HI! ok here is sort of quick one shot with Hermionie and Draco :)

its not the best and hasn't been Beta' but oh well

i hope you enjoy it!

Pain. That's the first thing I registered as I regained conscious. Excruciating pain. I opened my eyes and met the eyes of none other than Draco Malfoy. He looked sad; his usual cocky appearance was replaced with fear and sadness. Behind him his mother, she looked so much older than the last time I had seen her, as did Draco. They both looked like they hadn't slept in months. "Ahhh Miss Granger, so nice of you to join us." The voice said, interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and realised I was on table, in the middle, surrounded by death eaters. I knew this was the end, so I may as well go out throwing punches. "Hello Tom, I see you're looking as ugly as ever". Within seconds I was under the Crucio curse again, Bellatrix was laughing as she watched me have a fit on the table, but no screaming. I refused to give them the pleasure.

The pain stopped. "It's nice to see that you still have the fighting Spirit Miss Granger, I shall enjoy the moment you finally give up. I shall cherish the memory of the life, leaving your eyes." His voice made my skin craw and vile rise to my throat. I looked up and saw Snape, he looked sick. He was one of the many undercover death eaters working for the Order; I knew I would be safe as long as he was around. He gave me a small, barely there smile and a nod of the head, I knew what he was saying, be brave.

'Malfoy, take Miss Granger to your Quarters, she is your servant till we kill Potter" I felt cold arms wind their way around my body then I was floating, my face crushed to a hard chest. I looked up and was met with those same grey eyes that had kept me together all those months... They were the last thing I saw before I passed out.

I woke to the sounds of voices "How are we all going to get out with her? Snape, he will kill us" it was a woman's voice; I slowly opened my eyes and saw Snape, Mrs Malfoy and Draco. They noticed I was awake "where... am i…"I trailed off. I tried to stand, but the minute I was up, my legs gave out and I collapsed. Before my head hit the ground I was caught. Draco stood above me holding me up from around the waste. "What's going on Severus? Draco?' I asked. Snape came to me. "You were captured, I managed to get Ron and Harry away, but just as I got to you, Crouch Jr grabbed you, I had to pretend that I had caught you too or they would have killed us both…. They tortured you, the Crucio curse and my very own curse. I fixed you up as much as I could without them getting suspicions." I looked down, I was deathly pale with purple and yellow bruises covering 60% of my body, there were cuts across my chest and arms. My engagement ring had traces of blood on it. I felt tears fill my eyes and looked down so no one could see them. Suddenly I was being hugged "its ok dear, we will get you out, I will do everything in my power too, and they WILL not hurt you as long as I'm around" I looked up at Mrs Malfoy. She and Draco had joined the order shortly after Malfoy Senior was killed, they and Snape have been working as spies for months, and I trusted them all completely. "Thank you Mrs Malfoy" she gave me a weak smile then a lot of noise was heard from outside. "We must go now Hermione" Snape said "Draco shall keep you company and help you with your needs. We shall return tonight after the Order meeting. It is nearly the end. Harry has found the last Horcrux." Hope filled my heart and I nodded. "Good luck" then they were out the door.

I turned to Draco who was still holding me up. "May I please sit down Draco..." he nodded and placed me on the bed. He sighed then went to a small fridge by the door. "Draco..." he cut me off "I'm so sorry Hermione... I promised to protect you yet here you are... I'm a failer as an-""STOP! You did EVERYTHING you could." he nodded. He handed me a glass of water and some biscuits. "Thank you, i... thank you." He nodded and sat next to me on the bed, we ate in silence. I went to moved and winced, clutching my stomach "Here, let me help you. Where do you wish to go" I looked up into his grey eyes and pushed a piece of his blonde hair behind his ear "I would like to take a bath... if it's not too much trouble…" He gave me a smile, and nodded. He picked me up bridal style and placed me in the tub he slowly removed my pants and top, leaving me in my bra and undies. The tub filled with warm water, I hear myself moan and the water hit my much knotted back. I looked up into Draco eyes; they were no longer cold and sad, but hungry and filled with lust. In a blink of an eye he was there, in the giant tub with me. Kissing me as if there was no tomorrow. The kiss was rough and hard, but filled days of pent up frustration and passion. I took off his top and undid his belt. He had already taken of my bra and was working in my undies. We were now naked, looking at each other breathing hard. "Are... are you sure you want this Hermione? I don't want to hurt you..." he looked down at my engagement ring. I smiled "Draco, I'm ready; I may die within the next few days, I just… I just need to be with you, just this time. Please Draco, I love you" he smiled sadly and entered me. Together as one. We moved, moaned, grunted. We completed each other and came together.

Later that night as we lay holding each other, I looked down at the engagement ring on my finger. Everyone believed it was from Ron, but it was just a ploy, it was from Draco, Ron went along with it for my safety and for the order. I looked at Draco, his eyes were closed, and he looked so peaceful. We will get through this... I knew we would.

Three days later, the order striked and Voldemort and his followers were killed. The wizarding world was at peace and Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were saved, as was there unborn child.