Here's Parker's chapter. Set in season four directly after Beer Bad.


His head still hurt. Even three days later. After it had been hit—more than once, might he add—a large knot had appeared at the point of impact, and it throbbed with each movement, head turn, and blink.

The sunlight made it worse, too. He wondered briefly if he should just kip classes. Maybe stay in his dorm and sleep for a few more hours than strictly necessary. Then he remembered that Walsh would most likely kick him out of her class for such tomfoolery. So he'd been off, wincing with each step coming like habit.

Maybe he'd deserved. Alright, so he had deserved it. He knew he had. Okay, maybe not so much the third time, but definitely the first two times.

As he took a seat in the lecture hall, his eyes trailed around until they unconsciously settled on Buffy. She sat a couple of rows ahead and to the right of his seat, directly next to Willow. They weren't talking, just looking around the room at all of the others. He could almost feel the tension between them from where he sat, close to fifteen feet away.

While he watched, they both turned to one another and tried to speak at once. Although he couldn't hear what was said, he saw Buffy gesture for Willow to go ahead. She said something that made her companion smile widely at her and reply quickly. After speaking for a few moments, they both turned to the front of the lecture hall. Parker's mouth nearly fell open as he saw their hands link together under their desks.

Some friendships are based on a deep emotional tie. Or a loyal friendship.

As he watched them subtly holding hands beneath their desks, everything started to click into place in his head; why Willow had confronted him as angrily as she had, why she hadn't seemed interesting as he'd tried to charm her, why that short guy hadn't been sitting near them for the past few weeks, why they were always smiling at each other. He'd been so stupid, so naïve. He felt his face turn red as he continued to watch them silently.

I'm impressed that you care so much about her.

His own words jumped into his throat and he felt far more foolish than he had before. It was plain, obvious even, right there in the open. He'd embarrassed himself. Briefly, he knew deep down that he'd deserved it. He had been awful to Buffy. To both of them, even.

Parker watched as Buffy and Willow shared a smile and turned away, both blushing, knowing that this was exactly what he had coming to him.

I'm not so proud of that chapter. However, I will post…Hm…Probably Wesley's tomorrow.