Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Doctor Who

Rory sat up with a jolt. He was breathing heavily and could feel his heart pounding away against his ribcage. He patted himself over while he took in his surroundings, he was sitting on the floor of the TARDIS. Rory stood up, his mind a little racing. Why was I on the floor? Did I fall?. . . .AM I DEAD? Rory quickly patted himself over, no, no, I'm alive, I feel alive. . . . the consol in the center was quietly beeping, and that calmed him a little. "That's right. The Doctor, Amy and I just came back from Raxacoricofallapatrious." He muttered to himself, but something was nagging in the pit of his stomach. "Amy!" Rory called.

"Afraid they're a little busy, mate." Replied a voice right next to him. Rory jumped and almost had a heart attack. "Sorry, about that." He snickered.

"Wh-who are you? How did you get onboard?" Rory sputtered as he backed away from the strange man. Or alien. He was dark skinned and had no hair, if he did, it was very low shaven. How could I not sense him standing right next to me? Inches apart, I should've felt his body heat or heard his breathing. . . .

The man or alien smiled a brilliant smile at him. "Relax, mate. I'm no threat to you. Well, I'm not the one who's going to hurt you." He smirked evilly that made Rory's skin crawl. "My name's Mickey. Mickey Smith." He held out his hand, "Nice the meetcha, Rory Williams."

. . . . . . .

Amy sat up quickly. Her eyes travelled around her surroundings, she was sat on a chair in a blue room, covered in art decorations. Something in her mind instantly clicked. "My old bedroom." Amy slowly picked herself up and walked over to her old crafts. Such silly little toys she made while dreaming of the Doctor. . . .the Doctor! Where is the Doctor? She dropped her crafts and went to her door, but was suddenly frozen in place. Her heart stopped and she felt like a bucket of ice water was poured over her body. Lying in her small, narrow, white bed was her eight year old self quietly snoozing away. "That-that's me. . . .am I in the past? Again?" Amy sighed. The Doctor must've screwed up again. Never could be accurate with timing. . . . Amy noticed the date by on her bedside table, it was the night of her first meeting with the Doctor!

The wind rustled the leaves outside as Amy waited in her garden. She bounced up and down with anticipation for the Doctor's arrival. She decided she was going to point and laugh when he fell on her shed, and stumble out dripping wet. Amy checked her phone. Any second now. . . .The Doctor's companion smiled. "3. . .2. . .1. . ." Amy counted down, barely containing her excitement.

But nothing fell from the sky.

Amy swallowed, a little nervous. Is my timing off? "Always like the Doctor to be late!" Amy shouted half angrily at the sky. Still nothing. "C'mon, already! Your fish custard's waiting!" Amy tried again. "I'm waiting. . . ." Amy sighed.

"For who? Not the Doctor I hope." A female voice answered back from behind of her.

Amy gasped and whipped her head around. Her brilliant red hair, looked like burning fire against the black night. Before her stood, a short frumpy looking lady. She had light, curly brown hair that ended just below her shoulders, her face looked old and tired, and her eyes held something that Amy couldn't place.

"My name is Donna Noble. And, I'm just like you."

. . . . . . .

The Doctor woke up with a start. Before he got up, he made sure he had fingers, legs and his trusty bow tie. "Without my bow tie, I feel naked!" he said happily as he stood up. Orangey-yellow lights poured into his eyes, and the hum of a consol made his heart leap. He was, apparently, sleeping on the consol room's floor. "Woo! Does Raxaxcoricofallpatorious no how to party or what! Knock a Timelord like me right out! I'll tell yah, Amy and Rory, not many beings can say they put a Timelord on the floor!" the Doctor stopped all of a sudden. The consol room was empty. No Rory, no Amy. Now where did my two lovebird companions run off to? "Oi! Don't make a mess in my bedrooms, Pond! Stick to one be-" the Doctor was suddenly pulled under by this feeling that told him they weren't in the bedrooms. Or the TARDIS at all. Amy's going to kill me if she's stranded on an alien planet. . . . He ran up to him beloved consol. He started to madly push away at buttons and tinker with the controls. "At least she has Rory. Aw, their second date! Just call me 'cupid'!" the Doctor squealed with delight.

"Or how about 'murderer'?" a very familiar voice said. It was eerily familiar.

It made the Doctor stop and look up, it even sent a very rough chill down his spine. Nothing, not one being in the entire universe, well, except the Daleks, weellll, and Rose's mum, made the Doctor's blood run cold. The Doctor slowly turned around to face the voice.

There stood a man in a brown, pinstripe suit, his hair bas brown and spiking in different angels, and he wore thin, black spectacles, and converse shoes. It was the Doctor. Well, it was himself. A past regeneration. "Hello. I'm the Doctor." He said in a very arrogant voice.

"Yes, I can see that. Hello, I'm the Doctor, too. Well, the new Doctor. Doctor 11.0! You're like the 10.0, such an old model." The Doctor commented. He walked right up to his old self and started to study him up and down, even prodded his chest a few times. "Not many people can say they met themselves! Well, I can now! Oh, wait. I met 5.0 a while back. . . .even saw the back of my head!" the Doctor circled his old self. "Now, I saw the back of my head twice!" the Doctor's excitement melted away instantly. "Why are you here? How are you here? Paradox! Oh, don't tell me, I forgot to put the shields up again! I better not crash into the Titanic again. Man, the TARDIS was mad at me for a while after that. Betcha you remember, huh?" the Doctor joked, his past self just stood there quietly. "Anyway, is there a reason you're here? Because, seriously, the world could implode very, very soon."

"My, aren't you a blabbering idiot?" the old Doctor said dryly, and the Doctor was taken slightly aback. "Didn't think I would regenerate into a bow tie wearing ADD person. Well, beats being a girl. Or a girl with two heads."

And you call me a talkative person!. . . .Hypocrite. The Doctor thought.

. . . . . . . .

"'Mickey Smith'? Uhhh, it's nice to meet you to?" Rory said nervously. "So, how'd you get on the TARDIS? Are you a friend of the Doctor's?" Rory was still uncomfortable to be around this guy. He seemed friendly and harmless, but he would feel better with the Doctor or Amy around. Where are they? Can't they hear us? Do they even know he's here? "You know Amy, then?"

"Amy? The very tall, very sexy, very red headed girl?" Mickey asked and Rory nodded a bit red. "Yeah, I've seen her." He said with what seemed like distaste. "Friend of the Doctor's? Heh! Far from it, mate! Hate that cheeky, rotten, bastard!" Mickey said calmly, but his voice was dripping with animosity. "Can't say I fancy him one bit. You shouldn't either, Rory." Mickey moved a little closer. Rory could see the pity and seriousness in his eyes. "Trust me; everything about the Doctor is bad."

Rory laughed and brushed off his warning. "You're so melodramatic! The Doctor is wonderful! He's taken me to places to I could only dream of! I've seen so many planets and aliens and beauty. . . ." Rory said his mind a little distant. "And, he was the one that let me and Amy come along for the ride! If it weren't for him, I'd still be stuck working at the hospital." Rory said, "Not-not that that's a bad thing, or something!" Rory quickly added.

"Yeah, and if it weren't for the Doctor, you'd still be the one who snogs and has sex with Amy." Mickey said casually and that made Rory snap a little. "Hey, don't hurt the messenger."

"What do you mean?" Rory thundered. How dare he say that about Amy! And the Doctor!

Mickey was unfazed by Rory's sudden outburst. "Cool it. Face it, mate, ever since Amy met the Doctor, you're nothing but the third wheel." Mickey patted his shoulder almost soothingly. "I've been in that spot too, mate. The Doctor stole my girlfriend from me too." Mickey's voice was empty, but his eyes held hate for the Doctor.

. . . . . . .

"Amy Pond, you can stand all night here in your garden, but the Doctor isn't going to show." Donna sighed. "Let's go inside."

"Lady, I don't know who the hell you are, or how you got in my house, but the Doctor is coming!" Amy stomped her foot. Wait a sec. . . . "How do you know about the Doctor?" Amy narrowed her eyes.

"Me? What Doctor? Who are you talking about?" Donna cocked her head in confusion, which made Amy a little confused. "Doctor? What Doctor? Are you okay? Do you need a Doctor?" she asked a little concerned.

Amy was bugging out of her mind. "WHAT! You crazy! First, you know the Doctor! Then, you don't!" Amy screamed at her. "Do you know the Doctor? Have you travelled with him? DO YOU KNOW HIM?" she screeched until she was red in the face.

"Of course I travelled with him, stupid girl. How else would I know him?" Donna snapped. "You're awfully loud. Please, shut up." Amy's eyes were wide and she was seeing red. "But the question is how do YOU know the Doctor?" Donna questioned. "Does he know you?" that question felt like daggers stabbing Amy all over.

"Of course I know him! I've travelled with him! I'm his companion!" Amy huffed. She was getting tired of this stuck up Donna person and just wanted to hop in TARDIS and leave. "Doctor!"

"The Doctor's not coming." Donna whispered sadly. It actually made Amy's annoyance fade. She sounded so sad. "He'll never come. Never again."

"No. We're supposed to go to Raxa-raxa-coricngjv jfkd—whatever(!) and party! Or Rio. One or the other." Amy said. It was starting to get a little chilly outside. Hurry up, Doctor! Move your bow tie ass!

"He's not coming. He doesn't need you. In fact, he's never even met you, Amy Pond." Donna said matter-of-fact. "The Doctor doesn't know you exist. And, the fact that he doesn't crash on your shed, means you never met him when you were eight." Donna said, and Amy just stared at her in horror. "Poor Amy Pond, she's gonna live a life without the Doctor."

. . . . . . .

". . . .Who are you?" the Doctor asked accusingly at him former self.

"What?" he sputtered in disbelief and irritation. "I told you-"

"Because clearly, you aren't me! Well, the old me. And I know me. You're not me. Who are you?" the Doctor said threateningly. "I insist that you tell me. Because one, I don't like strangers on my ship, two, I don't like liars and three. . . . ." the Doctor liked the stop for dramatic effect. "I'm the Doctor and with three words I could end you. Now, tell me."

"Oooh, look at you! Look at you being all Doctory!" his doppelganger laughed. "Oh! You know what you remind me of? A psycho killer!" he squeaked with giggles. "A big, fat, killer. . . ."

"I know who you are." The Doctor said without hesitance. "And, you just made a big mistake."

"Oooh, who am I? Because you seem to assume that I don't know who I am. I'm the Doctor, that's who I am." 10.0 said sarcastically. He pulled out his blue sonic screwdriver and pointed it playfully at the Doctor. "I'm the Doctor, the one who makes people better!" he said dully and put the sonic away. "Really? I mean c'mon!"

"I'm dreaming." The Doctor stated, and that shut up his past self for a second. "This is nothing more than a dream, I'm snoring away in the TARDIS and this is the result. Why couldn't I have dreamed of a planet made of bow ties that sold fezzes? Stupid Raxaxcoricofallpatorians and their stupid cocktail smoothies. I said banana! Not weirdo dream smoothie!" the Doctor whined. "I mean, as much as I love talking to myself-"

"Fine. I'm not you. Not the Doctor. Whatever, that God for that. Because, I would certainly not want to be you." The man looking like himself said. "Just call me 10.0. That's the form I was forced to take." He pulled at the suit he was wearing.

"Forced? This dream is very weird. . . ." the Doctor pouted. "At least the TARDIS is still the same. Not made out of cats and platypuses or something like that."

"There you go again. Making assumptions." 10.0 sighed. "Why, Doctor, do you think this a dream? I think it's rather quite the opposite."

"You mean this is a nightmare?" the Doctor said slowly.

"Anyway you see fit I guess." 10.0 shrugged.

"What have you done to Amy and Rory!" the Doctor demanded. "I'm in a nightmare? Fine. Don't hurt them."

"Ah, but they are stuck in their own personal nightmares as well. And guess, what? The only way to wake up is to conquer your dreams." 10.0 smiled devilishly. His former self's face wasn't so pretty and innocent at the moment. Nothing more than another monster.

"Face my fears? Really?" the Doctor chided. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Dreams. Doctor, dreams. Dreams are completely different. And the faster you figure that out, the better." 10.0 said. He took off his spectacles. "Let's go outside, shall we?"

"I'll play your game. Dreamlord." The Doctor said coyly which made 10.0 turn around with an evil, twisted smile.

"I'm not the Dreamlord. I'm far worst." 10.0 sneered. "Now. Hurry up. Rory and Amy needs saving from their dreams too. They're very vivid dreams, Doctor. It could harm a person."

. . . . . . . . . . .

So that's chapter 1! Please review or story alert or something! Then I know if I should continue or not!