Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Doctor Who

10.0 was frozen in his spot, it looked eerie with his mouth slightly ajar and a glassy, but menacing look in his eyes. The Doctor looked at him up and down and poked him a few times. "I never poked myself before!" the Doctor squealed happily. "So, I've seen the back of my own head and now I've poked myself. Cool! Two points!" The Doctor decided it was time to be serious and end this now. He snapped his fingers and 10.0 started talking again. But, the Doctor wasn't interested in his words anymore. He just stared at 10.0 distantly.

"I think being turned human again would suffice, I mean it sucked last time. Being human sucked—hey, are you listening to me?" 10.0 angrily asked. "Why—why're you staring at me like that?" the Doctor was looking oddly at him.

"I'm sorry, what? I didn't listen to a word you just said." The Doctor replied pleasantly with a apologetic smile and 10.0 stared at him incredulously.

"What! Well, I was just offering ways for you to off yourself like being human or-"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in 'offing myself' anymore. In fact, I never really was. It's quite depressing the things you say, you know?" the Doctor shrugged and played with his bow tie.

"What? But I thought you wanted to because the guilt you bear is so overwhelming that you can't live. I mean, you already accepted that you are a killer that murders species and-" 10.0 started to grin, soon, the Doctor would realize that again.

"No, no, I don't think I'm what you say I am." The Doctor interrupted his doppelganger. "Do I think I'm a killer? Yes. But a murderer? No. I mean a murderer is someone who just kills for the thrill, no reason. But I don't kill for any reason. Not unless I absolutely have to. And, that's rarely. One in a trillion. I protect the ones that can't protect themselves." The Doctor pointed out and adjusted his bow tie again.

"Well, killing is killing." 10.0 started to fidget a bit. "It's the same on every planet."

"Yes. But the saying that I absolutely adore, it's an Earth saying, 'One man's guardian angel is another's demon.' Which I think is true. Someone will always win and someone will always lose. And everything must die." The Doctor said as he watched his clone fidget uncomfortably. "Are you alright?"

"Ye-yes! Of course!" 10.0 snapped and his fingers grasped the collar of his suit. "It's just—just"

"I think your bow tie is too tight." The Doctor winked as he helped 10.0's discomfort.

10.0 loosened the red bow tie he was wearing. "I know, I was fixing it!" 10.0 said annoyed but the Doctor's sweet tone. Suddenly, he froze with realization and smiled faintly. "I see you finally get it."

"Yes. It took me a while, I apologize. But, I get it now." The Doctor replied.

. . . . . . . .

"No, no, you put this here!" Rory cried as he tried to pry off the wires from his wrists. "Take them off! Take them off!"

"I can't do that, mate. You're the one doing this. All of this." Mickey told him. "Only you can make it stop."

"I'm not doing anything!" Rory shouted. "I just want this to be over! This is such a horrible nightmare!"

"Only you can set yourself free. Accept what you hate, then you can truly be free." Mickey kindly said to him.

Rory stared at him with his mouth open, "Are you high? What does that mean? Did you steal that from a fortune cookie?" Rory screamed.

Mickey sighed. And I thought he was smart. He WAS close to understanding this. I was wrong.

. . . . . . . .

"TARDIS! You know, the TARDIS!" Amy smiled to Donna! "The TARDIS! And all the magical things it does and goes. It's bigger on the inside."

"What TARDIS?" Donna asked Amy with a confused expression. "TARDIS. . . .Ow! My head. . . ." My head feels like it's going to explode! "Who has a TARDIS?" Donna clutched her head in pain.

"TARDIS!—I don't know. . . .I just know TARDIS—who?" Amy's brow knitted together. It didn't matter she remembered—no, knew what the TARDIS is; it was the owner that mattered.

"Amy, who has a TARDIS?" Donna pressed. "Because I have no idea what you are talking about! It's making my head hurt!"

"Your head hurts? My head hurts!" Amy looked at Donna incredulously. "I'm remembering—seeing things that are strange and me in odd places. . . .Places that aren't real." Amy sat on her bed confused. "They aren't real, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about? Earth. Earth is real. Are those places on Earth?" Donna asked Amy.

Amy winced as the images started up again. I'm in my nightie. . . .Starship UK. . . .Crash site. . . .Byzantium. . . . .forest on ship. . . .not Rio. . . .swallowed by the ground. . . .box, but a BIG box. . . .Pandorica. . . . Amy gasped as the flashes stopped. "These are places aren't real! It's like a—a faiytale. . . ." she whispered.

"Fairytale? Strange choice of words, Pond." Donna chuckled.

"Just seemed like the right word—Ah!" Amy closed her eyes. Sitting in a kitchen. . . .'What's your name' a raggedy man asked, 'Amelia Pond' replied a little girl, 'Aww, Amelia Pond' cooed the raggedy man, 'That's a brilliant name. Amelia Pond, like a name in a fairytale'. . . . . "Yeah, right word. . . .The Raggedy Man is the same guy as the one in the bow tie!" Amy exclaimed suddenly startling Donna.

"Wha-what?" Donna stuttered a bit surprised.

"The raggedy man is-" Amy started but was attacked by another image. 'Raggedy man, I remember you. . . .' "—And you're late for my wedding. . . ." Amy finished when her image ended. It was strange and scary for Amy to know what to say. . . .But, it felt good. It felt warm and like it was a good thing. It felt—right.

"Amy, you're not making any sense!" Donna cried and grasped Amy by the shoulders and shook her lightly.

"No! I make perfect sense! You're the one that doesn't make sense!" Amy screamed and yanked herself from Donna's hold. "You don't make any sense! You show up at my house like nothing, you know me but I don't know you, Rory can't see you, your words are encrypted with secret messages, and you talk of-" it was on the tip of Amy's tongue, but she didn't know yet. "You're the one-" she slumped on her bed.

Suddenly, Rory stumbled into Amy's room. He had a concerned and annoyed look on his face. It looked like he just woke up, with bleary eyes, but he also looked worried. "Amy?" he saw her lying on her bed, "Are you okay? What's wrong? Why are you screaming? Is it your head again?" Rory babbled very quickly, "Do you need to see a Doctor?" Rory asked.

Amy screamed as images blared through her mind and it felt like her brain was on fire and being stabbed with a million needles.

. . . . . . .

Amy's starting to remember, the Doctor finally understands, but does our favorite Roman?