Yeah, about that letter from the last chapter; you wont get to know about it in this chapter, or the chapter after this, or the chapter after THAT. I'm just sayin'. Yes, that's mean of me, but I have the best idea of what I'm going to do/how I'm going to use that letter. Haha, can you picture Altair writing himself a letter; how epic. He'd be like, talking to himself. Okay, never mind, I'm not funny, I know. _ Oh, and I've spent the last week (while babysitting) on writing this story, because I have no life, and I'm tired of playing EVERY Assassin's Creed over and over again.

PS: This chapter doesn't follow RIGHT after the last one. Leonardo told them about what he knew on the Carlo situation, and TADA, we're where we are today (or back in the past, in this chapter, blah blah. Who freaking cares?) Ugh.

Did I thank you for the few reviews? No, yes, maybe? Well anyway, thanks guys!

Happy belated New Years from me to you! Sorry it's late.


Reply to a review, Amaya-Ai / I do like Ray William Johnson. I'm just sayin'. :D

I love all of you, so please enjoy.

Much love,


"Stop them, don't let them in!" screamed the raven haired man, cowardly hiding behind his line of guards, which blocked the stairs that led up to another story of the highly decorated building. Carlo, the man that just spoke, sputtered up the stairs in a hurry. This left the two Assassins, who mirrored each other in appearance and stance, there to fight off the guards. They both slashed at the guards when they rushed to surround them in a battle of sword on sword. The Assassins didn't need to use much of their effort, and therefore, most of the easier guards were fought off quickly.

"We don't have time for these men," Ezio hissed to his partner, who grunted when he stepped out around one of the guards, swinging back and slashing him between the shoulders, making the man fall face-first. It's not that Ezio's statement went unnoticed, it's the fact that Altair didn't either a.) have the time to reply, or b.) couldn't do anything to act towards what he said due to the guards he had been fighting.

Ezio quickly impaled one of the lower guards, and as doing his he held his arm out, firing his pistol making the one guard Altair was fighting fall to the ground, giving him complete access to the stairs leading towards Carlo. Altair understood well what he needed to do, so he did so. Running up the stairs trying to decide which room the man went into, wasn't all too difficult. After killing a guard or two and going through a few rooms, he came across Carlo 'man-handling' one of the guards.

"Get me out of here! Find me an exit-" he noticed Altair standing in the walk way, hidden blade slicing in and out, he was out for blood, anyone could see this in the man's eyes. Sometimes people never change, no matter what time you are in, someone will always be greedy and place themselves above others. Altair couldn't wait to have his blade pressed against the man's throat. When faced with death, you get to see what the true man is, how they act when faced with their life ending. They all turn out to still be the same, cowards; fearing for their lives. Someone with high power, never really is that bright of a person. This is what Altair loved, he fed from the expressions on his targets face when they meet eye to eye. Assassin to criminal. Savior to evil.

"Get him!" Carlo pointed to Altair, who ran and jumped onto the guard, pressing his blade into the man's neck vertically. Carlo then made another run for it, running to the balcony just beside them, he jumped up, descending to the roofs, Altair drew his bloodied blade and followed the man with close speed, getting closer and closer to him, jumping across buildings, climbing up them, until finally he caught the man by his cape and shoved him to the ground, following with him. He was crouching by the shaken man, his blade pressed deeply to his throat.

"Where is it?" the man remained silent, "I asked you a question! Where is it?"

Carlo spit on Altair's cheek, the ancient assassin didn't react to it, he was spit on more than the average person, due to his line of work, so really, saliva didn't bother him. "Where is what, when asking someone, shouldn't you be fucking specific?,"

Altair pressed the man into the roof roughly, and narrowed his eyes more than what they were, practically growling like a dog, "You know what I'm talking about, the Apple, give me the Apple, it's not yours to have,"

"Neither is it yours, foolish assassin,"

Altair applied more pressure to the man's neck with his blade, "Do you wish to live?"

"Kill me, if you are going to do so, but I will never speak of my hiding place, you will never find it. No one will, I have it hidden well, so well in fact, it shall remain hidden for many years to come, centuries and centuries. You're just fucked, aren't you?"

"Speak wise words or don't speak at all," Altair threatened.

Carlo chuckled a sinister chuckle, "Whatever it is you plan to do with the Apple, will never be accomplished, you bast-"

"Rest in peace," Altair then silenced the man, and for the first time during an assassination, he did it out of anger. He literally became careless and stabbed the man with such force and heated actions, that it surprised even him. He'd never assassinated in such a way, and he lost a bit of himself during this, he was untrue to the Creed, his Creed. He stood from the bleeding body, looking down into the open eyes of the man, turned away, and walked back to Ezio, only to give him bad news.

It was late, Ezio sneaked into the building, unsure if anyone was asleep yet. He smelled heavily of sweat and perfume. He sighed silently when he noticed Leonardo turning to face him, paint brush in hand, face looking warn thin. He must have been on an inspiration kick, one of those moments in time when he would stay up weeks at a time to work on a project. Leonardo gave a breathless laugh, "Altair came home without you a few hours ago, he's resting, where have you been? How did things go? He wouldn't tell me,"

"I was, 'out', and brace yourself, because we're right back at the beginning,"

Leonardo nodded and turned back to his painting, "I take it things failed,"

"We got to Carlo, and Altair actually killed the man, but left himself without any answers,"

The artist nodded, "We'll get there, don't worry,"

Ezio sat down on a chair sitting just in the corner diagonal from the inventor, "Personally, I'm about to let the man do it himself, he obviously thinks it's a one man project,"

"Give him time, my friend, he's new to everything,"

"Yeah, well I'm new to the idea of a bastard constantly hanging over my shoulder, pestering me and how I'm either, 'too emotional' or I lack in his 'skill'. He's the one who lacks capability in swimming, I mean honestly, how much longer do I have to put up with him?"

"Hang in there Ezio, it wont be long, maybe you should try becoming friends with him instead of blowing up on him with every thing he does and says, that might help a bit. I'll try to find out a bit of in formation on the apple and it's whereabouts, why don't you take Altair out for some fresh air tomorrow, show him around, take a break?"

"Like he'd be up for that,"

Leonardo laughed, "You never know,"

"Not with 'Master of Assassin's' you don't," Ezio mocked.

Leonardo shook his head with a smug smile, running his brush along in streaks, "So.. He can't swim? Are you serious?"

Ezio shook his head also and laughed.

"Alright, I think I'll go rest myself, goodnight friend,"

Leonardo nodded, smiling, "See you in the morning, Ezio,"

When Ezio lingered into the other room, where Altair should have been laying on his usual couch, Ezio raised an eyebrow when no one was in sight, he spoke loudly so that Leonardo would hear him, "You said Altair was resting?"

Leonardo's voice drifted through the two rooms, "Yes. He came in, and then said he needed sleep, why, isn't he there?" Ezio blinked, not sure what to say or why Altair wasn't there in the room resting. Did he go out for something? Then again, why wouldn't Leonardo have said something, because he would have taken the front door. Did he take the window instead? After a few minutes of ignoring Leonardo's voice, and coming up with ideas, he clenched his hand into a fist and hurried to speak to the artist.

"That bastard!" he exclaimed, Leonardo raised an eyebrow, "He want's to find the apple, all for himself!"

"Ezio, think this through now, you don't know that,"

Ezio shook his head, "No, do you remember when I told you that he should do it himself, and leave me out of it? Well, I told him that too, that's why we came home at different times! We.. We got into a little fight because of what happened,"

"Stop acting like a child," Altair scolded as Ezio groaned and complained about not finding the apple and how stupid Altair had been for killing the only man who knew where the device had been. Ezio threw his hands in the air and groaned.

"I just can't understand why!"

"He wasn't going to tell me as it is, so I killed the evil man,"

Ezio gaped, "You don't know that!"

"Yes, I do, anyone after the apple with such divine plans to use it against the people, and break the balance for their own rule, have no reason to live,"

"Oh," Ezio said in a mocking tone, "Well, since you know everything, FIND THE APPLE YOURSELF,"

Altair took a moment to reply, thinking about something, "I wouldn't have any problem with that,"

"You are so unreasonable," Ezio then turned to walk away, heading for the nearest place away, from Altair. The older man watched, shrugged, and headed back to Leonardo's workshop, not really caring what the younger man did, who would most likely find a courtesan to ravish.

"I can't believe him!"

Leonardo held his brush up, pointing it at Ezio, "You did say you didn't want to work with him,"

"You think I meant that?" Ezio shrieked, "Of course I didn't. I don't want him getting all of the glory, honestly Leonardo, THINK," Ezio then walked around his friend and slammed the door to the workshop shut, angry that Altair had the nerve to do such a thing. Ezio stopped though, and slapped his own head, looking down at the ground, "Where the hell would he have gone?"

Well Ezio, you're fucked, aren't you?

Two day's later.

"Rose hasn't found him yet either?" Leonardo asked.

Ezio shook his head, basking in complete depression. Well, maybe not depression.

"Do you think I should just go looking for the apple myself too?" Ezio paused, "Maybe he already found it, who knows, it's not like he'd want to come back with it, or even care about saying goodbye and thanks, you know?"

Leonardo frowned at his friend, "You're uncle would not accept that you didn't go looking for him fully, nor would he accept you going home without the Apple. Don't worry so much Ezio, I don't think he's found it yet. He hardly even knows his way around Venice, and terrorizing the guards wont give him answers, not with Carlo dead," the artist made a point, "Just keep looking, Venice is big, you'll find him,"

"Yes, this is true," he stood, "But Leonardo, I make no promise on not beating the man up when I find him," this made the inventor laugh, shaking his head at the assassin, and then smiling as he left the building.

Ezio went to go speak to Rosa once again, maybe she found something out.

When he reached her barracks, she was in a world of panic. She ran over to Ezio, "Ezio, I'm so glad you're here! Someone hurt Antonio!" she was stressed, and Ezio raised an eyebrow, and quickly put his hand up to silence the ranting Rosa. She was clearly upset, and Ezio didn't like this, not at all.

"Does he know who did it? Is he alright?"

Rose shook her head, "He has a bad wound in his shoulder, he's lucky one of the thieves found him, he would have bled to death," her voice was shaken, and the only time Ezio had never seen Rosa like this had been the first time they met, when she hurt her leg. Ezio nodded, and Rose guided her through the door, where Antonio was groaning and shouting.

"Antonio, I need you to listen to me," Ezio tried to tell him, but the thief continued whimpering.

Ezio pushed his brow forward, "Antonio, I need you to help me so I can find this guy."

He held his mouth shut, clutching his arm, Ezio nodded, "Good, do you remembering seeing the man at all? Any detail will help," Ezio sounded like a detective who was interviewing a witness. At first Antonio had nothing to say, he was wordless. Ezio pushed forward, wanting the man to think hard, extremely hard. Antonio still shook his head.

"He.. He was, wearing a hood. Like you..." Antonio made a deep sigh, seething at the pain.

Ezio's eyes widened, and he quickly thanked Antonio. He walked from the room and outside where Rosa was standing, still worried and upset. She was probably blaming herself, when she noticed the assassin she ran over to him, "Did you find anything out?"

"Yes," he told her, "I have a good idea of who this man is," she seemed relaxed now.

Rosa quickly hugged Ezio, "Thank you, Ezio!"

"Rosa, listen to me," Ezio pulled her away from the hug, leaning to be eye level with her, "I will find this man, but I want you to wait here. I'll find him and bring him back." She nodded, "But do not blame yourself for this man's actions, do you understand? He isn't worth it, trust me,"


Ezio brushed past her, and headed for the roofs.

"Do not make me ask you again," A voice growled.

A woman, on her knees begging for her life in her cozy house, had been terrified. She was listening to her daughter, who just turned thirteen, asking what was going on and what was wrong as she was forced to sit in the corner and told not to move. The mother, who was shaking, told her daughter to stay quiet, that everything would be alright. The man hovering above her was getting impatient. So he jerked his sword to make her scream in panic of being killed.

"I don't know, Okay, I don't know! Please, don't hurt us,"

The man grew impatient, "You were his wife. Are you saying your own husband kept secrets from you? That doesn't seem like a good marriage, does it?" the woman gasped and looked up at the man, her face soaked with salty tears. She then dropped her head and began to sob louder at the man's horribly frightening expression, he took his blade and shifted it into the floor, just beside her broken figure, she froze, "You don't have long to answer me, before both you and your daughter join your husband,"

The woman looked up once more, shocked at how the man knew of her husband's death. She then narrowed her eyes, feeling a bit of courage sweep over her. She slowly began to stand, and the stranger in front of her took a step back, narrowing his eyes even more than before, questioning the woman's actions, "It was you, wasn't it," she accused, "You are the one who killed my husband!"

"Stand down, or I will kill both you and your daughter," The man swallowed, bringing his blade up.

"Then do it! Take us from out misery you sick bastard-"

"If you have nothing to tell me, then so be it," He brought his sword up, ready to swing it downward onto the glaring woman, who was crying, yet slightly smiling, was she actually willing to die, to be with her lying husband? He didn't care, he was going to silence the annoying woman, just as he blade almost hit the innocent creature. A voice echoed through the room.

"Altair, put the blade down," The voice came from behind the threatening man. Altair straightened, his blade slowly being brought down, his hood covered the top half of his face, "I wouldn't expect you to kill someone innocent. Mrs. Mancini, please, take your daughter and leave,"

The woman nodded quickly, "Come on sweetie," and left with her daughter.

Ezio stepped forward, hand on his sword which was firmly connected to his side, Altair's head was down, and the man said nothing, just held his sword, "Do you mind explaining to me?"

"You'd do anything, to get back to your home, if something was stopping you, wouldn't you?"

Ezio raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't kill innocent people and run away the way you did,"

"Really? Even if it meant living a life with your family?"

Ezio was confused, "Yes? Even if it meant living a life with my family,"

"Then you wouldn't understand,"

"Then why don't you let me understand!" Ezio snapped, "All you do is mutter useless words that make no sense! For the whole time that you've been here, you hardly spoke to me. I'm just supposed to read your mind? I get it, you wanted to find the apple, and quickly-"

Altair interrupted him, "You don't understand anything,"

"Then let me," Ezio spoke softly.

The older assassin shook his head, "I don't need help, you even said that you didn't want to babysit and that I could find the Apple on my own, why the sudden change in mind? I'll find it alone by myself, I don't need your help," his words were like ice.

"Altair," Ezio was trying his hardest to reason, he walked forward and placed a hand on the ancient assassin's shoulder (who stiffened at the touch), and sighed, "It's apparent to me, that you need help. You're practically losing your mind,"

Altair looked down at the hand resting on his shoulder, It felt just like Malik's did before he went anywhere near the apple, before he was thrown into the future. He thought for a moment, and just a moment about what the letter had said. It was part of the reason he fled. Just thinking about the letter made him want to shove the hand of the young boy behind him away, to escape from his presences. But he felt himself stuck, because of the friendly hand on his shoulder.

"Does this mean we're friends?" Ezio asked.

Friends? Altair didn't know about that, but he did know there was no escaping the letter that he read just a few days ago, "Fine, but if you keep that hand there any longer, I'll have to break it,"

Ezio pulled his hand away and smiled, "I can live with that,"

But what if I can't? Altair thought unconsciously, not even knowing he thought such a thing, and he put his sword back where it belonged, looking down into one of his pouches, where the letter from himself was peacefully placed. He then turned to face Ezio, who was smiling, and then frowned almost evilly.

"Now about Antonio, forgive me Altair, but I must do this," Ezio then brought his hand up and whacked the other assassin's head, practically making the ancient assassin stumble over, "What were you thinking? How dare you harm an innocent person who had nothing to do with the apple, how dare you harm Antonio even! And how dare you come into a woman's house uninvited and demand answers!"

Altair rolled his eyes, "After all, what are friends for," he muttered coldly.

Ezio then smiled, and they went back to explain to Rosa that it had been a misunderstanding.


Oh damn. Damn. Damn. Damn.

Wanna know what happens in the next chapter? Someone get's touched!.. NO YOU PERVERTS, not like that. Haha, okay, now I'm just messing around. I felt like making you laugh, which I probably failed at. Oh, and sorry about the letter thing!~ It should be obvious though, I'm just sayin'.

They're friends now, Olalala, progress people! PROGRESS!