Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Sengoku Gakuen

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold

two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain

the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to

see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make

them otherwise."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Chapter I- Yesterday is over

"From now on you'll be known as Kai Higurashi and you'll be attending Sengoku Gakuen, understood?" The man spoke as he finished filling some papers needed for her new identity, while she kept drifting in and out of her thoughts, glancing around the room monotonously. The man, known as Kenji Higurashi, looked up from the papers and into her daughter's eyes. That girl always got distracted too easily.

"Yes, dad" she answered reluctantly, eyes now on her lap, hands constantly playing with the hem of her dark green shirt. "I just don't think this will work out..." she mumbled. All of this was too much, her grandpa was dead, her mom and brother left the country, all of them forced into hiding; all because of the Shikon no tama. If she went through with this plan, she wouldn't get to see her family for a long time; after all she was the one they were looking for.

But maybe this was just what I needed –what I wanted. Wasn't I the one asking for more space a few months ago? Besides, this may help me grow up… a bit.

"You have to be careful, if they realize you're still alive they'll come after you and kill you Kagome. Don't draw attention to yourself, and try to suppress your miko powers as much as you can dear." He said, worry evident in his eyes. They don´t need to find my tortured body like we did grandpa's… Kagome nodded silently, still immersed in her thoughts. Being sixteen was supposed to be easy, surrounded by mundane high school drama, not on the run from a possible murderer looking for a shiny little pink ball. She sighed unconsciously.

There was a moment of silence as she thought about how much her life was going to change. Now that her grandpa was dead she was the only miko left in the family, as well as the one to protect the legacy, therefore, unanimously the guardian of the Shikon no tama. This 'sacrifice', as everyone seemed to call it, was for the greater good.

"So… will I be dressing like a boy forever?" Not that she was bothered by it, instead curiosity was killing her. Since she was a little girl Kagome had frequently wondered what it would be like to be a boy. She finally had the chance to find out, so this was evidently no sacrifice for her –just research. Now that I've cut my hair, it will take a while for it to grow back, better make the best of it. Maybe I can finally get a job, experience the hectic teenage life, join the soccer tea-

Her father sighed heavily; she was doing it again, day dreaming her life away. That girl had the attention spam of a perplexed fly. "I'm sorry for doing this to you Kagome, but it's the only way to keep you safe. You'll be able to see us again in a few months. Just wait till I figure out at least who they are."

Only a few months...

"It's ok, papa... I don't really mind that much." I was getting bored with my life anyway. Kagome smiled slightly. Her dad relaxed and smiled too, there was something about her smile that filled his heart with contentment –a generic trait from her mother no doubt. "Your things will be shipped to Sengoku once you have established yourself in a room, perhaps Monday evening." With that, he left all seriousness behind.

"Well, that being said, you'll be surrounded by boys for a few months so... don't get pregnant!" He said cheerfully, clapping his hands on his cheeks. "Your mom would be absolutely ecstatic, but I don't want grandchildren so soon." As scary and cold her dad might seem to the outside world, he was the best dad she could ever ask for. Always having his family as a top priority, as far as Kagome could remember her dad had always been there for her and her brother Souta. From the occasional nightmare during her childhood days to her middle school graduation – an event not many parents actually considered a real graduation-, even now, he was trying to make the situation less grim by joking around.

Kagome only laughed. "Sorry dad, that doesn't work on me. You know I'm not really all that competent in the arts of human interaction. Besides, I'll be there as a BOY in an ALL BOYS boarding school, unless some sexually deprived boy discovers I'm a girl, I'll be alright." She finished, grinning slightly at her father's pouting/ terrified face. How he managed to make that face was still a mystery to her.

"You're weird, did you know that?" he said still pouting "Any other daughter would've blushed, started babbling or at least gasped indignantly! You're no fun." He finished, ruffling her now short hair.

"I know. I've been told that on multiple occasions..." she said shrugging. "Well, at least you don't have to worry about murdering hormonal teenagers yet." Her dad smirked at that beautiful idea. "So Kai" he said using her new name "how about a game of pool, huh? I'll beat you this time!" he declared confidently as Kagome bluntly laughed "yeah, like you did the last twenty times? Quit kidding yourself papa, geometric visualization is my forte. Once you taught me how to play any chance you had vanished, you'll never win against me" she grinned as her dad wrapped his arm around her shoulders, leading her to the pool table with a silly smile on his face. "You just love to brag, don't you Kagome?"

Well, might as well enjoy the little time she had left with her family.

She smiled slightly… At least they are gonna be safe now that I'm gone.

Three days later

There she was, standing in front of a five floor building, the words Sengoku Gakuen imprinted above the entrance gate, dressed as a boy. A boy who was about to live several months surrounded by demons and humans, all boys... Hormonal boys who could accidentally discover her little secret and blackmail her into doing horrible, dishonorable, and shameful things just to keep their mouths shut.


Of course dad couldn't think of anything less cliché... Does he seriously think I'm gonna survive ONE day without someone finding out? This is the only solution, he says. You'll be safe, he says... I'm having second thoughts about this. She thought dejectedly, as she kept glaring the impressive building.

Sengoku Gakuen was fairly known all over Japan for accepting demon students; it was one of the few schools that would mix demons and humans. Every morning, girls from Jidai Gakuen would wait by the dorm doors just to get a glimpse. Of course the reason why Sengoku Gakuen was so famous, in all truth, was because of its devilishly handsome students. Thus, the rabid fan girls eagerly surrounding the building... and so, on her first day Kagome Higurashi found herself being surrounded by crazy high school girls on a hormonal rush.

"Uhh, what the hell is this?" she asked to herself, her cousin Rin laughing besides her. A mixture of horror and amusement clear on Kagome's face. Will I have to go through this every morning...?

"Oh, don't worry. You'll be fine" she said with a wave. "They're always like this. It's, uh, a minor obsession. With a school filled with hot guys, who wouldn't?"

"Well, I wouldn't!" Kagome said in disbelief. She had always been a bit different. Never really in sync with society and her open-mindedness sometimes got her into trouble. Well, from this point on got him into trouble, now he was a boy. She should remember that... Anyway, she didn't regret being like that. Weird. Herself. There was nothing wrong with that.

"That's because you've always been weird." Rin shrugged as she pushed Kagome through the herd of fan girls and towards the gates. "Now hurry up or you'll be late for your fist day, right 'Kai'?" She started retreating to her own school as well, Jidai Gakuen "don't get yourself caught! Oh, and call me up every once in a while, now that we live so close we can hang out!" she called, turning to walk away.

"Right..." She said under her breath, hastily fixing her slightly wrinkled uniform. Those girls really are dangerous, better stay on their good side.

After a few minutes wandering around, she bumped into a tall man. He had long silver hair, golden eyes and a crescent moon on his forehead. His eyes were fixed into a cold glare and judging by the lab coat Kagome assumed he was the school's doctor. "Oh, excuse me, I-I'm really sorry." She apologized, bowing slightly. "Uh, do you know where class 2-B is?" Said man only stared at him -… her! Damnit- for a few seconds and merely pointed upwards, not even bothering to stop his scrutiny. "Third floor, sixth door to the left" he stated, still staring at her intently. "Good luck... you're going to need it."

"Er- thanks..." As disturbed as Kagome was, she awkwardly thanked the stranger and ran as fast as she could to get away from him – and get to class.

What a weird man, it felt as if he was seeing right through me. That thought was accompanied by a shiver.

Class 2-B was the most uncontrollable group in all Sengoku Gakuen, having Koga Hibiki and Inuyasha Taisho in the same class meant utter chaos. They were always fighting; who was the fastest, who was the strongest, who was the best at anything they did. They were at constant war against each other. It wasn't as if they hated one another, they were just… very competitive.

"Guys!" a voice said. "I heard we're having a transfer student!"

Inuyasha groaned, and scowled at the window, sinking deeper into his desk. Today was turning out to be a bad day for him. Yes, it was one of those Monday mornings when everyone seemed to be ecstatic but him. Fucking rainbows everywhere, and he was the one being followed by the grey cloud of doom. First he woke up late, again, earning a nice weekend detention. Not to mention that waking up late meant NO breakfast, thus, being extremely hungry until lunch time. Then, that creep Jakotsu kept pestering him about a fantastic hair product that "would make his silver locks shine like a halo around him". What. The. Hell? As if THAT wasn't enough, now he was –possibly- getting a roommate? His room was one of the only ones left with an empty bed, and knowing his luck... his short-lived period of blissful solitude was about to end.

"How unusual, to transfer in the middle of May? School started over a month ago." He heard someone else, retort. Probably that Hobo kid, he was always making unnecessary comments.

"Who cares?" another voice, more feminine this time said. "Oh, I hope he's cute! It's been a while since I've had some fresh meat" Oh great, Jakotsu was back full gay-mode.

"Shut the fuck up, Jakotsu. Damn, could you really be any more disturbing!" he snapped from the back of the class.

"Oh, you know you love me Inu-chan! You're just in denial right now." The boy winked, throwing him a kiss. His chair fell as 'Inu-chan' stood up abruptly. He growled, trying to control his anger. "It's Inuyasha! Stop calling me 'Inu-chan you fu-"

"What's the matter, woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Stop your whining mutt, they're almost here" A wolf demon with long black hair tied up in a ponytail sneered, not even looking back at was about to retort when the door opened and in came Myoga-sensei and the new student.

Inuyasha slowly sat back staring at the new boy as his nose twitched faintly. "Class, settle down. Yes, as you've been gossiping while I was gone, we have a new student. Please Higurashi-san, introduce yourself." There was something uncanny about that puny human. How could a guy have such a… sweet… smell? Inuyasha blinked awkwardly, now HE was being the weird one. He blocked those –disturbing- thoughts and focused his attention again on the human in front.

The guy had black hair, just above his shoulders, messy bangs falling freely on his face, almost covering his dark blue eyes. He was rather small to be a guy and his uniform was a bit too baggy. His eyes were distant as he kept playing with the hem of his jacket. "Hello, my name's Kai Higurashi. I come from Kyoto, nice to meet you... Uh, I hope we can get along." He finished mechanically with a bow, as if he'd practiced it a few dozen times. Everyone just kept their eyes fixed on the new student. In the mean time, Kagome gave a brief glance around the classroom, and frowned momentary. Rin was right… most of the students are disturbingly handsome. It kinda makes me feel self-conscious. She thought fidgeting again with her jacket.

Koga, the wolf demon, was openly laughing now "He hasn't even hit puberty yet!" he said smugly, earning a few chuckles here and there. "Just look at him" he finished, still smirking and eyes dead on the new boy. Inuyasha's amber eyes narrowed, moving to were the guy was standing, watching his reaction: Nothing. What was up with this Kai dude? Was he even human? He didn't even look bothered by the looks he was getting. He just kept looking down uninterestingly, eyes fixed on the ground, blinking slowly as if this was absolutely normal.

"Shut up Hibiki, no one wants to listen to your annoying voice." Inuyasha snapped at the wolf demon, who just scowled back at him. The fact that they were at opposite ends of the classroom seldom proved to stop the constant bickering between the two boys.

"Oh, look! Inu-chan has finally stood up for someone, maybe there is still some hope for me!" Jakotsu cried happily, as a few guys around him laughed. Inuyasha merely pinched his nose, his forehead vein already on the verge of popping. I can already feel a migraine coming… maybe that late wakeup call was a divine warning.He left a heavy sigh escape from his mouth, mentally counting to ten… and beyond.

"Keh, Koga's just annoying. That's all, so stop twisting my words." He grumbled from his seat, arms crossed over his chest and glaring at the window. This day was only getting worse. As this rate the tic on his left eyebrow would be permanent.

Kagome gave the dog eared guy a fleeting glance, trying to understand the motives behind his sudden outburst. "Well err- you can sit down now Higurashi-san. Let's see" Myoga-sensei started awkwardly. "There is a spot besides Inuyasha. Raise your hand boy." Inuyasha reluctantly raised his right hand. That damn annoying flee simply couldn't stop pestering him, he could almost see the teasing smirk on Myoga's face. There were two empty seats on the other side of the class but he had to conveniently pick the one besides him. Great, just great. Could this day just get ANY better!

Kagome took her seat by the window and absentmindedly began to take a few notes here and there; playing with her pen as she began to lose interest in the boring lecture Myoga-sensei was unsuccessful trying to give. To be honest she was feeling a little bit insecure, sitting in a room full of guys who seemed to hate him...her! Now she was confusing her own gender? She was a girl, a girl! She looked through her bangs briefly to the guy on her right, the one who had oh-so-subtly helped her. He seemed really annoyed, his face was set on a scowl and his hand was gripping the pen so hard it looked like it was about to break in half. All in all, He didn't look very happy...– in any case he seemed kinda constipated, if anybody cared to ask her opinion.

"Uh, are you Ok?" she whispered, as soon as Myoga-sensei asked a guy named Bankotsu to read the next paragraph. Inuyasha just looked at her sideways but other than that ignored her; now that the window was stolen from his staring domain he might as well keep his attention focused on Myoga. Oh, joy. "... Right." she said deciding to drop the topic.

She kept taking notes silently during the next few lessons until it was finally lunch time. She had skipped breakfast, but as starved as she was, she needed to find one of the guys in charge of the dorms. "Excuse me" she said to the guy sitting in front of her, seeing as the one besides her was shaking... in anger? He looked more constipated than anything else. Oh, she was drifting away from the subject. "Do you know where can I find someone in charge of the dormitories?" The boy turned around, and smiled. "Sure, you might wanna look for Miroku Houshi, he's the best one out of the three. He's in third year... uhh perhaps you can find him in the cafeteria. I'm Hojo by the way."

Finally found someone nice enough...

"Thanks, nice to meet you, by the way Hojo-san." She said, smiling politely at the brown haired boy as he left. She looked around the class and noticed it was already empty so she stood up and left to find that Miroku guy. It surely couldn't be that hard to find him.

Well, Sengoku Gakuen ended up being larger than she imagined. Twenty minutes had passed and still there was no trace of the guy. How hard could it be to find that pesky cafeteria! Kagome sighed to herself as she kept glancing at those unknown faces that kept walking past her.

After a few minutes wondering around she found herself on the ground floor, before two wooden doors with the word CAFETERIA carefully carved on them. Finally… Just as she was about to grasp one of them, it flung open and a black haired guy bumped into her. He looked at her intrigued for a few seconds before shaking his head and helping her up. "I'm sorry, that was m-" He was interrupted by a gruff voice yelling "wait till I catch you, perverted monk! You ruined my lunch!" That voice sounded eerily familiar, was that the guy who sat beside her?

"Well" he began, smiling boyishly "that's my cue to leave" he said turning around and speed-walking away from the cafeteria. "Wa-wait!" Kagome cried as she tried to catch up with the rapidly vanishing guy "Do you by any chance happen to know someone named Miroku?" Said guy suddenly stopped running and turned around, grinning charmingly "That would be me, dorm chief and ladies man extraordinaire" As Kagome came closer, his eyebrows furrowed a little and there was a glint of recognition in his dark eyes. "Oh…"

"Now," he said, lowering his voice and taking a serious tone "do you mind telling me exactly what can I do for a lovely girl like you?"

Kagome's eyes widened considerably as her jaw dropped. No way, not even ONE day… H-how could he..?

A/N: Well, I know there are a lot of stories like this, but I've had this idea for a few months now and well… I couldn't help myself. Maybe I'll get to entertain someone with this fic too, that would be nice XD, sooo… uh, if you have any comments, you know what to do.