I know you're all thinking the same thing and so am I…. it's about time I got this chapter up! Ok so this will most likely be in kates POV so the last few chapters make more sense and some of your questions are answered.

This chapter takes place the day after Ari "visits" Kate in her room.

Kates P.O.V.

I don't know how long I've been locked in that room, it feels like it's been weeks, months even, but I know it hasn't been that long it has only been a few days at the most. The only time I've seen any one is the one time Ari came in and, I shudder just thinking about what he did, but it happened and I could do nothing to stop it that was the only time I have seen any one since I was brought here.

Until now. "Come." Ari tells me. And knowing thing would only get worse if I failed to listen to him, I obey. I stand from where I was sitting on the bed and he grabs my broken arm and pulls me in front of him. "We're about to have some fun." I can hear the smile as his breath hits my ear and I can't help but shudder, and he laughs aloud.

We enter a room and I immediately notice the rope on the floor. My NCIS training quickly kicks into action and I scan the rest of the room, across the room almost against the wall I see a camcorder. And that is all that is in the room. Ari brought me to completely concrete room and the only contents are a rope and recorder. Shit!

I don't know how long he let me just take in my surroundings but it felt like forever yet it still wasn't long enough to think of a way out of this. "Okay Caitlin, it's time to do as I say." I look at him in confusion, I thought he was calling me Kelly from now on? Ari sees my confusion and just smile. "Strip now Caitlin."

My mind is racing. Is this a test? Am I supposed answer? Or do I ignore him? Either way I know the end result. He will end up raping me again. But how do I respond to get this over with faster? As I think I fail to notice Ari made his way behind me and wrapped his hands around me.

I'm warning you… if you don't want to read it doesn't but it probably going to be most if not all of this chapter.

I stiffen as his hands slide down my stomach and to the top of my pants. He slowly strips me as I try my hardest to fight him. But I stop knowing that last time fighting did absolutely no good. He grabs the rope lying nearby and ties my hands together behind my back, probaboly knowing how painful it is. "Bassam." Ari calls out.

Bassam opens the door we entered not long ago "Yes haswari."

Ari smiles his smile that to most would seem charming or sweet even but to me I know it is only sadistic "Did I not tell you you'd get rewarded?"

Bassam looks somewhat stunned but nods anyways "Yes you did. But I thought it would be… well after."

"Can I not give it to you now? Besides, if the plan succeeds you will get much more than a few minutes with the agent. Then again if it fails you won't have a life." Great, Ari at least has some sort of affection for me. Bassam hates me ever since I our first encounter when I slapped him across the face.

The grin on Bassams face is more than enough to tell me he wont be nearly, as much as I hate to say it, as easy going as Ari has been. "thank you haswari." he turns and makes his way to me and when he reaches me he jerks my head up by my hair, in that one swift moment my entire body is thrust upward. "You don not know how long ive been awaiting this moment." he whispers in a menacing yet somewhat lustful voice "To be able to put you, the worthless piece of shit you are, in your place. To show you where a womans, especially a woman like yous place is. How long ive waited to punish you, all of it building up." he throws me back to the ground. I whimper as my arm hits the cold concrete.

Without any warning he slams three fingers into me, I gasp as I feel the sharp pain of his finger nails scraping my insides. He continues violently assaulting me with his hands for god knows how long. Suddenly he pulls out and I feel a sharp pain on my leg. And I lift my head to find out hes biting me, I can no longer contain my tears but I stay a silent as I can so he knows im not giving him what he wants.

I start to feel a warm liquid run down my leg weather its bassams saliva or my blood im unsure. Bassam lifts his head and brings it up to my own and I see the bright red blood on hes lips and smears of it on his chin, he leans in to kiss me but I quickly turn my head. Bassam then smaks me with all his might and holds my head in place as he assaults my lips.

The jackass stands, takes a step back and unzips his pants. "On you knees bitch." I freeze. "Now." I still dont move. He swings his left foot back and kicks me as heard as he can, completely knocking the wind out of me. And he kicks once more before I can catch my breath he lifts my to my knees. Still trying to get air to my lungs Im panting. As I pant he lifts my head and trusts himself into my mouth. Twisting his hand in my hair he moves my head making me gag with every thrust. He doesnt slow until I feel him go off and I cant hold it in any longer I throw up the second the exits me.

"You bitch!" he yells as a closed fist hits my face. Then another and another until I can no longer feel my face. At this point in back to laying on the col d hard floor. Everything is black my eyes refusing to open. But I can feel bassam. Hes pounding into me. Not stopping. All I feel is pain. I think he stops but the pain is still there so im unsure but the blow to my injured shoulder tells me he is out. I try to scream but I cant hear my own voice. Another blow and all goes black.

Ok it is safe... ish to read :)

The next thing I remember is waking up and screaming for ari to leave me alone. its fuzzy but I know the camera is recording and ari makes me say I love him. Then the black again.

Sorry ho long its taken me. But I am back im not letting life get in the way any more! Please let me know how it is!