Author's Note: I had to write a poem for school about either Muncie, IN or Beneficence, the symbol of Ball State University, so I chose Beneficence...with a twist. I thought in light of the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special, now would be a good time to publish this poem. Enjoy! Reviews would be appreciated.

The Angels

The hastening night brings with it fear.

The humans know something is near.

Passersby move quickly on

not understanding why, but not wanting to tread upon

the ground surrounding Beneficence.

Something is in the night,

something that causes fright,

no plain fear can be seen here,

not when this presence is so near

on the ground surrounding Beneficence.

Yes, this ominous presence lurks during the day,

but at night no one will stay

on the ground surrounding Beneficence.

At night Beneficence takes on a ghoulish appearance.

Which is strange, for a statue that brings such adherence.

The view of five brothers that statue holds

which is a lot for a monument that was made from a mold.

And she is Beneficence.

But now there is fear around the angel symbol

passersby sometimes scurry and tremble

at the presence they feel behind the trees.

If only they understood what the eye sees-

(and it is not Beneficence.)

Because there is something...something, in the dark

something that will leave no mark

but gives a fate considered worse death

and this fate happens in the time it takes to breathe a breath.

This is what happens around Beneficence:

A woman walks that way at night

and the next day she sees no sight

of what the area used to show.

Because all is gone, replaced by something she does not know.

What gets these people, these passersby?

Only something that can make time fly.

The only changes have been the angels.

Never before were there so many angels.

But now so many...made of stone,

and yet they seem to gradually roam.

And they always surround Beneficence.

These statues, they seem to turn your way

as if they are watching YOU, their prey.

But you look back, and the eyes are covered

with hands that merely seem to hover...

And those eyes truly seem to be weeping.

You wouldn't know how many secrets they're keeping.

These Angels are demons, made of stone.

With just one touch they make time roam.

Whoever is touched by an Angel gets sent somewhere in time.

To an Angel, anywhere in the past is fine,

as long as the person is sent away a length

so the Angel might grow in strength.

But why are the Angels here, at Beneficence?

What is her significance?

To the Angels no significance is needed,

but to keep themselves safe, precautions must be heeded.

So what better place to hide than in plain sight?

Where people walk daily, and so many might

just stop and look at Beneficence-even at night.

The angel, woman, symbol of hope and wealth,

presented in memoriam of the health

five brothers brought to a town,

is no longer safe to be around...

especially when the sun goes down.

Because in the dark, the Angels know,

people sometimes don't know where they go...

And these people are the unlucky ones,

the ones who learn how an Angel runs...

Because an Angel can only run when no one sees:

Not a person, not a squirrel, not a bird, not the trees.

But run fast, they do, when given the chance,

and often the victim can't even snag a glance―

of what she is leaving behind―

before she travels to somewhere in time.

So at Beneficence the Angels gather

because it would seem rather odd

to see a great gathering of stone angels spaced

at another, more conspicuous place.

A place with an angel to begin with is ideal

when there are so many lives to steal.

So the Angels wait at Beneficence.

Please review! :)