Hey my lovely readers...this is a story I had submitted several years ago and deleted when my computer crashed and I lost the story...so I rewrote it and I hope you enjoy!

~Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Hey Inuyasha, me, Sango, and Kikyo are going hunting, will you boys be alright setting up camp?" Kagome said as she and Sango grabbed their weapons.

"Why do we have to set up camp? It's the woman's job while the man hunts." Inuyasha said both Miroku and Sesshomaru, who had joined their group, looked up.

"Just because we are women and you are men, doesn't mean we have to set up camp and because you are men that you must hunt. It's a group effort and it's your turn to set up camp." Sango said as she stood facing them.

"I have to say I agree with Inuyasha. It's a woman's moral duty to set up and manage a camp as she would a house hold,"

"The monk has a point" Sesshomaru said bluntly as Miroku nodded in agreement.

"well then it's a mans moral duty to protect those in his home that the woman maintains and you three seem to be doing a very slack job of that lately." Kikyo said smirking at the boys stared at her. "Morally women aren't suppose to fight yet we do and therefore it is only natural that you men pick up the lose ends and help by setting up camp."

"And Kikyo had a point. Make sure there is a fire ready for us when we get back along with some water." Kagome said as she and the girls walked into the forest laughing. Over the past year much has changed. They had managed to bring Kikyo back to life, now she and Inuyasha were courting, Sango and Miroku were engaged to be married in the spring, while Kagome and Sesshomaru were simply flirting, but they seemed to be close to courting or knowing them just flat out mating.

Soon the girls reentered the camp to see the boys sulking at the two well sized dears the girls brought back compared to the three scrawny rabbits they had caught for lunch. The girls skinned and cooked part of a dear and expertly packed what was left for later after they had dried and salted it so it stayed preserved.

"So Kikyo if you had to choose who would be most likely survive in the wild who would it be a male or female and why?" Sango asked as they girls bathed later that night. Their argument with the boys' earlier still on her mind.

"In my opinion a female because we are trained from birth how to build a fire, to cook, to skin and package game, to identify and use plants, the only thing a man has going for him is he is trained how to hunt and fish, he can be physically stronger than a woman and he can fight while most women cant" Kikyo said as the others nodded finishing their bath.

"So Sesshomaru, if you had to choose which was most likely to survive which would you pick, man or woman?" Miroku asked looking at Sesshomaru.

"Male women are weak and powerless unless they are trained for a special purpose" he said not seeing the girls standing their fuming or the demoness standing to their side till it was to late,

"So you think women are weak," the demoness said glaring at them

"Yes we do, have a problem bitch" Inuyasha asked going for the Tetseiga when the demoness trapped them in a bubble and held them in her clawed hand.

"We shall see who is stronger. If you ladies truly are weak you will let the loves of your lives die if not find and fight for them." With that the demoness vanished. The girls let their anger build and began preparing to leave.

Well there it is! Please let me know what you thought! I hope you Enjoyed!
