"Your highness-"


"The Ambassador of Ba-"

"'Your highness'? Wow, what happened to 'The Traitor Prince'?"

"Shh! What was that?"

"The Ambassador of Ba Sing Se is returning to his villa, and would like to express his gratitude for-"

"Finally! I thought that old windbag would never leave!"


"What? It's true! Not to mention he was drinking Zuzu here out house and home!"

"He'd like to what?"

"Express his gratitude for your hospitality and to wish you a-"

"Ping! What are you doing? I can speak for myself! Go and wait by the palanquin. Quickly, now!" Ping shot his master a disapproving look, bowed low to each of the occupants of the round wooden table and left with his nose in the air. A huge man with shoulders as wide as a rhino's staggered over to the table, his arm outstretched.

The Firelord rose out of his seat with a definite wobble and waved groggily at his guest. He made to take a step forward, instead keeling over backwards into his still-seated wife. The table erupted into fits of giggles. Zuko was eventually tipped back upright like an unbalanced urn, and extended his own arm.

"Ambassador Gong-Li," The giddy tone of Zuko's voice didn't match at all his expression, which was so ridiculously sombre that a casual observer would have thought someone had died. "Thank you for honouring my house with your presence." The big man clasped his arm in response, shaking it so enthusiastically that Zuko lolled about like a rag doll. A lopsided grin was plastered across Gong-Li's brown face, surrounded by a short pepper-grey beard.

"The pleasure has been entirely mine, majesty!" He boomed. "Dining in the Firelord's own home, who would have thought it, eh? And with the Avatar to boot!" From across the table Aang cheered, raising his goblet. Its purplish contents sloshed all over the tablecloth, to a fresh outburst of laughter.

"I think, Mr. Almighty Avatar," purred Katara, reaching for his cup. "You've had a little too much to drink." Aang silenced her with a swift kiss on the cheek, and after two attempts managed to climb successfully to his feet. He took the Gong-Li's other arm.

"Good to see you again, Ambassador!"

"Avatar Aang!" exclaimed the Ambassador, swaying dangerously on the spot. His expression suddenly brightened. "Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to my villa?" Sokka choked on his wine. Ignoring him, Gong-Li released the Firelord from his grip (who promptly slumped to the floor, cradling his wrist) and gave Aang a knee-buckling pat on the back. "Yes!" He roared. "My villa, sir! My wife makes outstanding rice cakes! Best in the Earth Kingdom! I understand you're a fan of rice cakes?"

"But we're not in the Earth Kingdom." sniggered the Avatar.

"Oh." The Ambassador's face fell, and he promptly dropped Aang's arm. "Oh yes, you're quite right. Well, never mind then."

"But," said Aang brightly. "If you like I shall walk you out!"

"What a courteous young man! I say," he leant in close. "Have I introduced you to my daughters? I have seven, four of which are about your age, and very-"

"My, would you look at the time!" said Katara loudly.

"Indeed, Master Katara! The time indeed! I shall be off! Thank you again, Firelord Zuko, for your wonderful wine and hospitality. I shall see you all soon, with any luck! Oh! And do give my best to your uncle!" With a clumsy bow, the Ambassador wove his way out of the hall. Aang waved groggily at his back, before falling back into his seat.

Hours earlier, the Firelord's Palace had been bursting at the seams with nobility from every nation, celebrating the fifth anniversary of Zuko's coronation: the corridors exploding with excited chatter, raucous drunken laughter and music. Now, in the early hours of the morning, it was all but empty, the enormous dining hall spotted with round tables devoid of all signs of life but for the faint clinking of plates being cleared. In the centre of the hall the Firelord and his closest companions remained at their table, ignoring the few servants that still skittered about the edges of the room. That is, until Sokka's goblet was empty.

"You know, Aang," slurred Sokka, leaning across the red tablecloth towards the Avatar seated opposite. "I think the old man was coming on to you," Suki, who by all appearances had appeared to be asleep on her husband's shoulder, jerked awake and punched him in the ribs.

While Sokka swore, Aang merely laughed, and wrapped an arm about Katara's waist. The waterbender smirked at her brother's distress, shuffling her seat a little closer to the Avatar's. Quite suddenly, she appeared to find the wooden beads of Aang's necklace fascinating, and tugged at it insistently.

Next to her sat Toph, too busy bending Zuko's goblet into amusing shapes to notice any of the action, her feet propped up on the table. Opposite her sat the Firelord and Lady. Zuko had managed to crawl back to his seat since the departure of Ambassador Gong-Li, and now lay face-flat on the table. Mai's head was propped up by her elbow, a bemused smile on her face as she absently traced the rim of her cup with her index finger.

With a scowl, Toph tossed the mutilated goblet over her shoulder. "Stop being such a sap, Sokka," she said, grinning nastily. Sokka's eyes popped, and he opened his mouth to respond. He wheezed something indiscernible. Toph cupped her hand next to her ear. "What was that? I couldn't catch that witty comeback through your gasps of pain."

"Aw, leave him be, Toph," yawned Suki, snuggling against Sokka's shoulder once more. "He's just sore because he got beaten up by a girl, again. Isn't that right, sweetie?" Sokka sniffed loudly.

Toph blinked. "Why should he be sore?" She crossed her arms. "He should be used to it by now!" Sokka's face turned a blotchy red, and he jumped onto the table to shrieks of surprise around the table.

"I challenge you to an Agni Kai!" he yelled, pointing a finger dramatically at the earthbender.

"Sokka," drawled Mai. "You idiot. You have to be a firebender to fight an Agni Kai."

"Yeah, Sokka," sneered Toph. "Stop making a scene." While the occupants of the Firelord's table laughed, Sokka sulkily climbed back into his seat. Suddenly, he looked at Suki, as if he had just remembered she was there. He grinned, and leant over to wind his fingers in her hair.

"I'm glad you grew your hair out," he said slyly. Suki smiled seductively, moving closer.

"Yeah?" she crooned. "And why is that?" Sokka nipped at her ear.

"It gives me something to hold onto…" Toph made a loud gagging noise. Suki's giggles continued.

"Well," she said, shoving Sokka off of her and back into his seat, where he sat grinning dazedly. "I think you should grow out your goatee." Sokka wrinkled his nose.

"Why would you want that? Then I'd look like Zuko!" Their eyes fell on the sleeping Firelord.

"It gives me something to hold onto," purred Mai, her eyes sliding across the table to her husband. Zuko snored loudly.

"Well, I don't think you'll be holding onto anything tonight." sniffed Toph, not bothering to disguise the disgust in her voice.

At that moment, Aang leapt to his feet with a shout that caused everyone to start. Except for Zuko.

"What's wrong?" asked Katara, alarmed. Aang slapped his palm to his forehead.

"I forgot!"

"Forgot what?" Aang shook his head sadly, and Katara frowned. She folded her arms, having since lost her initial air of fright. "Forgot what?" she asked again.

"I forgot that I said I'd walk Ambassador Gong-Li out." The seriousness of Aang's worry over such a trivial matter made Katara laugh.

"Well, you can go and find him if you like. You know, bring him back here, and try again."

"But Katara," whined Sokka. "We only just got rid of him!"

Ignoring Sokka, Aang turned from Katara, thoughtfully rubbing his chin. "I wonder if I could catch up to his palanquin bearers before-" His pacing was stopped abruptly by Katara yanking on the hem of his robes. He blinked down at her, confused. She floated to her feet and grabbed the front of his robes. Smiling wolfishly, Katara yanked him down to eye level.

"Forget about it," she purred. Aang grinned.

"Yes ma'am," he murmured. He took a few steps backwards, and Katara, still hooked firmly to the front of his robes, stumbled after him. "He was the last guest though, so it really would have been polite to see him go."

Katara furrowed her brow in false deliberation. "The last guest you say?" Her hands snaked their way up his chest and around his neck. Aang tightened his grip on her waist, pulling her closer. "Well then," she breathed. "This presents an interesting situation."

"Which is?" he muttered, the smile clear in his voice.

"We're alone."

"I see." Aang moved to close the small gap between them

"Hey, lovebirds! You're not that alone! That's my sister, Aang! Married or not, I still have a- Are you even listening to me?"

"No," whispered Katara, slowly rising onto her tiptoes. Sokka frowned, sitting upright despite Suki's groan of protest.

"None of that! Aang, I'm warning you, you'd better not- Don't you even think about-! Ugh..."

"Too late!" said Toph brightly, folding her arms behind her head. Sokka fell back into his seat, defeated.

"I'm going to need more wine," he growled.

"Zuko's not going to be happy when he wakes up," Mai speculated, taking a sip from her goblet. "Especially if you keep drinking his best wine, hangover besides. Honestly, I think you've drunk more than all the guests put together!"

"That may be so," he said darkly, a pained expression on his face. "But it's for medicinal reasons." Suki frowned.

"Medicinal? Is it your leg again?" She asked. Sokka shook his head, jerking his head towards Aang and Katara (so tightly pressed together that they swayed on the spot). Toph mimed vomiting.

"You and me both, Snoozles," she said, dragging her own goblet towards her. She frowned. "Empty. Typical."

"I think it's sweet," protested Suki, her eyes still on the kissing couple, who were now pressed up against a column. "Although, I admit they can get a bit much sometimes …" A minute slipped by and Aang and Katara showed no sign of letting up, despite Sokka's gradually purpling complexion. Finally, Mai sighed.

"Yeah, this is becoming weird. Reminds me of the time I found Ty Lee and Azula-" she stopped abruptly, aware that every conscious eye at the table was now fixed upon her. "I'll just get the wine," she said quickly, craning her neck over her shoulder. She caught the eye of a servant who was scuttling towards the kitchen. He hurried over, giving the Fire Lady a low bow.

"Majesty?" he had a high-pitched, wheezy voice, and a gaunt ashen face which made his beady little eyes appear to pop out of his skull.

"More wine, please." said Mai slowly, eyeing the man warily. He smiled nastily, and dipped his head.

"Of course, Fire Lady Mai." All eyes followed the retreating figure of the servant as he ducked under a curtain and out of sight.

"Where'd you pick him up, Mai?" said Sokka in a low voice. "He looks like he rose from the grave." Mai gave him a hard look.

"Don't ask me, Zuko hired extra staff for the party. I've never seen him before in my life."

"But," said Toph, scratching her nose. "That doesn't change the fact that he was creepy."

"Guys, it's unfair to judge people on their appearances." Everyone jumped. Aang, unnoticed by the rest, had slipped back into his seat while they had been talking. Katara sat in his lap, an arm draped around his neck. Their expressions were both slightly glazed, and Katara's carefully composed bun had been knocked askew. Aang's lips had red smeared across them, the source of which could be found on the equally smeared painted lips of the girl in his lap.

"That may be," continued Sokka, waving an arm in the direction of the servant, while Suki gingerly passed Aang a napkin, pointing to his lips. "But you have to admit, that guy was just plain scary!"Aang blushed, gratefully accepting the napkin from Suki and rubbing at his lips feverishly. Katara giggled, and began to play with his necklace again.

Aang frowned, and opened his mouth to protest. Much to everyone's relief, Katara interrupted what everyone suspected was going to be a long Avatar-style speech on ethics. "He did look pretty creepy, Aang. Admit it, you thought so to." Aang smiled sheepishly.

"Well, a little bit, I guess… But the monks said-" Katara pressed and finger to his lips.

"Thank the spirits," groaned Toph. "I am so glad you two are together, you have no idea. No one else can shut him up like you, Sweetness." However, when Aang pulled Katara closer to nibble at her neck, and Katara's delighted giggles reverberated about the hall, Toph slammed her head into the table with a dull thud. She raised a finger. "I take it back!"

Suki laughed at Sokka's sour expression. "Sokka, relax."

"But he's eating my sister! Look!"

"Well, kissing in public's not so bad, you know," said Suki innocently, walking her fingers along his collar bone.

"Are you serious? It's disgusting! Not to mention rude!" Suki huffed, falling back into her seat. She folded her arms sulkily and shot Sokka a filthy look.

"Looks like someone's sleeping alone tonight."

"Wait, what?" Sokka tore his eyes from the happy couple opposite. "Why?" he whined. Suki shot him a pointed look. "No, seriously, why? I don't- what did I do? Suki!"

"Wine!" gasped Toph, lunging for her goblet as the creepy-looking servant returned. He scuttled about the table, filling up all of the cups nodding to each muffled "thank you" he received, before bowing to each and leaving in silence. Sokka snapped his fingers at Aang, and pointed towards the place where the man had vanished. Aang looked up, and Katara glared at her brother.

"See? Creepy!" Aang shrugged, and Katara slipped off his lap and back into her own seat. Mai lifted the goblet to her nose. She pulled a face.

"I did ask for wine, right?"

"I thought so," said Katara, tilting her head curiously. Sokka laughed.

"Come on, Katara. Like you would have been able to focus on what Mai was saying! You looked pretty busy to me!" Katara blushed furiously, scowling.

"Well," continued Mai. "This certainly smells stronger than-" Aang coughed and spluttered, his face turning bright red. He clutched at his throat between wheezy laughs.

"N-not w-w-wi-wine." He croaked. Katara laughed, and looked into his goblet. She gasped.

"Did you just down the whole cup? Aang!" Still coughing, Aang managed a guilty smile of affirmation.

"Just as well," said Sokka, scooping up his own goblet. "I'm going to need it with you two eating at each other's faces every two minutes!" Katara raised an eyebrow, while Aang coughed.

"I'll drink to that!" said Toph, raising her goblet. "Here's to staying sane!"

"To ignorant boyfriends!" said Suki, lifting her own cup and earning a thoroughly confused look from Sokka.

"To the fifth anniversary of the coronation of Firelord Zuko!" There was a pause, in which Zuko remained in his comatose state on the table.

"I think he's had enough toasts, don't you?" snorted Toph. "Cheers, everyo-" At that moment, Aang's quiet coughing suddenly turned violent and chesty.

"Aang, are you alright?" Katara looked alarmed.

"So he can't down his drink," shrugged Mai, her brow creased in amused concern.

"Guys," Toph frowned, swinging her feet onto the floor and sitting upright. "I not so-" Aang was on his feet with a loud scrape of his chair, hand covering his mouth.

"F-f-f-fi-fine, r-really… Outsi-i-i-ide f-for a m-m-minute…" The rest of the table watched him blankly as he staggered towards the door, coughing violently. He made it half way across the room before he dropped to his knees.

"Aang!" Katara skidded to his side in a split second, while the others and their drunken limbs struggled to rise. Aang was on all fours now, his breath coming in short shallow gasps between deep, chesty coughs. He clutched at his throat and his teeth were bared. Katara kneeled beside him, a hand on his back, her face white.

"Aang, what's wrong? Tell me what's wrong, I can't help you if don't-"

"H-h-hu-hurts," he choked.

"Where? Where does it hurt?" Aang continued to cough as though his lungs were trying to escape through his throat. She cast a panicked look over her shoulder back at her companions, whom she was furious to see were still standing by the table, frozen with shock. "Don't just stand there, get help!" She shrieked. Mai snapped out of her dream-like state, and disappeared. Katara turned back to Aang, in time to see a thick line of blood drizzle from the corner of his lips and pool on the marble floor. He shuddered, and collapsed. "AANG!"