Harry, Ginny, Getting Married?

I know in this story the the main characters might be a tad out of character, but then again this is fan fiction...

Chapter-1: Strung Along

Today was a very special day, today was the day of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger's wedding. It was a beautiful July morning, and there couldn't have been a more perfect day for such a joyous occasion.

"Oh Ginny! I'm so nervous!" exclaimed Hermione, as she and her maid of honor, Ginny Weasley, sat inside the special hotel suit reserved for the bride's wedding party.

"You know you have absolutely nothing to worry about Hermione! Ron won't try anything stupid, at least not today." Said Ginny.

"She's right sweetheart," said Mrs. Granger, "everything will be just fine. Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day!"

"I know, mum…. I'm just so scared!" Hermione was now fighting back the urge to burst into tears, luckily Mrs. Granger sensed Hermione's anxiety and tried to comfort her.

"Shhhhh…shhhh… now, now everything is alright. You know what Ginny, could you give me and my daughter a few minutes alone"

"Oh of course! I'll just be outside if you need me." She said as she exited the room. Just as she stepped out of the door way she spotted a man walking down the hall with jet black hair and brilliant green eyes, her long time boyfriend, harry potter. "Harry!" she yelled as she ran down the hall and into his arms.

He lifted her up so that they were looking into each others' eyes, "You look stunning in your dress." And that was true, thankfully Hermione had grown tired of Ginny's complaining about how at all her brothers' weddings she was forced to wear the ugliest colors. So she and Hermione worked tirelessly to find the perfect bride's maid dresses that pleased both Hermione's taste, and Ginny's shockingly red hair. This time the bride's maid dresses were light, flowy and a beautiful magenta color. This was by far Ginny's favorite bride's maid dress she had been forced to wear so far.

"And you look quite dashing yourself!" she said while she kissed him lightly.

Harry set her back on her feet and shrugged, "well best to get Hermione now, we're about to start!"

"Okay, I get her now, see you downstairs!" And at that she turned around and went back into the suite, "Sorry to interrupt, but Harry has just told me they're ready to start."

"Well now, best not to start a wedding without the bride now is it!" she said brightly while clapping her hands once and standing up. It seemed Hermione's mother was able to clam her nerves slightly and now Hermione was ready to start the next chapter of her life with Ron.

As they made their downstairs towards the grand entrance of the ballroom, Ginny couldn't help but feel just a tad jealous of her friend, everyone thought for sure Ginny and Harry would be the first to marry, after Bill and Fleur, of course and now, to everyone's surprise she was the last unmarried Weasley child.

The music was qued and she was starting to walk down the aisle, she desperately wished this could be her wedding day and that the person waiting at the end of the aisle was harry. Pushing her selfish thoughts out of her head, she assumed her spot on the stairs as Hermione gracefully walked towards her future husband. Maybe, just maybe, she thought, this would push Harry to get a move on already and ask her to marry him. I mean it's not like I'm going to say no. He knows that he's the one I want to spend my life with! We've been dating longer than anyone else and I'm not exactly getting any younger! 22 is the perfect age to get married! She was trying to not be so selfish and only think of herself on the most important day of her friend's life, but it was really hard! Ginny was never the jealous type but watching Ron and Hermione saying their vows awoke loads of feelings and resentment, she couldn't help but be angry with harry for making her wait this long!

The reception that followed the ceremony later that night was full of eating, dancing, toasts and other customary wedding things. Currently, Ginny and Harry were slow dancing on the dance floor and Harry had noticed Ginny had been rather distant all night.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Oh… nothing" she replied, Harry thought she sounded an awful lot like Luna, like she was worlds away from where they were.

"You're lying, I can tell. Do you want to talk about it?"

At this Ginny snapped. How could he not know what was bothering her? They had talked about one day getting married, and he even said he had every intention of making her his wife! Well, now she thought about it he had said that right before they were about to have sex for the first time, was he only saying that to get with her? This thought only managed to make her even angrier than before, "No, Harry! I said I was fine!" and at this she stormed her way off the dance floor.

Shit, he thought, what did I do now?

Having seen the altercation between Harry and Ginny, Hermione took a break from making the rounds at the tables, thanking her guests for coming, joined Harry at the empty table he was now sitting at. "You and Ginny have another row?" she asked rather cautiously, she always knew harry to get a bit snippy when he was angry.

"Yes. And this time I don't know what I did wrong!" he complained.

"Well it's obvious, isn't it?"

"Everything is obvious to you, Hermione, but please enlighten me, what was my big mistake this time?"

"You've been stringing her along for too long now!"

"What do you mean 'stringing her along'"

"She wants you to propose! Jeez Harry sometimes you can be so blind!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Well," she said placing her hand on her chin like she was thinking, "There was that time at George and Angelina's wedding…"

"Weddings are just beautiful aren't they?"Said Ginny, "I hope our wedding is this amazing…"

"Then, the night Ron and I announced our engagement…."

"Everyone, We're getting married!" Squealed Hermione.

"Congratulations, you two! We thought for sure the next two to get married would be Harry and Ginny…" Said Fred.

At this, Ginny tensed up and downed the glass of champagne, that had just been poured for her, in one gulp, "Well, I guess you were all wrong in thinking that, now, weren't you?" Ginny snapped.

"And then, of course there was that time last Christmas…"

"Happy Christmas, sweetheart!" said Harry as he handed her a small black box.

Her heart stopped, and everyone in the room turned their attention to Ginny as she opened the small box. Could this be the gift she has always been waiting for?

She slowly opened the box and her heart lurched when she saw what was inside, "Oh, earrings," she said, trying hard to hide her disappointment, "they're beautiful, thank you Harry."

"Hey, she said she liked those earrings! She wears them almost every day!" said Harry, defensively.

"Well, she was expecting a ring when she opened the box; everyone thought that was what it was too!"

They sat in silence for a moment or two before Hermione broke the silence, "May I ask why you haven't done it?"

At this harry looked up at her and ran his hand through his already thoroughly messy hair. "I just never thought of Ginny as one of those girls that wanted to be married, and I didn't think of myself as one of those guys to settle down…"

"Harry, you are settled down, is there anyone else you want to spend your life with?"


"Then stop being a lazy git, and put a ring on her finger!" She said, "Now if you will excuse me, I have more tables to visit."

Harry soon left the reception, in search of Ginny and he found her outside with a glass of fire whiskey and a cigarette in hand. He had only seen her smoke a few times before, and that was usually she after she got in a fight with her mother.

Shit. Shit. Shit! He thought, there's no way I'm going to be able to dig my way out of this one! "Ginny, baby, come back inside, Hermione is just about to toss her bouquet… I know you don't want to miss that."

Flicking her cigarette to the ground and downing her last bit of fire whiskey, she reluctantly followed Harry inside. When they got inside the ballroom every girl was gathered on the dance floor , waiting for Hermione to throw her bouquet.

"Hurry, and get out there." Said Harry, as he lightly pushed Ginny forward.

Why, she thought, why is he teasing me like this?

"Alright ladies… One…. Two," Just then Hermione threw a quick wink a Harry and yelled, "THREE!" and the bouquet landed right in Ginny's hands.

Well this is just, brilliant, she thought, sarcastically, now my whole family will keep teasing me about when Harry and I ever get married! If we'll ever get married!

Harry, laughed at Ginny's shocked face when the flowers landed right in her hands. She looked like she had just seen a ghost and Harry couldn't quite read the emotion behind her expression.

"Well looks like the pressure is on you, mate!" said Ron, "You're finally gunna have to get tied down!"

"Tell me about it…" Said Harry

"Better do it soon… before she gets tired of waiting" Harry threw Ron a death glare, as he said this, "Just sayin'! It could happen!"

Ron was right, it could happen. Ginny was already upset with Harry about waiting this long as it is. Who's to say she would wait much longer?