Karakura College

A/N: This is my first Bleach Fanfiction. It's gonna be soooooooo random. I hope you enjoy it. Please review. Any suggestions are welcomed.

Ichigo's POV

My name is Ichigo Kurosaki. It's my first day at the college, and I wanna enjoy it. So, I walk into the main office to check my dorm room, the classes I'll be taking, y'know, the usual stuff. Then, I see the craziest thing. People from the soul society are here!

Renji's POV

When I walked into the main office at this place called Karakura College, I stumbled upon Ichigo. He seemed surprised to see me, but whatever. We both checked in, and it turned out that we are in the same dorm. So, as I was walking to my car to get my stuff, I came across Mayuri, who was looking at something. "Wha'cha lookin' at Mayuri?"

"I came across this new specimen. I have no idea about what it is. It's brown, furry with a bushy tail, and it lives in the trees. So, I had Nemu go and catch me one, so I can dissect it and see what makes it work. Also, I'm a professor here. Are you a student? I sure as hell don't want to teach you, pineapple."

The he walked away. What a jerk. I hope he doesn't catch that "specimen".

Nemu's POV

I was with my father, when the jerk told me to go and catch one of those brown things that live in trees. I hate that guy. So, here I am in a tree looking for these brown animals. I managed to sneak up on one, and he ran away, really fast. Why do these things keep moving? I hate my life. Hopefully going to this Karakura College will help me to become more of a real girl. Plus, I won't have to be with Mayuri all day, so I'm game.

Ichigo's POV

Renji is my bunkmate! I still can't get that image out of my mind. So, I was walking with my stuff, and I caught a little stowaway. Kon popped out of my bag. "Yo Ichigo! When are you going to get some decent clothes to wear like Rukia? Your fashion sense sucks! I hate it here, with you! Where's Rukia? I wan-"

That's when Kon got hit by a bus. Yep, I threw him in front of a bus. Don't judge me. He was so annoying.

I went to my room and my other bunkmate was in the room unpacking. The whole house was designed in his image. White and blue colors were the theme. He turned around and said, "Hello Ichigo."

My other bunkmate is the Quincy, Uryu. College is so not going to be fun.

A/N This is it! This is the end of my first chapter ever. I hope you liked it. It will be continued, depending on how much you like it. Thank you, and please review!