Authors note: Sorry it took me so long to update! This is a change from the first chapter, because its going back before Harry woke up. The point of view has also changed in it. And the last thing is please review because if I don't get some review off of this chapter or the next, I am going to assume that I am wasting my time with this story! And I would hate to see all my work go to waste on it. Thank you.

It's been three weeks mostly everyone is still in shock, mourning, or unconscious. It's rather depressing sitting here and watching Mad-Eye and Remus keep pouring multiple potions on my lifeless body. It took me two days to get them to believe it was me. It astounded us all that I was alive, and that we found my body in the unmarked grave my mother had dug for me when I ran away all those years ago. Even Mad-Eye was shocked that we found it, when I had just disappeared behind the Veil in the Department of Mysteries when I died.

I have to say, I'm happy that I can't really talk to anyone right now. I know they are going to have a million questions for me when I get my body back. But the first thing I'm going to do is go see Harry. I haven't really seen him scents the night of the Battle of Hogwarts. In all my years I never thought I would be around to see Bellatrix, none the less Voldemort get killed. But then I never thought; I would see a death curse hit my godson either, or see him kill two people. Though we all knew it would end up that way eventually. Though, no one is very proud of it.

Everyone is out of St. Mungos is very worried about Harry. It's mostly the remainders of the original Order of the Phoenix that is still walking around and worrying. I feel rather stupid now for saying "Well you're the young ones now; It's you war.' When Harry asked if I thought there was going to be another war. For now all the young ones are all laying unconscious in St. Mungos.

If the guilt isn't bad enough everyone is a bit superstitious about me being alive. Mad-Eye and Remus are keeping my being alive a secret. Everyone else just thinks I'm a stray that they took in. But none of them know how much a stray can eaves drop on nightly talks about everyone in the hospital is doing. They have no idea that I'm outside the window listening in on what is to be said.

A lot is said about multiple hits with spells; curses that take awhile to remove; multiple missing bones in all of them; up to eight bottles of Skele-Gro each, and cuts that won't heal. I hear a lot of talk about finding scars and marks no one noticed before. One night I heard a bit of the cut on his forehead won't heal. They also found "mudblood" carved into Hermione's arm, and no one knows how "I mustn't tell lies" got carved into Harry's hand. When the healer said it was a few years old. And how it is a miracle, that they are all alive.

If hearing about how mangled up everyone is, isn't bad enough. Mad-Eye and Remus don't know how to keep their conversations private. I don't like what I've heard them say. Though, I have to agree with them on some of it. I really agree with Remus on the sooner Harry wakes up, the better. I wonder if Mad-Eye has the slightest clue how much I have heard him say about me.

One night all I heard was "That man is going to be a suicide risk." And then Remus saying "Yes he might be a bit depressed. But the man survived ten years in Azkaban. I think he can survive this."

"Only to break out, and seek revenge on his old friend that betrayed him, and got his other two friends killed. Oh, and left his godson an orphan."

"But Sirius didn't kill him. I know I wanted to, but I'm not the one who really suffered because of Pettigrew. I knew once I heard that he broken out of Azkaban; he would be out to get Pettigrew, and see Harry if could. But I never thought Ron would have got tied up with it because of the bloody rat thing. And I don't being a black dog helped any."

"But you said yourself that you were frightened at the thought of Sirius breaking out of prison, and you warned Harry to watch out for him."

"I warned Harry for his own safety. Harry was the main reason the Ministry put dementors at Hogwarts anyway. And he was the only reason I came to teach there. No one had the slightest clue if Sirius had changed in that place, or if the history of his last name had finally caught up with him."

That was all I could stand to hear of Mad-Eye and Remus' conversations that they didn't know I was listening to. They all overlook me braking out of Azkaban. Though I'm very glad none of them asked how I did it. But no one knows how I survived in that horrid place.

I was the only one who knew the truth that would speak it. And I knew I couldn't die in prison. I had people that believed I was no murderer, but that was not good enough for me. I couldn't stand to think of my godson living a life with no family at all. If I had not escaped, Harry would have never known who I was or who truly betrayed his parents.

I am the one who has to reveal the rest of these secrets to him. Even if I have to live the rest of this life in misery. I will not show pain to him, when he has felt it all his life. I will not burden him with the pain of another family member dying. Only to leave him with all the wonders of his life unanswered.