Title: Advice
Author: AmyToo ([email protected])
Disclaimer: I don't own JAG or its characters. No money was made off of this story. Please don't sue me.
Classification: G
Category: Double Drabble/Missing Dialogue
Summary: Renee gives Harm some advice before she leaves his life forever...

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"...We both know that you and I were never going down the aisle."

Harm smiled at her. "Well, it wasn't because of you."

"Oh, I know that. I'm a catch," Renee replied, smiling.

After a moment of awkward silence, Harm cleared his throat. "Well, I should get back to work. Goodbye, Renee," he said, kissing her cheek, "I hope you and Cyrus have a wonderful and happy life together. You both deserve it."

"Thank you, Harm," Renee replied, tears in her eyes. She watched him turn to leave the courtroom. "Oh, Harm?"

Harm faced her again. "Yes?"

"I hope you have a happy life too... with Mac." At the look of surprise on his face she continued. "Yeah, I know the reason I was never going to say 'I do' with you is because you love her the way Cy and I love each other. Harm, tell her how you feel before it's too late."

"Things aren't that simple," he replied.

Renee pushed past him to exit the courtroom first. "Harm, when you love someone, things are ALWAYS that simple. It's life that's hard."

And with that, she walked out of the courtroom, leaving Harm behind to ponder her words of wisdom...