"You're Late"

Just cuz I'm posting this it doesn't mean I'm stopping the good he bad and the baby. I just lost the next five chapters to it and I'm working on getting them back. but meanwhile I'll be writing this.

I don't own NCIS or anything else I happen to write about in this story, unless I myself create them. And I know the first few chapters are short but i stopped were i had to for each of them.

Kate's P.O.V.

The scalpel is in my hand, I bring my arm up, ready to stab the unnamed terrorist. Then I look him in the eyes and halt everything. "Ah. Catlin, why did you not stab me?" he is looking me in the eyes.

But after those few seconds, that felt like forever he grabs the scaple, flips me around, and looks to ducky. "Dr. Mallard, what do you say I show Agent Todd here what it is she should have done?"

The older man just eyes our captor, and says nothing until the cold metal is brought to my through. "No! She's done nothing!"

"Did she not just pull a knife on me?" I can here the smile in his voice. but that is soon forgotten, as I feel the warmth of my own blood flow down my neck, and soak my shirt as it pools on my chest before I felt the pain of the cut. "Goodbye, Catlin." Gerald's shooter, and my killer whispers in my ear.

I look to the knowelagable doctor with pleading, yet apologetic eyes, and try to talk but nothing comes out. So I try even harder and it barley comes out a whisper. "I'm sorry Ducky." and everything is black.

Gibbs P.O.V.

I hear a whimper, but continue with filling out my paper work. That is until I hear McGee, and DiNozzo "Yeah, you do that. But when she kills you, don't say I didn't warn you, McDeathwish."

McGee gives in "Fine, but I still don't think us its right to let her have a nightmare when we could easily wake her..."

He is cut off when Kate says "I'm sorry Ducky." and takes a few deep breaths before shooting awake.

At first DiNozzo, McGee, and I all freeze, while Kate is trying to remember where she is, as she looks afraid. She soon sighs in relief, but settles on embarrassment as she sees her teammates looking at her.

"You okay, Kate?" I ask my only female agent.

"Um... Yeah I'm fine."

DiNozzo starts laughing out loud as if he has just heard the funniest thing ever said. So everyone else in the bullpen, me included, give him looks that say 'what the hell is wrong with you?' He soon fined our stares and explains himself. "For once Kate, I'll have to agree with you. You are, freaked-out, insecure, neurotic, and most of all, emotional." he gives her one of his famous DiNozzo smiles.

McGee rolls his eyes, and gets back to work and I do the same, as Kate says "Thanks, Tony." dryly.

I finish up with the forum I was filling out, and lift my head "Go home. I'll see you Monday." all three of the agents freeze, waiting for me to change my mind. "GO!" I say more forcefully. They all stand so fast I think their chairs are gonna fall over.

"Night, boss!" Tony yells halfway to the elevator.

"Good night, boss. See you Monday." McGee says grabbing his coat.

"Good night, Gibbs" Kate says rounding her desk. And they all get in the elevator together, but I can't help the feeling in my gut, that my team will never be the same, as it was not twenty minutes ago.