nearly strong enough to hurt my new body. "OH shift that hurts" She said as she recoiled in pain from the impact.

"Hakura." Sailor Neptune cried.

"Look ma'am I really don't want to fight you. Here let me help." I said using a small fraction of my ice breath to reduce the swelling in her hand. "Should feel better soon."

"You…you really are real?" She said in shock. I just returned to my normal state and shrugged.

"Wait wait wait…you had us watch those corny superhero films, because he's….an actual superhero?" Sailor Mars said in shock.

"Uh all of them kind of are anyway." I pointed out the Digger's family. Most of whom waved towards the Sailor Scouts.

"No way this is so cool. What else can you do, can you show me?" Sailor Moon said spastically.

"Sailor Moon now is not the time for this…." A rather exhausted female voice said as a small cat walked up and collapsed in front of us. "The entire city is about to be overrun and you are standing around wasting time with all of these costumed people when you need to…..oh bother." The cat in question was about 7 lbs, dark furred with a moon symbol on her head. "This day just gets better and better." She sighed putting a paw to her head.

"Luna are you okay?" Sailor Moon asked as she picked her friend, cat, advisor up and held her.

"Well this is….weird." A white male cat said looking at everyone gathered, moving supplies, and the fact that his cover was so easily blown. "Uh is it possible that you forget you saw me talk?" he was running the back of his head with his paws.

"Any more than the fact you are talking to a werecheetah?" Britanny pointed out.

"YES! Drop your linin and start your grinnin'" Gina smiled as she jumped up and down for a moment. "I've found it."

"What exactly have you found?" Julia asked her daughter.

"I cleared up the supposed 'noise' that Sailor Mercury's computer was reading and it's an ionization field. The whole city is covered by it." Gina started as her own computer projected a holographic image demonstrating the ionization she was talking about.

"Wait did you say ionization?" Dial Tone said over the radio from the dropship.

"Why yes. Is that important?" Gina asked going full nerd mode.

"Then I think we just found out answer. Do me a favor Breaker and take a look see at whatever they are lookin' at down there. Seem familiar?" The Joes said to one another.

"I'm seeing it Dial Tone. Looks just like the residuals of the M.A.S.S. device." The two communications experts said to eachother.

"M.A.S.S. device?" Sailor Moon asked scratching her head now. "What's that?"

"In the simplest of terms little lady it's a teleportation device Cobra developed to move men, materials, everything instantaneously across thousands of miles. They used it in a bliztkrieg style attack strategy trying to take over the world. Good news is that the device required extremely rare elements and we shut it down, but it left a massive amount of ionization in the atmosphere. Now I'm picking up a lot of the same background readings in concentrated spots in the city, but the dissipation is such that we can't get a precise fix on them."

"Do you have a suggestion Gina?" Theo asked his oldest daughter.

"Well if the ionization is the result of passing between the barriers of reality similarly to going to Jade realm, then it would make sense that the ions would dissipate into the atmosphere." Gina postulated.

"Okay I'm getting another massive headache sis. What are you talking about?" Britanny said, which was likely everyone's sentiment.

"Think of it this way Brit. You open the fridge and the cold air gets out while you take whatever is in there. But the door is designed to want to close and remain closed. Same with the barriers between our universe and other dimensions such as Jade, the Undead Realm, and apparently the Dark Kingdom or Negaverse." Gina explained. "So when you no longer are holding the door open the fridge shuts and the cold air dissipates around you."

"So why not just prop the door open then? Instead of trying to keep in open yourself?" Britanny asked, grasping the metaphor.

"Don't be silly Brit, that would require tremendous amounts of power to keep the fabric of reality propped up by yourself." Gina said dismissively.

"Well why not put a rock there to prop the door open?" Sailor Moon asked as everyone turned to her. "What?"

"That would…that would work." Gina said in stark realization to this problem.

"I'm sorry could you elaborate dear?" Julia asked.

"To keep the door open would require a massive amount of power, power likely the Dark Kingdom doesn't have which is why their invasions have been limited to single individuals or a couple of agents with long periods of inactivity between them. But if you were to put something as a stopper like a rock caught in a doorframe then…"

"Then they don't have to spend as much of their own power to break through and they could bring in hundreds of foot soldiers at a time." Luna said in amazement.

"I'm guessing that this was a distraction plan all along. Use the skeletons and Yoma to harvest the energy they needed to weaken the barriers in our reality and stick the metaphorical rocks in the door frames while no one was looking. It explains why my computer kept getting more interference for a while now." Sailor Mercury said.

"I have Joe teams standing by waiting to deploy. I just need to know where you need to send them." Abernathy said on his end.

"But if the ions are dissipated, how to we get more of them to figure out where to send those teams?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

"We chum the waters." I said standing up and heading to the ark reactor.

"Wait hold up, what are you doing Alex?" Brianna asked as everyone followed me.

"This is the end goal, this is what they want, and our enemies have invested a ton of energy and resources into this attack. We need to draw them out from the inner city and away from civilians while also forcing them to send more troops through the portal her to us." I said.

"You mean more of those skeleton things?" Sailor Mars said. "Isn't that the opposite of what we want?"

"But if we can't find what is propping the door open, they will just keep coming through and already the city is in danger." Sailor Venus said.

"They are like sharks in the water, and they have the scent of blood on their minds." I said as we all started to gather around. "We chum the waters and they will all come running here."

"Son that is going to make your location priority one on a lot of ugly's hit list. You sure that your location can stand it?" Abernathy asked with a straight face.

"These walls were formed by one of the sons of Rogal Dorn. They shall not fall." I said as I started to juice the power from the reactor unit causing all the lights to glow brighter and brighter till they threatened to explode from overpowering. I then lowered the reaction rate to normal and waited to see the results.

"General whatever he did I have serious concentrations of that ionization lighting up five specific points in the City and one huge one on the top of Tokyo Tower. I'll sent the data to you live to verify but looks like these uglies are storming the gates."

"Tuxedo Mask, this is Sailor Mercury. What is going on now?" Ami asked on her computer unit.

"They're all…they're all running away." He said a bit lost for words.

"Not away. Towards us." I pointed out. "Alright listen up everyone. We are about to have heavy resistance barking at our doors and we need to hold this line for as long as it takes so the other Joes can take out whatever is keeping these monsters coming in." I yelled out. "We have heavily fortified walls, ammunition, and a clear line of sight all around us for target engagement. Our job is going to be to outlast these things for as long as it takes for Abernathy's teams to find, isolate, and destroy whatever it is they find. So we are going to have to keep these guys focused on us for as long as that is."

"And looks like we just got a chance to try out our new toys." Leatherneck smiled as he slammed the magazine into the pulse rifle.

"No laser rifles sergeant?" Sailor Pluto asked.

"The lasers didn't do much, but regular lead, plasma, and whatever these babies shoot ripped through them like crazy." The Marine smiled at the woman.

"Is that an M-41 A pulse rifle?" Sailor Pluto asked looking intently at the rifle in the Marine's hand.

"Yep just got them. You've used these before?" Leatherneck asked with intent.

"I've seen them in action before. It is a very well made rifle."

"Well how about when this is all done I invite you to the firing range and let you try it out yourself."

"Why Sgt. Are you flirting with me?" Sailor Pluto smiled. "In the middle of a potential warzone?"

"Call me Leatherneck." He said back. "And ain't the first time I've saved the world and nearly died in the process. So I live every moment to the fullest. And if that means giving a lovely lady like yourself a moment you'll remember for your whole life then I say yes I'm flirting."

"Then Leatherneck, I will take you up on that offer, and for now call me Sailor Pluto."

"And your real name?"

"You'll have to wait till when this battle is won." Sailor Pluto smiled at the Joe as she winked at him.

The radio crackled as the voice of General Abernathy sounded on the other end. "Grid Iron you are the ranking officer at the school. Duke, Flint, and Scarlett will be heading the isolation teams. I don't really have command of either the civilians or to officially give my approval of these Sailor Scouts, but you got our back then we got yours. Sound fair?"

"Works for me." Sailor Moon said smiling. "So uh yeah go team." Sailor Moon smiled at us.

I smirked. Sailor Moon was never the same kind of leader as a Joe. No leadership courses, constantly bickering with teammates over leadership, very little to no concept of responsibilities, heck the whole last couple of episodes of the original anime were of her wanting to give up her responsibilities as her friends died, but they urged her on to not. But she was just a kid in those, a kid given great power and responsibility without any planning and none of the understanding of what that responsibility meant. The fact she did as well as she did when I remembered how Prince Adam of Eternia was willing to reject his duty as He-Man the first time he was told of his destiny only to embrace it when his family and friends were in danger spoke volumes that she had potential.

"Ms. Moon, a moment if you will." Theo said as he approached the young lady.

"Uh sure Mr..Wizard guy?" Sailor Moon politely shrugged.

"Please call me Dr. Diggers. And it is finally a pleasure to meet you in person. In the moment before we have before the armies of the walking dead, would you care to tell me exactly who it is we are up against on your end?"

"What the Dark Kingdom? Sure about five years ago they first showed up and started stealing energy from people and my friends and I faced off against their leader Queen Beryl. She was supposed to be dead after we kicked her butt in the Attic and thought they were gone."

"The Arctic Sailor Moon the Arctic." Sailor Mercury said over her shoulder.

"So she came back from the dead?" Julia asked curiously.

"Well…kind of…I guess….it was weird because they were gone for years and they had a habit of killing their generals who failed them but somehow they are back…" Sailor Moon said curiously.

"And yet they aren't zombies or the undead…" Theo said stroking his chin.

"Your dad?" Julia asked Theo.

"It would make sense. If this Queen Beryl and her lot were instead sent into the Undead Realm as a banishment…." Theo thought to himself. "How did you defeat them last time if I may ask?"

"Well myself and my fellow scouts used the Silver Moon crystal's power to vaporize her into oblivion." Sailor Moon said as she showed them the small Silver Millennium Scepter and the crystal at the end. "Rather than let it fall into Queen Beryl's hands."

Theo looked at the gem at the end of the little moon themed item in Sailor Moon's hands.

"Sailor Moon how can you just share the most important secrets of the Silver Millennium with complete strangers?" Luna nearly yelled at her charge.

"But…but they're trying to help us…" Sailor Moon replied. "And if they don't know what they we are fighting together then aren't they unprepared?"

"She has a point." Sailor Jupiter added. "We have just jumped together because we all wanted to do the right thing." The tallest of the original Scouts said.

"If it makes you feel better little kitty, we've all been sharing tid-bit secrets together." Britanny said looking down at the cat. "Not like keeping important details like who the bad guys are will do much in stopping either this queen bitch or Grandpa Diggers.."

"Britanny language please." Julia said firmly.

"Yes mom." Britanny sighed.

"Well perhaps I can reciprocate your trust with some of our own." Theo smiled. "Let me explain how my father became the monster he is today."

In another part of the "fortress"

"Hey you, kid." Grid-Iron asked as Genn in neutral form looked at him.

"Uh me sir?" the shapeshifter asked.

"Yeah you. Got any weapons, abilities, or such?" Grid-Iron was one of the Joes that joined towards the end of the team's operations. He was a football themed soldier with a John Wayne feel to him. Holding the rank of captain, he was actually the ranking G.I. Joe officer as stated and was expert with shotguns and rocket launchers. When I say football themed, his helmet may have had the sides of a regular army helmet, but with the shock-proof visor and mouth guard the man looked like he was smiled at our horned friend.

"I can shapeshift, levitate, be able to read people solely by reading their aurora…what can I help with?" Genn asked politely.

"You capable of carrying heavy loads places or holding a gun?" the Joe asked as he lifted boxes of munitions.

"I can lift whatever load you need and can carry it wherever you may need it." Genn exclaimed shifting into the exceptionally muscled male form that looked like a bodybuilder.

"Good." Grid-Iron smiled. "That is exactly the go-gett'm attitude I need. So you can help by making sure we get all the ammo we need where we need it." Genn smiled as he started grabbing supplies and moving them through the levels of the fortress.

"Okay so I'm guessing the ones in the miniskirts, the catlike ones, the elves, and the married couple are on our side." Pathfinder said. "But what exactly are we protecting here?"

"You see the glowing soda can like thing on that table?" Brianna said as she armed the plasma cannons and pulled out force-field projectors.

"Yea I see it. Looks like a nightlight someone left our after a sleep over." The jungle recon expert said as he scratched his head.

"Well that nightlight is an ark reactor." Brianna explained. "Essentially you are looking at the first successful application of a cold fusion reactor system plugged into a modern city." Brianna popped open a can of Yo Joe cola and shot it back.

"Wait wait. That is a fusion reactor…uh should we be worried about it exposed like it is." The enlisted man backed up hearing this.

"The unit has built in shielding against any potential exposure. And remember I said cold fusion." Brianna continued. "Won't even give you a sunburn, much less cause radiation sickness or mutation."

"So our job is to protect that glowing thing from everything out there." Pathfinder said as he tested the weight of a pulse rifle in his hands.

"And we have to keep protecting it as right now the whole city is running off that one power source. So got a name cute stuff?" Brianna said flirting.

"They call me Pathfinder. Jungle survival and recon is my specialty. Yours?"

"Call me Brianna, and I helped build that thing. And designed your new weapons, built self-aware smart bomb delivery systems, and a few other things." Brianna smiled as she coyly teased the Joe. "I hope that you'll enjoy trying them out Pathfinder."

At that point the Joe was getting a bit hot under the collar.

"Okay got to ask. These things aren't zombies are they?" A big African American Joe with a green hat asked as he picked up a minigun.

"Animated skeletons only. They have neither the spirit of the former life nor can they spread their condition to others." Theo explained as he summoned his mystic field. "Consider them bullet sponges as it were. Séance you shall help me protect our flanks and force these things where we want them."

Tark ignited his purple magical field into a blade and Mesaha summoned her mystic field in response.

"The field won't last if we get too close to these metal walls, but we should be able to shoot out while they can't shoot in." Mesha explained.

"Reminds me of the Dragon Fire shields we had to stop Cobra from using to take over the world. I'm definitely looking forward to that defense again. So what's your names?"

"I am Mesha, and my husband is named Tark." She answered unsure how to take the Joe's smile.

"Call me Heavy Duty." He smiled pointing to himself with his thumb. "So how long have you two been married."

"About 300 years. Very recent by Elven standards." Mesha replied.

"Dang if I had something that lasted that long I make sure to treasure it." Heavy Duty blinked. "So ready to make sure the two of you see another 300 years together?" The Joe picked up his gun and set it up on a mount and started feeding the belt of ammunition into the loading mechanism and let the barrels spin loading the first round into place.

"May your life be as fruitfully blessed as well." Tark said to his new friend.

"You have elves on our side now too?" Sailor Uranus asked, her hand feeling a little better.

"We have elves, mages, amazons, Joes, werecheetah, and enough bullets and beans to ride out the tide, but I do not simply wish to ride out this tide." I said as I headed towards the door and saw the incoming horde over a hundred thousand strong approaching.

"But Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Minimoon, and Sailor Saturn are still out there." Sailor Moon said as she looked over her team.

"We know Damien and Rini are together and should be heading this way." Mercury answered.

"Wait but where is Hotaru?" Sailor Mars asked as she looked around finding no one else she seemed to recognize.

"She should be in school." Michuru said.

"Will she be able to hold her own against these things?" Brian asked as he walked up to the scouts and surprised them. "Forgive my intrusion, but is this Hotaru another one of your comrades? I didn't mean to eaves drop, but werecheetahs have fantastic sense of hearing."

"She's an 11-year-old kid." Sailor Jupiter said.

"An 11 year old with enough power to destroy a planet if taken over by Chaos….but at this point she's just a kid." Sailor Uranus said slapping her forehead. "She may or may not be okay…but…darn what were we thinking not taking her?"

"We couldn't just take her and leave the school. That would have blown our cover Hakura. We had to leave her because we thought the emergency was here." Sailor Neptune said.

"We have to go back and get her." Sailor Uranus said as she started to leave.

"Wait. If you leave that means that there are less forces here to hold the line and make sure General Abernathy's teams will close the portals. Are you just going to abandon our allies?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"Yeah that doesn't sit right to me. And it shouldn't to you." Sailor Jupiter added. "If anything she will be safer at her school that trying to bring her here at this point."

"Where is she?" Brian asked as their eyes turned towards him. "At this moment where is she and what does she look like?"

"And you should care why?" Sailor Uranus asked, falling into her stereotypical abrasive manner.

"Haruka manners." Sailor Neptune said chiding her partner.

"But she may have a point. Are you volunteering to go and retrieve our missing team member?" Luna asked curiously.

"And why shouldn't I go and get her? One less set of hands is just one less set of hands." Sailor Uranus said standing up to Brian.

"I mean no disrespect my lady." Brian politely replied. "But this Hotaru is important to you and I sense more than just another one of your super team. You have also mentioned she is a child and you fear for her means you care deeply about her. Very deeply about her."

"All the more reason I should…"

Brian held up his hand at this. "You are human, perhaps superhuman in your speed and strength. But you are limited in your running and jumping speed to under say 45 mph? So as this school is probably some distance from here that means you would need a car or other vehicle and all the roads are currently overrun by these skeleton freaks."

"So you are limited to running speed then as well, and we can teleport thank you very much." Sailor Uranus said in frustration.

"Uh yeah duh, but only if we all do it Ms. Sassypants." Sailor Moon spoke up. "So maybe we stop fighting and actually work together because otherwise we who live here would be ungrateful jerks. I mean look at this situation. Our school is now a fortress, we have American soldiers armed to the teeth who are willing to stick there necks out to help us and we acting like thankless jerks isn't right to anyone."

"So? they are here for the reactor." Sailor Uranus answered.

"Oh yeah that's right the reactor….you mean the reactor thingy which is the size of a soda can and they wanted to share a power source with us because we keep having these Dark Kingdom Negaverse monsters show up and steal energy from powerplants, people, and otherwise wreck the place. Yeah sounds like they are only in it for themselves when they could have….oh I don't know, unplugged the thing and gone home?" Sailor Mars answered back. "Instead of running they are fighting, and I say we do the same."

"I can't believe that Moon and Mars are agreeing on something." Artemis said as his eyes went wide.

"But she…look she's my." Sailor Uranus was at a loss for words.

"She's ours Haruka; our daughter." Sailor Neptune finished placing her hand on her lover's shoulder.

"You are,,,a couple?" Brian asked curiously. "And this Hotaru, your daughter, is one of your Sailor Scouts as well?" He politely asked.

"We adopted her a couple of years ago and she is mystically powerful, but physically weak and likely she won't be able to outrun this horde." Sailor Neptune explained.

"But she may unleash her power in desperation? To protect herself and others if she is not careful?" Brian questioned. "All the more reason I will volunteer to find her and retrieve her. If the situation is incredibly hostile, then I will secure the area first."

"While I appreciate your willingness to help, are you sure that it is a good idea?" Sailor Uranus asked.

"Because you feel responsible for her and would feel a failure if you didn't personally ensure her safety?" Brian asked.

"That, and you are a six-and-a-half-foot tall cat person in a town where supernatural people tend to want to hurt people with little or no provocation and possibly already she is on edge." Sailor Uranus pointed out.

"Then I will have to be on my best manners." Brian smiled as he walked into the storage area of the gym and looked for something. "Ah cricket."

"Ewe bugs." Sailor Moon bletched. "Why would you want bugs around you?"

"My young lady when I said cricket, I meant…" Brian said pulling out a long wooden flat stick. "Cricket."

"You not going to grab a gun like everyone else seems to be?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

"The only gun I have ever held was my father's old British Army rifle from the 1800s that was left with a century of lack of care. I would likely hurt more people trying to use such a weapon. Running at 600 miles per hour, a melee weapon would be best." Brian smiled as he flipped the Cricket bat in his hands

"You even know where you would be running off to?" Sailor Uranus asked. Brian walked up and started to smell Uranus and Neptune up and down. "What are you doing?"

"I am sorry werecheetah's may not be as fantastic trackers as werewolves, but I do have an extremely sensitive nose and can smell not only your physical scent, but the very magic you give off. Now Sailor Uranus I am going to have to ask you to do me a favor while I rescue your daughter."

"I'm listening." Sailor Uranus said cautiously.

"You understand duty, self-sacrifice, and you having a strong loyalty to your kin." Brian observed. "All of these characteristics are respectable and I myself value this…in fact I am asking you to take upon yourself my responsibilities as I am about to take upon yours. I ask that you please protect my princess as I go retrieve yours."

"Your princess?" Sailor Uranus asked curiously.

"The lady Britanny is the princess of all werecheetahs, the daughter of the last two alphas of our clan." Brian explained. "I am her appointed royal bodyguard and her safety is my sacred duty. If I am to rescue your daughter, then please promise me to watch over my people's princess."

Sailor Uranus looked Britanny up and down.

"You sure she needs protection?" Sailor Neptune asked.

"You have my word. I will act as her shield maiden as it were till you return." Sailor Uranus agreed as she shook Brian's hand.

"How far is the school?" Brian asked with a smile.

"About 40 minutes driving distance, in the southwest off…" WOOOOSH! Brian Savemore rushed off leaving a vortex that nearly lifted the smaller sailor scouts off of their feet. As he left the fortifications, we finally got a view of the massive horde approaching.

"Eeeek it's a whole army of these B-rated baddies." Sailor Moon said as she saw the rushing skeletons before her.

"Yeah, but no sign of any of the Dark Kingdom generals." Sailor Jupiter said.

"Probably they are holding them in reserve waiting for the skeleton guys to wear us down." Grid-Iron said as he held up his rocket launcher. "These guys are disposable and they want us to expend our ammo before showing up."

"Then we will have to have to force them to show up while we are still well armed." Heavy Duty smiled as he and his cousin mounted their preferred machine guns.

"Muffin if you have an alt form, by all means use it." Britanny said as she prepped herself for close-quarters combat.

"A son of Rogal Dorn built these fortifications, let us see if a son of Roboute Guilliman can defend them." I yelled at the top of my lungs, all three of them again, as I charged out using another Astartis Space Marine. This time it was one with actual character and personality I could use to keep his form. 8 feet of muscle and armor was now racing at over 45 miles an hour into the heart of the flood with thunderhammer in hand. The armor upon me was deep blue, the iron halo gleamed in the sun, on my side was a Kraken Bolter and Plasma pistol and my head exposed for all to see. For all the disgust the Ultramarines may get from fans for being "too great" there was one Ultramarine that no one would dare to look down upon, Captain Titus.

"Joes I will draw their attention as best I can so you will have a target rich environment." I said addressing my assembled friends. "We probably all agree that this horde is going to try and overwhelm our position through numbers and have us expend as much of our ammunition as possible. I also am well aware that this is a school area. Many families and friends are hunkered down in houses not to far from here terrified of what is happening. If we keep the horde breaking on our doors then that means the civilians will likely escape the notice of these Choas forces. Still stray bullets and shrapnel would mean severe injury to these people and there is no way to get any to hospitals at this point. I suggest plasma fire then if you need to shoot, but all those with melee skills and low-level AOE damage abilities should handle the first few waves till the leaders show up."

"Sounds like we're up first then." Sailor Jupiter said with a smile.

"Sounds fun." Sailor Mars said as she prepared herself.

"I for one am not comfortable sitting behind walls while we let kids do the hard work." Beach Head mentioned. "Gear me up." He said grabbing the modified accelerator suit helmet. "Rangers lead the way."

"YO JOE!" The cry came as the doors opened and I ran forth side by side with the love of my life. Plasma fire raced overhead and I could see fire and lightning strikes flash at our flanks.

"Feel the might of the chapter's finest." I yelled as my hammer crushed through a dozen flaying bonebrains. They swarmed around me with hundreds strong trying to grab me and hold me down, how quant. I just slammed my hammer down and the shock and lighting exploded around me turning them into true cannon fodder.

"These are going down easy." Sailor Venus smiled as her chained heart attack whipped through the torsos, heads, and necks of our foes in a manner reminesent of Scorpion's harpoon…but with less blood and more rhythmic dancing.

"That's the point." Sailor Mercury said as she unleashed her attack…some sort of bubble thing. "They individually go down fast, but with so many they will wear us down."

"Which is why the fortifications are so strong." I said punching through another dozen or so.

"If anyone is winded fall back and recover. We are here to outlast them." Britanny said as she double kicked one foe while crushing another's skull.

"Wait where is everyone else?" Sailor Mars asked firing another large fire arrow.

"Protecting the other flanks of the school." I said.

"Press the attack!" I yelled as I slammed the ground hard with my thunderhammer. About a dozen of the boney ones stammered around me and I smashed their heads in with one blow. Each fallen foe revitalizing my strength.

"Britanny, perhaps these will be useful." I said as I tossed her a couple of grenades. My love caught them, looked at them, smiled, and then ran around at hypersonic speed tossing them into the crowd. They were very successful. Britanny was doing all she could to keep moving and not get tripped up but all the grabbing hands.

"Get away from me you creeps." My lovely werecheetah said as he punches flew faster than bullets into the bodies of these B movie reprobates. While an unquestionable combatant, Britanny was getting tripped up more and more as the boney hands kept catching her shoelaces.

"WORLD SHAKING!" I saw Sailor Uranus charge up her AOE attack and unleashed it upon the ground. Britanny jumped high into the air and did a mid-air backflip landing daintily and smoothly upon one foot.

"Impressive attack." I said as the skeletons on the ground crumbled to dust. "Your reputation is well earned." I said as I pulled out a power mace.

"We all have our surprises." She smiled. "Such as how exactly are we as close-range fighters supposed to take on thousands of these guys. So care to explain the plan?"

"The plan is we are getting their attention." I said decapitating my foes with ease. "The more we crush the more they focus on us."

"And less in the city. I get that, but it looks like they are sending in every reserve they've got." Sailor Uranus said.

"DEEP SUBMERGE!" Sailor Neptune yelled as a wave of mystic water washed over our opponents and sent many to a comedic end.

"YO JOE." Beach Head yelled as he rushed up and entered the fray unleashing short-range firepower from writs cannons.

"I so need to get me some of these super cool toys." Sailor Moon added, distracted long enough for some skeleton monsters to grab her commedically long hair. "Let go you creep. Do you have any idea how much time I have to spend brushing this? Let go let go." Sailor Moon wildly flung tiara thing and did take out some of the skeletons, but hitting opponents everywhere but behind her.

Then as if on cue, a rather familiar rose shot through the heads of the skeletons grabbing her hair.

"Sailor Moon you…." Yep Tuxedo Mask was about to do another one of his long supposedly inspirational diatribes.

"Save the speeches Tux boy and just start fighting." Sailor Venus said as she continued to use her chain to keep distance from her and her opponents.

"Eat this." Sailor Jupiter smiled as she pop-kicked one skeleton, backflipped, landed on another's head and then unleashed her "Jupiter Supreme Thunder" upon them landing on her toe in a ring of dust.

"Got some moves on you kid." Britanny smiled at her younger melee pal.

"Funny. I was going to say the same thing to you." Sailor Jupiter shot back.

Beach Head didn't have much to actually say, as he was a far more…pragmatic combatant. With efficiency being his primary goal, the Ranger of the Joes was running around at 45 mph using the plasma blades in his wrists to slice into his targets and occasionally use controlled bursts on his autocannons.

"We are too exposed this far ahead of the base." Sailor Uranus said as noticed we had moved well into a easily encircle distance from the fortifications.

"Perfect." I said as I continued to show the pure might of humanity in Ultramarine form.

"Are you crazy. You want to die out here in some suicidal last stand right in the middle of the battle?" Sailor Uranus just about yelled.

"No, I just want to make sure that my built-up attack won't potentially damage our defenses." I said plainly. "Face my FURY!" I yelled as my whole body was encased in a glowing yellow aura and I was moving twice as fast and hitting even harder plowing through legions of our targets without having to worry about the effects of ground-pounding with this much force.

"That is…rather impressive." Sailor Uranus smiled as she sliced a couple of skeleton heads off.

For ten whole seconds I just kept smashing my hammer with all the force of a run-away freight train…and with as much collateral damage.

"Britanny, perhaps you will find this to be of use." I said as my limited Fury ability died off. I then tossed her my Thunderhammer.

"Awe muffin gives me the sweetest of gifts." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Okay boys you'll pardon me if you heard this one before. STOP!" She yelled holding up her hand and causing a few of the skeletons to pause for a moment wondering what was going on. "Hammertime." Britanny then pulled back with the weapon and swung with all her might unleashing a wave of destruction that registered on the rictor scale.

"Oh oh oh ow oh oh…." She started to sing.

"Is she really doing this?" Sailor Neptune asked.

"She is, a very excitable individual." I smiled while grabbing my Kraken bolter. The roar of a .998 (yes I know it is supposed to be a .75 cal but look up the official game data on this) fully automatic weapon firing self-propelled armor piercing explosive rocket stabilized rounds sounded as Neptune and Uranus nearly had to duck for cover. Surrounded by so many close-range targets the projectiles, explosive force, and the shrapnel thereof left nothing to potentially hit civilians "And I find her singing draws much attention."

"Can't touch this." Boom the thunderhammer slammed. "Can't touch this." The bolter shells exploded as shrapnel of bone vaporized before it could do any damage.

"My, my, my my music hits me so hard." FABOOM! Britanny cooed as she hit into the horde with the force of a freight train.

"Make's me say 'Oh my Lord'." Sailor Neptune said in spite of herself watching Uranus stare at Britanny for a moment and face palming at her lover's distraction.

"Thank you for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and two hype feet." Britanny smile as she dashed forward, twisted the hammer in her hand, and jumped into the air to come down similar to using a jumpack.

"It feels good to know, when you know your down…" As she looked over the skeletons now laying in the wake of her attack.

"A super strong home girl from Atlanta town. And I'm known as such. And this is a cheetah you can't touch." Britanny smirked as she effortlessly bounded away from being grabbed, finally having a bit more distance in her attack.

"I told you chaos boys." I added. "Can't touch this." Controlled bolter fire rang out again as skeletons were shot through while others detonated as the bolt's explosive went off.

"Yeah, and how you all ain't living." Uranus got into the groove as she adeptly sliced upon foe after foe with a subtle grace very much like Julia herself. "Can't touch this."

"Look in my eyes." Sailor Neptune smiled as she, being probably the most musical of us all, unleashed another DEEP SUBMERGE "Can't touch this."

"Fresh new kicks," Britany round housed one skeleton while she built up momentum and did another ground slammed again. "and pants." She smiled running her hand over her legs as if she wasn't' paying attention to what was going on around her. "You gotta like that, now you know you wanna dance." Britanny said swaying her hips side to side to side.

"So move outta yo seat." Sailor Jupiter smiled as she kicked one skeleton right in the hip with so much force the bones audibly cracked before the foe was reduced to dust.

"And let a fly girl show you a real beat." Sailor Venus was getting into this fully now as well. She now was dancing a bit while twilling her heart chain striking in almost rhymic patterns.

"While we are fighting, hold on." I added as plasma blasts unleashed from my pistol. "Controlled trigger pull and let the blasts go on and on." The number of foes in our area had diminished and the dangers of flack damage had forced me to switch guns.

"You like that?" Britanny joked as she coyly smiled at the continue approaching force against us and did a finger gun motion.

"I bring the heat to this mission so you better fall back. Let them know that I'm too much and this is a heat you can't touch." Sailor Mars said as she fired off a series of fire arrows that incarnated her targets."

"I tell yah, can't touch this." Sailor Jupiter smiled as she punched on skeleton, "Why are you all standing there, you can't touch this. Hear that sound of thunder?" Jupiter said charging up and unleashing another Supreme thunder attack. "School's in and you can't touch this." The pony-tailed Scout said with a smirk on her face.

"Give me a song, or rhythm, and you're making me sweat I hope you know." Sailor Moon said panting as she was still the least in shape of the Sailor Scouts.

"I'm talking about the hammer, when I'm giving you a show." Britanny smiled again, very much enjoying the use of her new toy. "You're just hype and I'm tight." Britanny flexed a bit to make this more clear.

"All this singing is making me sweat, so anyone got a wipe?" Sailor Moon asked.

"You'll have to learn, what it's going to take to make those calories burn." Sailor Mars chided her friend.

"My skill are legit. Either work hard or you might as well quit." I said easily rendering the foes I was dealing with into broken bits of bone and dust.

"That's word, because you know…Can't touch this." Sailor Neptune said as she flushed more of the cannon fodder away.

"I've got flow, it's said. But you can't groove because all of you are dead." Britanny said as she glidding across the field of battle like a silken flash.

"So wave your hands in the air, and get your boney fingers out of my hair." Sailor Moon said as she used her tiara with better aim to actually hit the ones trying to gram onto her long locks. "Yes I'm a winner."

"Dance to this and you may just get thinner." Sailor Mars shot at Sailor Moon.

"You're one to talk with your fat rump." Sailor Moon growled at Sailor Mars. "But no just for a minute let's all complain about my bump, bump, bump" Sailor Moon yelled as she angrily slapped her butt in mockery of her friend…and secondly the skeletons around us.

"Yeah not touching this." Sailor Jupiter said.

"Look I'm not talking about that." Sailor Mercury said finally adding into our fun.

"You better start fighting boy because I know you can." I looked hard at Tux boy…who was currently just barely holding his own as his cap was now being used to drag him down.

"I'll ring to bell because schools back in." I said slamming down hard on the ground making it ring out and knocked all the skeleton creeps away. "Broke them down."

"Yep. Hammer time." Britanny smiled smashing the ground again with the Thunderhammer..while making a series of repeated verses and dance moves.

"Every time you see me, this girl is just so hyped." My love continued. "I'm an artist on the floor and a master of the mic." Actually her singing was getting better but she was….somewhat tone deaf at times. "So why would I ever stop doing this, with every single one of you is so fun to hit?"

"Now I've been around the world, from London to Tokyo Bay." Sailor Venus said. "But here I hear hammer, go hammer, boom hammer, and it makes this all play."

"Can't touch this." Sailor Mercury smiled as she was getting more confident and found herself wasting a few skeletons with a smile on her face.

"But this is a plan, that they can't touch." I said as I fired off all 16 plasma mines into the assailing crowd.

"Why are you standing around?" Sailor Uranus yelled at me. "Call the fall back, school's open."

I smiled as I pulled out my vengeance launcher and fired all 16 of my grenades into the horde that was starting to build up strength again. "Can't touch this." I said as I detonated the plasma grenades and cleared a path leading right to the school.

"We are out of here." Britanny yelled as she grabbed Mercury, Sailor Moon, and Tux Boy. While the rest of us made a bee-line for the opened door.

"Couldn't touch us." She smiled as she dropped us well within the defended fortifications. If any are wondering how my love could so easily and hit far harder than an Astaris could. Keep in mind dear reader that Britanny deadlifts 15 tons in her reps and moves at about 700 mph. With a weapon like a Thunderhammer in her hand she could smash tanks to scrap in one hit. Not immobilize, render the tank to scrap metal in one blow.

"I think that got their attention." I said I got back to my feet. "What is the damage assessment so far?"

"Good news is they found whatever they were looking for." Grid-Iron said. "Bad news is that something else has come through."

"Yeah, but how about you all sit this round out. After that marvelous performance I say we give them our own show Joe style." Roadblock smiled as dozens of yoma were appearing out of the sky.

"USAGI!" a rather small pink-haired girl said running up and nearly tackling Sailor Moon.

"Sheesh Rini what's gotten into you?"

"Huh and these are the ones who gave you so much trouble Zoicite? Hunkered down in their cheaply made base?" Yep there were three floating suited weirdos in the sky hovering over the lesser army now at the gates. "Look at them, too scared to come out of their shell." The man saying this…well I think it was a man as this was Japan after all, was short-haired with an arrogant smirk on his face.

"Yes, and why don't you go see how well you do against that golden armored one and the over-inflated cat bimbo…." That was enough. I stood up walked towards the ramparts, aimed, and unleashed full auto on my bolter. While they may have gotten their shields up in time, this only caught the rounds which then detonated sending all three falling to the ground and a loud thud.

"The next one of you that insults my fiancée gets a lazcannon to the skull. Now make your peace."

"Oh you want to fight?" Zoicite growled. And together all three unleased their most powerful attacks upon the fortification. The Joes and Sailor Scouts expected some sort of massive shock to the base and ducked while the three weirdos poured on their dark magical force expecting the base to crack. To most of their surprise the wall not only held, it wasn't even scratched.

"These walls were hardwaught by a Captain of the Imperial First Astartis legion; a son of Rogal Dorn. These walls will not buck nor tremble before your Choas forces."

"It's Chaos okay, CHAOS! Get it right you oversized muscle bound…." THWACK. "WHAT IN THE FUCK WAS THAT?" the Short-haired one screamed in pain.

"And the next on of you who insults my fiancé gets another one of these to the dome." Britanny smiled tossing a baseball in her hands. "And I wasn't even trying with that first pitch."

"This is…getting ridiculous." The last ones, some sort of long-haired platinum blonde guy with a short sword said. "If they can't be breached, then we shall issolate them from reinforcements." At that all three of the Sailor Scout villains nodded and once again used whatever glowing rock things they pulled out of their pockets and threw to the ground. Instead of summoning more demons, it caused a massive dark wall of energy to surround the area around the school completely encapsulating us.

"Dear what is this?" Julia asked as she looked upon the situation curiously while cleaning her new sword.

"It would appear they are using a modified shield curse to keep us here." Theo said with a smirk. "I would almost as if to outlast us."

"The spell is powerful, but is easy to disipate once you know the words that lock it in place." Séance said as he summoned whatever those energy rings of aura are that he uses. "I should have it removed soon."

'Wait, this is an inverse of my shield spell." Mesha said as she was working her magics.

"So what does that mean?" Cover Girl asked, as Mesha smiled.

"It means things can come in, but they can't get out." The elf said as everyone took note of this.

"How long till you can get rid of it?" Grid-Iron asked.

"Captain, perhaps you misunderstand." Theo said about to light his pipe…only to notice the no smoking sign. "See nothing gets out now, including us, them, and any potential missed shots."

Grid-Iron smiled when he realized exactly what that mean. "Joes time for some free target practice." The Captain said as he aimed his rocket launcher.

"So how long do all of you think that you'll be able to last as we cut off your supplies and overwhelm you with our legions of monsters? Surrender the reactor now and we may let you live." The general said brandishing his sword.

"Quick question, what is that clown's name?" Grid-Iron asked Sailor Moon, who was currently downing her fourth bottle of water.

"What him?" Sailor Moon pointed. "He's Kunzite, supposedly their leader but….not sure if that is true now."

"Are all these guys named after minerals?" Gina asked in vague curiosity.

"It's a theme of theirs, much like we are named for planets and the Greek and Roman gods they are named after." Sailor Mercury replied.

"Huh why didn't you mention you noticed this before Mercury?" Sailor Venus asked.

"It wasn't relevant…and they never had any of the characteristics of the minerals they were named for." She pointed out. "So I thought it was just a weird naming convention."

The Sailor Scouts shrugged in agreement.

"Okay so I've been told your name is Kunzite, and I am thinking you're their team's quarterback as it were." Grid-Iron yelled.

"A fair, if insufferably American way of thinking of it." The twenty something looking pretty boy said. "Which makes me wonder why you throw your lot in with these spoiled magic princesses. I thought you all hated royals and loved your 'freedom' and 'liberty' I have heard so much about."

"You got a point, or you just want to bore use to death?" Grid-Iron said looking down at his opponent.

"The point is that you are utterly surrounded, can not escape, and if you don't surrender the reactor then you won't make it out alive." The short haired, and still pissed off general said as he was rubbing his aching knoggin.

"See that's where you have this wrong." Grid-Iron smiled. "See we don't necessarily mind royals, we just hate dictators and tyrants. And we aren't trapped in here with you. You are trapped in here with us."

As the Yoma started to rush towards us, out roared the cry of "YO JOE!" accompanied with the tremble of fully automatic firepower raining down upon them with rockets, grenades, and plasma streams streaking across the air.

"Like shooting fish in a barrel." Leathneck smiled as he got a feel for the pulse rifle.

The Sailor Scouts blinked a bit as they watched the carnage unleashed upon the Dark Kingdom forces.

"Guns work on these things?" Sailor Moon blinked.

"Not like we ever got a chance to try just shooting them." Sailor Venus pointed out. "And who is going to give a gun to us in this country?"

Sailor Mars stood at the rampart and looked down took aim while here friends watched somewhat confused. "What like the man said fish in a barrel. When do we get free target practice?" It was then that Sailors Venus and Jupiter smiled.

"Crescent Beam Barrage!" Sailor Venus said firing off beams from the crystal in her tiara.

Far from the front line Sailor Mercury had taken a keen interest in a series of rifles set on a table waiting to be used.

"Care to give it a try?" Cover Girl asked.

"Well I uh…never used a gun before." Sailor Mercury shyly asked.

"Want a lesson in firearms?" Cover Girl smiled.

"Well…you don't think anyone would mind?" The reserved scout smiled.

"Mind, we would be honored." Brianna Diggers smiled as she joined in Sailor Mercury's education in the XM99A Phased Plasma rifle. "It's always a special day when a girl tries out her first plasma gun."

I only heard bits and pieces as Ami tried out her first firearm.. "Now this is how you properly shoulder the rifle, and make sure to aim before carefully squeeze the trigger…"


A bright purple stream of highly energized particles fired from the barrel. The particles hit a Yoma and it exploded in a bright flash. I saw Sailor Mercury smiled for a moment as she dropped down her visor and fired off three more shots in prefect accuracy.

"Awe the special moment when they have their first gun in their hands." Brianna smiled in joy. "I'll get more charged cells."

It was interesting to see Tux boy throwing steel tipped roses into the crowd of demons, and did hit a few causing some damage.

"Kid what on God's green earth are you doing?" Beach Head asked as he took a moment during reloaded to notice the other masked hero's actions.

"What I don't have magically attacks so I'm doing what I can." Tuxedo Mask said throwing another rose.

Beach Head shook his head, grabbed a box with heavy latches and popped it open. "How about you try throwing these?" The Ranger said as he took a grenade out, pulled the pin and tossed it into the Yoma horde. In a flash of shrapnel and light several Yoma were left bleeding and dead.

Tuxedo Mask pulled one of the explosives out of the box, pulled the pin, and tossed it right into the head of a Yoma below that stumbled back as the explosive went right off in it's face.

"See that's more like it. Get back to me if you run out and need to know how to use a rifle." The Ranger said as he got more target practice in with his new pulse rifle.

Sailor Moon was not ignoring the danger in front of her, but her aiming was…bad. Okay yes she hit her targets, but most of the targets she got were because of the blast radius, not precision.

"Young lady who taught you to aim?" Julia asked as she watched over Sailor Moon's shoulder.

The sailor scout leader nearly jumped out of her skin as the weapon's master snuck up behind her.

"WAH! Don't do that." Sailor Moon huffed as she stood up and tried to look tough in the face of the far taller and most skilled warrior of Julia Diggers.

"You always this uptight?" Julia smirked. "And who exactly was your teacher in how to fight?"

"Hey I taught myself thank you." Sailor Moon huffed. "And I've been doing a great job keeping Japan safe from the forces of chaos. And I have you know I saved the world before I even got into high school so if you please stop berating me, I would appreciate it."

Julia chuckled a bit. "Kid I like your attitude, but would you like a few tips?"

"You're offering help without making fun of me?" Sailor Moon huffed.

Julia pointed out to the demonic looking forces and guided Sailor Moon's head. "You are making a mistake everyone seems to make when trying to use a projectile attack. You are aiming where the target is, not where they are going to be." The taller redhead continued. "It is easy to hit a target on a level line of sight or if the target isn't moving. But for something moving you have to mentally project their movement and compensate so that the projectile will be where the target will be. My father had to drill this into my head when he taught me archery." Julia said. "Now you know how fast your spell moves, so try to observe the target for a moment, relax, and cast."

Sailor Moon took a moment, caught her breath, and then summoned up her spell again and..

"Moon Spiral Heart Attack!" Sailor Moon's magical movements and spell was as ridiculously looking as in the anime, but remarkably she actually blasted one of the demons directly rather than relying on splash damage.

"Wow…hey thanks…uh." Sailor Moon smiled.

"Call me Julia." The older of the two said while slapping Sailor Moon on the back in encouragement

As for what I was doing, I rearmed myself and stood at the front line again prepared to unleash the power of the Imperial Bolter upon Yoma, when I noticed the leader of the Yoma was a blue-skinned orange garbed thing with big eyes and a hole in the front of it's head. I laughed so hard at this. This caused most of the Yoma to focus on me for a moment and get a load of Bolt Shells ripping them to bits as the explosive rounds tore into them with gusto.

"What is so funny?" He yelled at me. "You think that you are so great with that huge gun of yours. Are you compensating for something?" Oh boy here we go. "Come on and fight me…if you have the gut to do it."

I smiled, which I know is something that Ultramarines aren't really known for but it was just too funny.

"Are you challenging me to a one-on-one contest of arms?" I said approaching the field by myself.

"Damn right I am." The monster thing said as he came at me. "No guns, no weapons, just you and me. Unless you are too much of a coward to do it."

I placed my bolter at my side and nodded before approaching this miscreant. "Very well I accept your challenge."

"Oh this will be fun." The longer haired one said. "Commander Toa is our greatest tactical commander and a master of fast attacks. I am sure finally we will have something to show Queen Beryal as their champion falls."

"So dog you came to fight….me…" He said as he finally got a close look at me and saw that I towarded over him.

"I am ready when you are." I said in a neutral manner.

"This is a bad idea." Zooicite said to his…her…whatever allies. Still looking like they had gotten in a fight with a piece of heavy construction equipment on Black Friday.

"I am sure that Toa will win…especially if I do this." The long platinum blonde smiled as waves of blackness stretched from his hands.

"You would cheat?" The shorter haired man smiled.

"Of course, a simple fear curse to ensure Toa's victory."

"So shall we begin?" I asked the monster before me as the spell took hold of him.

"By all means." The spell imbued Toa with an even more frightful appearance with fangs, exoskeleton like growths on his body, and the feel that his swords were dancing as if made of light. Perhaps it would have been frightening to the sailor scouts or even intimidating to a Joe, but the problem with trying to use fear against an Astartis…they shall know no fear.

"RHAAAA!" This Toa thing yelled as he charged me with swords slashing at me, but the moment he got close.

POWWW! The thundering sound of a single lighting fast punch coated in blessed ceramite and adamantium against whatever weak defenses the blue demon thing was wearing rang in the air as the back of his armor exploded, the front was caved it as if by an cannon ball, and blood rushed from his face.

"Toa is it? I'm going to call you want you really are, Tau. Because apparently you can't even fight in melee." I said flatly. His broken form was lying before me loosing blood or whatever other fluid it had and he chocked a bit as he spasmed from that one punch. "Now care to get up and try again? Or do you surrender?"

"Surrender, we don't…don't surrender." He said stumbling to get up, his whole body shaking wracked with pain. "We conquer…" He spat, literally spat up blood, as he tried to charge me and ducked under my arm to stab me in where there may be a gap in my armor. His sword broke upon impact.

"We…" At that moment, I pulled by my left arm and came crushing down with a punch right at his head. There wasn't anything left above the shoulders after the impact.

"As I said, can't even fight in melee." I said pulling out my bolter and took aim. Time for more clean-up before the next wave hit. Time to prepare, rehydrate, maybe get something to eat. May have to call the general to have a supply drop on the roof of the old gym just in case the Joes were running low on ammo. All-in-all a highly successful team building experience.

"You." The long haired blonde said in range.

"Is there something you want?" I asked him as I fired another bolt shell into a yoma ripping it in half. "I am quite busy cleaning up your mess." He growled as a dog would and landed on the ground before me.

"You dare to mock us? Us the Dark Kingdom Generals?" he spat at me. "You and your rag-tag group of misfits dare to mock our armies with dance-offs, hiding behind fortress walls, and rely on guns to keep yourself from facing us in open combat. And what are you, some demi-god, some deity of war who sides with this rag-tag degenerates? What makes you so special? Do you do this as some sick joke to show how great you are ahead of these humans and those Sailor Scouts that they worship you as their savior? What monstrosity are you?"

I stiffened a bit. Stood proud and tall upon the field filled with holes from boltshells, bullets, grenades, plasma and laser fire, and the disintegrated corpses of yoma. I took a step forward, letting my feet echo with the weight and force I could unleash upon this chaos minion. And I stood there looking down upon his face full of indignity and wrath, and just looked full of contempt. "You think me a god? I am no god. I am a MAN! I said with force and punctuation such that he was forced to step back. "I am a HUMAN BEING! Yes I am a Captain of the Ultramarines, but first and foremost I am human. I do not dare wish to be worshiped as the false gods and idols of this world and others that you cower before. I stand not in front of these brave men and women who have this day looked your horrible malicious storm and said in one resounding triumphant voice to the heavens, across the world, and below: No. No we will not kneel, no we will not cower before you and you chaos filth. I do not stand in front of them. I stand beside them. Beside my love, beside my family, beside my friends, and beside my comrades forged in this furnace. I stand beside them and their free choice to fight to defend this land, its people, and the whole world if needed from your tyranny and oppression. I stand by them, shoulder to shoulder, with fellow humans, lycans, elves, mages…beside civilian and soldier alike this day. Of a thousand thousand choices this is the one I make freely having faced the legions of chaos, the horde of the infectious orc, and all manner of corrupt and despotic rule. And you call me a coward for the tools of my trade? You who do not have the balls to fight your own fights and were defeated time and time again by the Sailor Scouts that you mock? You call yourself a general when you aren't even a man."

I had been broadcasting this over my VOX communicator for all to hear. To which there were some chuckles and one joking reply of: "Was that a sexist comment?" From Sailor Uranus.

"Merely one of immaturity and brattish behavior my friend, nothing more."

"How dare you, you overgrown muscle-bound freak…no woman could have given birth to such an abomination and yet you call yourself still human? I will cut you to…"


A single powerful gunshot rang out as a high-velocity .50 cal round raced across the sky and hit Kunzite dead center of his skull and blew him back several feet leaving him in a tangled mess of limbs and busted body parts.

"You know name aside. I really like this rifle." Leatherneck joked as I could hear the familiar sound of a Kobracon assault cannon reloading. Sgt. Rex Power Colt would agree with the Marine's assessment.

"Oooooohhhh." Kunzite groaned in pain. Alive but probably with one massive headache. Apparently he hadn't dropped his dark shields and that probably saved his life.

"I told you this was stupid." Zoycite yelled. "But did you listen to me? One guy, one single armored man kicked my ass so hard I barely survived, and you wanted to face an army of them Jedite?" The redhaired one yelled. "Between 8 Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, the Diggers family, and somehow an actual army in a fortress that we can't even scratch all to get that glowing thing on the table in there we can't even reach the doors of."

"It's not my fault you are such a failure Zoycite." This Jedite character answered.

"Have you been paying attention for the last few hours? All of our skeleton horde is gone, we are sending out our few remaining yoma after Sailor Moon destroyed our base, and what do we have to show for it? My face looks like I was run over by a bus, Kunzite nearly got killed with one shot, and this armored freak and the Sailor Scouts openly mocked us with a horrible redub of a self-congratulatory rap song."

"What are you calling a horrible redub to tasteless freak." Britanny yelled through my vox system.

"Who called me tasteless?"

"I did you colorblind tramp. Seriously dull grey uniform that looks like you couldn't decide if Stalin or Mao had a better tailor and you want to call me tasteless?" Britanny nearly roared.

"Love please stop yelling in my ear, I can hear you quit clearly." I messaged.

"Sorry muffin."

"Huh and why would I care as to the opinions of furballs?" Jedite huffed.

"Perhaps this will give you a better understanding of being 'hit by a bus' as it were." I heard the familiar voice of one Brian Savemore say as a big yellow, and thankfully empty bus was thrown across the field into both Jedite and Zoycite.

"What in the…" SMASH. The bus was totaled from the impact and for good measure I shot a bolt shell into the gas tank detonating it.

FABOOM! It when up in a blaze of glory safely caught between my shield and the outer wall of the cursed energy barrier.

"Of all the…" Jedite cried as his singed and burning form crawled gasping for breath from the wreckage. If Ironman's ordinance didn't kill these guys then one low on gas explosion wasn't going to do the job either.

"Situtation secured Brian?" I asked the panting werecheetah.

"The school is saved and I have retrieved the package as it were." Brian said in stoic affirmation. The rather petite and smiling form of one Sailor Saturn was tightly hugging his waist as she rubbed her cheek into his fur.

"She has been, rather thankful for the assistance." Brian explained while the Sailor Scout kept saying "Ōkina neko" as he hugged him.

"Let us return to the fortress then, and prepare for more incoming forces." As Brian and I were about to head back to the secured area again, the sky got dark again…very very dark. Purple lighting raced across the heavens while a thunderous roaring of laughter emited from the clouds. We both booked it back to the base.

"Hotaru!" Sailor Uranus and Neptune cried as the ran up and embrace their daughter.

"Okay general please tell me you got some good news." Grid-Iron said over his radio.

"Well up until a minute ago I did." Abernathy said back. "We found whatever it was you said to look for and shooting them seems to have cleared the problem. Unfortunately they seemed to have had an ace in the hole and now our tech Joes are saying the readings are off their charts. What are we seeing here? I need a real answer from someone in the know."

"It looks like someone is pulling all of the city into the Negaverse." Luna said she stared in utter shock. "But that would require more power than…."

"It would require the expenditure of the magical power of a Lich to do it." Theo said as he charged up his mystic fields.

"And quite right you are..son." The dripping malice in that voice. The pure ugly twisted rot that voice exuded was the most disgusting thing I had seen since I got here. He was a burned looking figure with his skin bone white with razor sharp teeth, long clawed hands, and wearing a dark red cloak that would have been mistaken for black otherwise.

"And allow me to personally introduce you to my newest…associate…"

"Queen Beryl." Sailor Moon yelled in shock as her now whole team took stances ready to fight. The dark malevolent chuckling of a female voice was matched with the sudden appearance of a tall statuesque figure with bushy red hair and clawed fingernails. The sky soon was filled with dark twisted shapes and clouds that seemed to form into demonic features.

"Looks just like the time we were in Cobralla." Duke said from wherever he was over our shared radio system.

"Not something I ever wanted to see again." Lady Jaye replied. "So what is this stuff."

"It is the Negaverse. A dark reality part of which is referred to as the Dark Kingdom. It is a twisted realm where all fears, dark desires, evils, and collective ill-will of humanity concentrates." Luna said in a rather forceful tone.

"We really taking advice from a talking house cat?" Beach Head asked.

"Uh care to rephrase that question?" Britanny said to him.

"Just again making sure I'm not in a nightmare or Baroness slipped me drugs in my coffee." He said flatly to my love.

"Point conceded." She replied.

"But if they brought Tokyo into the Negaverse then they must be desperate." Artimis said to his future spouse. "Our world and theirs can't exist on the same plan for that long. It would be highly unstable even to try and merge our realms."

"Okay explain this to me in a way that doesn't sound like new age hippy language, and preferably in English." Grid-Iron said.

"Okay captain, imagine if you will our realities are like radio stations." Gina explained. "That all matter and energy, all reality and the laws of physics that you know, all particles from the biggest of nebula to the subatomic structures that are smaller than atoms vibrate at a specific frequency." The eldest of the Digger's sisters started. "Now there are an infinite amount of potential radio stations that you can turn to, but you can't have two stations on the same radio at the same time because the radio is tuned to pick up either AM of FM and of that specific radio station's broadcast frequency. With me so far?"

"So far so good. So what you are saying is that this other place is from a different station and they are trying to make our station and their station the same one?" Grid-Iron asked as he reloaded his weapon.

"Exactly. But they can't keep it that way for too long because doing such takes a ton of power and is extremely unstable."

"I take it that the static in this case we pick up between stations is what we are becoming now." Cover Girl stated looking at the mess outside.

"Exactly." Sailor Mercury nodded. "And we have to somehow separate their reality from ours or it may cause a cataclysmic event in our world. "We don't even have a theoretical framework for this."

"So the world is in danger and the only ones who can stop it are the Joes who weren't called home, a family of adventurers, a bunch of magic girls most of whom are probably still in high school, and two talking cats." Grid-Iron said as he assessed the situation. "Okay Joes listen up. The game is the same, they just tried to take away the home team advantage." The captain stated. "Over the last couple of hours, we have had chance to entrench ourselves, secured the assets, got in a fairly good amount of team building training, and got test out our new gear. We have had some early victories but looks like they've had a change of quarterback and think that this will mean they can psych us out into a late game loss. I for one say that we are still going strong and that we still have our heads in the game. We knew this would likely be a long haul and if needed we will push this into double overtime, but we are not going to lose this game, and the ball is still in our hands. So as far as I can say, this just the third quarter and we are keeping our lead. You with me?"

"YO JOE!" The triumphant cry of the Joes roared out from the base as if the very fortifications echoed the resounding voice of a choir.

"Wow, any tips on speech making…we kind of need to up our game here." Sailor Moon said. "Maybe work on a team battle cry or something?"

"Not now Sailor Moon. We are in deep trouble and you know it." Luna said in disgust of how her charge acted.

"And what are you thinking of Alex?" Britanny said a she held me close.

"Just rewording an old chant I heard many years ago, a rallying call of the 42nd millenium." I said.

"And what is that love?" She asked, holding my shoulder tight.

"We are the guards of a free world order. We are the soldiers a legion of light. We are the center with depth of the sun. Fire and flame. We are one."

To be continued.

Author's notes: Okay this was a long one, but this arc is going to be one of the largest and longest in my story and I never realized how big it was going to have to be. Yes there is a ton of TTS in this story but as Fred Perry is a fan of Abridged Universes and so would absolutely use that version of Warhammer 40K in his work. Also I know that I usually do one update to one story and then do another update to my other story, but this is so big that it likely will take a number of focused updates to get through so I hope you enjoy and please be kind enough to review as this is my first fanfiction original major story arc.