Theme: Gifts
Sakura and Mokona squealed as they tore through the brightly colored wrappings. They sat wedged so closely to the decorated branches of the tree that a handful of pine needles already stuck into the brown strands of hair. Finely made chocolates tumbled out of the boxes.
"There's one for you too, Kuro-tan."
The voice from above him dragged his attention away from the slashed armor draped over his knee. Fai was standing close enough that he had to trace drag his gaze from boots, to knees, to thighs, and finally to the patterned paper box with a metallic bow held out at arm's length. "I don't want any of your chocolate, mage."
"Oh, come on, Kuro-rin. Just open it." Fai settled next to him on the couch and pushed the present into Kurogane's resisting hands.
With a dark grumble of complaint, Kurogane tore into the package – it was always easier to give into the mage's more reasonable whims because he'd have more energy to resist the future ones.
A small leather pouch containing whetstone and oil sat in the bottom of the box. Kurogane pulled it out and turned it over in his hands. He'd lost his sword-sharpening kit in a previous world and had been trying to find a new one for the past several months. "Sometimes, mage, I actually…" When he opened his mouth to finish the sentence, Fai shoved a wedge of chocolate between his teeth. "Really hate you."
Fai patted his knee. "Of course you do, Kuro-chi."
So, since I'm doing the Kakairu challenge, I thought I would do the same with KuroFai since I haven't written them in a long time. Yeesh, it has been a while, hope I'm still capturing them okay...^^;