A/N: Hello everyone. This is TTY7 posting the first chapter of a new Sailor Moon and Code Geass Crossover. But…if you have not read "A Date With Destiny" don't read this story. You have to read "A Date With Destiny" first. This story is the sequel to that one and if you don't read it you won't understand what's going on in this one at all. So read "A Date With Destiny" first. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Nothing from Sailor Moon or Code Geass belongs to me. I only own the OC's I created for this story. I don't own the song I'm going to use for this first chapter either. The song is called "Here We Go Again" (obviously), and it belongs to Demi Lovato.

Anyway, enjoy the first chapter everyone.

Here We Go Again

Chapter 1

Prologue: Here We Go Again

January 25th, 2018

"I throw all of your stuff away,
nd I clear you out of my head.
I tear you out of my heart,
And ignore all your messages.

I tell everyone that we are through,
Cause I'm so much better without you.
But it's just another pretty lie cause I break down,
Every time you come around. Oh, oh.

So how do you get here under my skin?
Swore that I'd never let you back in.
Should have known better,
Been trying to let you go,
Cause here we go, go, go again.
Hard as I try I know I can't win,
Something about you is so addictive.
We're falling together,
You'd think that by now I'd know,
Cause here…"

Rei Hino turned down the volume on her car's stereo. That song, while upbeat musically, was not what she needed to hear right now. She was getting away from this place and she was getting away from him.

Her bags were fully packed and stuffed into the trunk of the car. She'd already bought her plane ticket and she was on her way to the airport. Nothing was going to stop her from leaving this time. After all that had happened, she couldn't possibly stay in Area 11 for another second. She had to say goodbye to her past once and for all.

The airport was in sight as the raven-haired girl changed lanes on the interstate. She slowly drove down the exit and watched as the airport drew closer and closer. It was only a matter of time now.

"I can finally leave this world behind," Rei thought as she drove into the parking lot. After parking her black convertible, she got out, opened the trunk, and removed her bags. Her mind was irreversibly set on the goal of leaving as she walked toward the entrance. It was still set on that goal as she walked into the building and checked in with the receptionist. Her mind remained set even as she received her boarding pass. It's perfectly obvious that the girl isn't going to change her mind at this point.

"Flight 703 for Domino City, America, is now boarding."

Rei smiled to herself as she walked toward the line for security. Nothing was going to stop her now.

Or at least, that's what she thought.

"Rei!" a voice called. Rei inwardly panicked as she recognized it. However, she didn't let her panicked feelings show. Instead, she kept walking ahead. If she stopped now…it would be all over for her.

Unfortunately, Rei already knew that her resolve to move forward had begun to crumble. His footsteps drew nearer as she slowed her pace. Eventually, Rei stopped and the footsteps behind her stopped as well. Others around her and the man a few feet behind her continued on their way without a second though. They did not realize the inner turmoil that was happening between the two teens.

Rei took a deep breath and turned around. The man in question stood a short distance away, but the gap between them couldn't have been farther. At one point, the two had been inseparable, but now…things had changed.

As the two raven-haired teens stared at one another in silence, memories of the past three months weighed on their minds. These memories are the memories of what happened between the time the Black Rebellion failed and now. The memories of what happened between the warrior of fire and the masked terrorist.

But what actually happened. What has caused the scene that we see now? There's only one way to find out.

(Cue the flashback effects)

-Nothing happens-


(I said cue the flashback effects)

-Nothing happens…again-

(Dang it, what does it take to get some flashback effects around here! I'll do it myself for heaven's sake!)

-Flashback effects finally work-

Now, where was I? Oh, yes the drama and all that. Ahem…

It all started on October 25th, 2017.

A/N: And that's the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Of course, I won't know unless you review. So if you have time to kill, leave a review please.