A World yet Unseen
After her family decides to move, Kagome is forced to leave her hometown. The last thing she wanted was her parents to take a wrong turn… straight into the Spirit World. Where are all these demons and spirits coming from? And who's this strange, long-haired boy with dog ears? And most importantly, why does Kagome seem to know him? He sure seems to know her.

I decided to do a Inuyasha/Spirited Away story! I combined two of my favorite anime's...

Chapter 1-Nighttime Visitor

"But mamma," whined a little girl no older than 5 or 6 years old. "Please let me stay up a little longer for once."

"Kagome," her mother said gently but sternly, "You know that you aren't well enough to stay up too late."

"But when will I get better?" the little girl asked.

"We don't know munchkin," suddenly said a new voice. Both mother and child looked to see a man standing in the doorway with a slight smile.

"Daddy," Kagome began.

"Not tonight kid," he said tiredly. "Time for you to go to sleep Kagome. The more sleep you get, then the better the chance that you can get well."

Here's how it is. When Kagome was born, she was very sick and very weak. In fact, most of the doctors thought that she wasn't going to make it through the night. But by some miracle, Kagome was able to make it through all the way to her 6 birthday. Even though she was allowed to be home, she still had to make regular trips to the hospital at least once a week. Her parents were constantly worrying over her while Kagome was still struggling to understand why she was so sick.

"Awww," Kagome whined. "But there's a full moon out tonight! I want to go and see…"

"No Kagome," her mother said sadly. "Maybe someday. But for now, it's time for bed."

Her father then picked her up and carried her up the stairs. When they got to Kagome's room, they pulled back the covers and both placed the small child in the bed before covering her with a thick quilt.

"Sweet dreams Kagome," her dad said as her mother then handed her favorite teddy bear. Kagome said goodnight and they headed towards the door.

"Mom? Dad?" Kagome asked as they turned off the light. They both looked back at her, "What is it?" her dad asked.

"When will I get to go outside?" was Kagome simple question. "I don't go outside unless its to go to the hospital. When will I get to explore the world?"

Her parent's exchanged sad and tortured expressions. They knew how hard it was for their only child to be locked inside all the time as if she was in a nuthouse. But they knew that she couldn't go out in her state until she got stronger.

"We don't know munchkin," her father said. "But someday…"

"Someday soon?" Kagome asked hopefully. They could only smile at her.

"Maybe…" her mom said, "Now goodnight."

"Night mom, dad," Kagome said gloomily as she turned over to lie on her side and went still as her door shut quietly and the sounds of footsteps faded away to nothing.

Kagome buried her face into her pillow unhappily. It's nothing new… this happens every night. Her parents would put her to bed without being able to give her a straight answer, leaving Kagome wondering what was wrong with her.

She just didn't understand… why did she have to be so sick? Why couldn't she just be healthy like other kids? When was she going to get better? And most importantly, when was she going to be allowed to see the world outside this house?

She went to sleep without any of her questions, and a single tear falling onto her pillow as she fell into a her dreamworld.


Kagome woke up some few hours later. It was still dark, she looked up at the clock on her bedside table, it ticked away getting slower and slower until it finally stopped. On its own accord.

Wondering why she was suddenly wide awake, and why her clock just stopped, Kagome sat up and pulled her blanket around her as she suddenly felt cold and scared. Kagome looked around her room and her eyes widened when she saw the reason for the cold…

Her window was open…

… and there was a person standing there in the moonlight right in front of her open window.

A boy that looked like he was about 12 or 13… at least judging by his height, for Kagome couldn't see his face. The way the light shining behind him cloaked his face in darkness and there seemed to be a scarf that was tied at the top of his head. But as she looked at him more closely, she saw the boy seemed to resemble something like a wild animal. It was like he wasn't even human or something…

The boy cocked his head and just stood there staring back at the little Kagome, while Kagome wondered how he ended up in her bedroom.

Kagome blinked several times before she rubbed her eyes, thinking that she was just seeing things. But when she opened them again, he was still there.

Normally, you think that she would've started screaming her head off to her parents that there was a stranger in her room… but no… she didn't feel scared… she felt…


She couldn't explain why… but she never felt as safe as she did with this person. Not even when her parents were around. When she was with them, they were always making sure that she was constantly in their sights and that she wasn't doing anything that would tire her out. She found it to be very annoying.

But with this person… she felt a different kind of security.

Like he was her guardian angel or something? As if he was making sure that she was safe without going overboard at the same time… like he was giving her something that was not sick… like she was well and could be treated like a normal person and not a porcelain doll that could break at any second.

He looked at her for a few more seconds before he turned and walked over to the open window as if he was about to leave. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Kagome slipped out of her bed and walked over to him.

"W-Who are you?" Kagome asked.

The boy stopped walking and turned to Kagome as held out his hand to her. Kagome looked his hand then back to the boy.

"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked.

He remained silent but Kagome understood. Even thought she had been told many times to not go with any strangers, but how many strangers come into your bedroom in the middle of the night?

The boy suddenly climbed out of the window and disappeared, Kagome gasped as she ran over to look out, expecting to see him lying on the ground below her two-story window. But as she reached the sill, she ended up jumping back when the boy, hanging upside down from the roof, with his arms holding out to Kagome.

"We going for a-a ride?" she asked timidly.

The boy could only nod.

Happiness seemed to spread throughout Kagome's body. Finally, she could see the world from outside these four walls… finally she could have something that wasn't sick.

"Okay," Kagome said happily. "Oh, wait!" she turned to her bed and grabbed her teddy bear before she ran back to the window. She reached out and allowed the boy to take her up and into his arms; she managed to hang on to the boy as he pulled them up so they both were on the roof.

"Where are we going?" she then asked.

Instead of an answer, the boy bent down and Kagome instantly climbed up and onto his back.

"Piggyback!" Kagome cheered as they walked along the roof. Then without warning the boy jumped to another roof, as easily as if he was jumping off the bed; making Kagome cling to him tightly in case she fell. She shut her eyes in fear but when the boy landed gently on the other side and began running, as if he was weightless, she reopened them.

And she gasped in wonder.

The evening sky was clear and full of stars with a large full moon shining, bathing everything in a low light. Kagome held to the boy tightly and so they carried on, jumping from one roof to another. Over the buildings and the few streetlamps, the wind blowing so hard that it was whistling in Kagome's ears, but soft enough that it was like it was singing her a lullaby.

As they jumped, it could almost be called flying, everything swirled around them in a colorful… well… blob at the edge of her vision. She held onto the long hair on her nighttime visitor, feeling safer than she ever had in her life and allowed him take her as far away as possible from her room.

At first, everything seemed to be so fuzzy and pixelly, like a computer screen when you look too close. Still, no point in denying it, it was gorgeous. The many colors zoomed and whirled in shapes that range from spirals to jelly beans, circles to arcs. The glimmering shapes looked like little presents, covered with that shiny paper.

It was almost like a dream…

Kagome wrapped her arms around the boy's neck, pleading him to go higher and faster, letting out a cry of laughter of pure happiness.


Eventfully, they stopped at one roof, and Kagome slid down so that she sat on the edge with the boy standing next to her.

"WOW! It's so pretty!" Kagome said as she looked across at the city lights sparkling like a Christmas tree. She looked at the boy next to her but he remained silent, "Why won't you talk to me? Can't you talk?"

He looked down at Kagome but he just smiled. At least Kagome thought he did, she still couldn't see his face too well. But she had a feeling that he was smiling at her.

Kagome smiled back at him and took his hand, but the boy looked startled when he felt her tiny fingers wrap around his own.

"You're hand is cold," Kagome said as she looked from his hand to his face. "Are you cold?" she asked.

He shook his head as he took back his hand and they both looked over towards the city.

Kagome yawned and looked back up at the boy.

"I'm getting tired," Kagome said as she rubbed her eyes "Thank you for bringing me here. But I'm sure mom and dad are really worried about me. And if I'm not back soon then they'll going to have a panic attack. Like this one time, I hid in the closet and mommy ended up calling the police 'cause she couldn't find me and I promised I wouldn't do it again."

She then stood up and hugged the boy around the middle. He took half a step backwards, shocked at her sudden gesture. "Thank you…" Kagome whispered. "I can't tell you how many times I dreamt of leaving my room at night and see the world just for a little while. This was the best night I ever had!"

The boy seemed frozen as she then stood back. But he seemed to get over it as he nodded and bent down so Kagome could crawl onto his back and began their flight back towards Kagome's house.

*Near Home*

Just as Kagome was near enough asleep when they got near her room and she was just thinking about how upset that she was about having to go back to staying inside all day, when the boy stopped. Kagome lifted her head up.

"What's wrong?" she asked sleepily.

Kagome looked to where her house should've been and saw that it was engulf in flames.

Her jaw dropped in horror as she saw the flames coming out of her bedroom window…

Tears started to roll down her face as she watched the firefighters try and put out the flames that consumed her home. Her parents were standing next to them and seemed to be fighting tooth and nail to get back inside the burning buliding; they seemed to be crying and yelling at the firefighters.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Kagome called out as she struggled to get down.

The boy jumped down from the roof and left Kagome by the road as he disappeared. But Kagome didn't notice and ran to her house and her parents.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Kagome screamed as she ran towards them with her teddy bear in her arms. They both turned towards the screams to see Kagome running from across the street with her bear and tears falling from her eyes.

A look of relief came over their faces as they ran towards their daughter.

And the boy, just disappeared. Right into the darkness.

(Please let me know what you think so far!)