Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This is a romance story between Poseidon and Percy. Yes, this IS incest so if you are disgusted by this please leave the page now as I have no wish to have my story or myself insulted by people who don't like this kind of thing. For those of you who like incest or think it is ok there will not be any lemons in the story. Sorry, I do romance and maybe a kiss or two but nothing more.


The letters started coming back in November, around six months ago. Each day I would open my cabin door and there, on the doorstep would be a white envelope that looked perfectly normal. Except for the fact that there was no address written on it .I think someone delivered it personally so I didn't know whether to be worried or not. This stranger knew where I lived and he or she had managed to get past all the defences that could stop evil getting into camp. Wait a second. I was getting ahead of myself. How did I know this guy or girl was evil? Anyway back to the letter. If you turned it over you'd see a load of what seemed like jumbled up numbers. Now, I feel like a right idiot for not realising what the numbers meant sooner. The numbers were: 16, 15, 19, 5, 9, 4, 15, and 14. Unfortunately, nobody, not even Annabeth knew what they meant. As time past and I recieved more letters from this person I began to feel like I knew this person though I didn't think I had ever met him. I was wrong. I had met him, many times in fact. Letter after letter came and soon I was writing back, telling this stranger about me. I bet your wondering how I sent letters back but I'll tell you later. For now let's go back to back to when I got my first letter. ...